Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I type. Proof read. Edit. Post. Read. Edit again. Read. Edit again. This may happen again. Then someone quotes me and captured is yet another typo or wrong word. It’s maddening.

I always Edit. I just have to. I can’t live my life knowing I left sentences like “As I is was saying”.


I hear you! I write and edit for a living but I am often stunned to see myself quoted and think, “I wrote that?” I sometimes wonder if I should have my posts “peer reviewed” before I post them! :smile:


Did anyone happen to see the new episode of Law and Order that was on NBC last night? It ended with a not guilty by reason of insanity/mental defect verdict for someone who said he did not remember the event, including testimony from expert witnesses about his mental state, but I have to think it was a coincidence. I would imagine the episode was finished and ready to go long before MB’s verdict, if not before his trial even started.

I know they like to do cases that are ripped from the headlines on that show, but I doubt they could rip them quite that fast.

I will say that there were definitely points when one lawyer was talking instead of asking the witness a question, and I was thinking, why isn’t the other lawyer objecting yet? Lol.


Well, think about his training of the top level eventers he works with, PD, BM, etc.
A trainer learns so, so much from other accomplished riders/trainers, from top horses.
That he is willing to do that, interested in doing that… Says alot.

His interview with Eventing Nation, also on YouTube, speaking about the investment in our sports, not just Dressage but Eventing too, was so thoughtful, and pro horse.

If our sports (equestrian) lose this trainer, because of this… (Fill in the blank) person(s)… it will be a tragic disservice to our sports and our horses and riders.



I saw it! Didn’t realize it was a new episode.

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Yes, the episodes on NBC on Thursday nights are brand new as part of the reboot that just started a couple of months ago. It’s a little hard to tell, since they brought back a couple of the actors who were on the show when it went off the air twelve years ago. Lol.


Wiley Coyote?


I am putting forth the term - “psyter” (psychological terrorist). :upside_down_face:


in nearly half a century they have gotten good at it. \They got away from the ‘ripped from the headlines’ byline.

I am not completely sure I like the reboot.

I hear you. But I’m glad the show is back in production on location in New York, and no doubt providing employment for lots of Broadway actors again.


leave him out of this!


They brought back most of the actors who can believably be still working in the public sector.
Kind of wild to see Sam Waterston as the ‘Old Man’!


Yes, it was funny to see Sam Waterson’s line referring to his old boss at the end of the show. I’m not even sure which boss he was referring to, since I have only seen some of the episodes over the years. It’s probably a pretty long list of possibilities. Lol.

According to IMDb, the show started in 1990 with 466 episodes so far. Wow.

And I believe that’s just the original show, never mind all the spinoff versions. Law and Order SVU has been going for 23 seasons so far with more than 500 episodes! :hushed:


He had 2 ‘Old Men’
Steven Hill and Fred Thomson.


I’m all screwy on the TV thing because I’m away from home watching TV on another cable system so I have no idea what channel I’m watching at any given time LOL

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They do not have a logo somewhere on the screen blocking some text that they also put on the screen but you can’t read because of that logo?

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Law & Order (SVU) is a favorite of mine.

There are many reasons for that.

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I’m not that smart to be paying attention. Every channel is times 3. So NBC will be on 7 plus 117 plus 1137 then if I change the source there’s Peacock or whatever it is. Can’t keep track.

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I am guessing “7” is Standard Definition (SDTV), and “117” is High Definition (HDTV). And “1137” may provide another HDTV “format” with different scan type and frame rate.

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I agree. This “name dropping” is common in other non-horse disciplines, and is respected. By referring to your mentors and teachers, you are defining your sources of knowledge and paying homage to those who came before you. It is incredibly common in folk and traditional musics, “I learned this tune from Brian Conway, who got it from Martin Wynne, though he played it with rolls instead of triplets. Here, you can hear it on this recording I made back in the 70’s at this house session.” It’s not arrogance, it’s actually a form of humility and acknowledging that you are not the be-all of knowledge of all things dressage or fiddle or jazz or whatever.