Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Or like the ones they give us for scoring at Shooting Clays matches.


Probably because she is still expending time and emotional energy continuing her campaign to destroy others (particularly MB, but also MHG and RC and probably other folks).


They all seem to be the same but at home that’s how it is.

For me to watch a show I like I have to type out the name in Seatch LOL

Oh I highly doubt she will stop. These kinds don’t stop until they realize that it’s in their best interest to stop and she is not there yet. An Order of Protection might work to some degree but the bad mouthing and under table attempts won’t stop.


It depends on who is saying it, and especially who is listening to it.
One side will call it humble, the other side arrogant name dropping. You just can’t please all people.


you mean they stop when they are 6 feet under.
They will keep it up in the nursing home.


I escaped 2 narcissists. It took learning about them, studying about them, long thoughtful planning and a change of life where I literally disarmed their ability to hurt me. I moved to a barn they didn’t know existed. Changed phone numbers. In one case got an Order of Protection. Left friendships behind. Total no contact. If someone was in communication with them I eliminated them too. Blocked social media. I became a ghost.

Both times it worked.


but gosh, what a price to pay. (and one slipup, and they are back)


She has every right to sue MB, SGF, and RC for their roles in her injury. If MHGs role in the events puts her in an unflattering light, that’s the natural consequence of her decisions.

Oh the irony of this sentence.

Let me edit it for you:
If MHGs Lauren’s role in the events puts her in an unflattering light, that’s the natural consequence of her decisions.


And for two seasons (11 and 12), Diane Weist.


true, but we were talking about ‘men’ :slight_smile:
She brought an interesting aspect to the show. More academic, and female.

Only thrice? Amateur.

I am my own grammar police - and I still fail miserably. For some reason, I often type double “the the” or “and and”.

Best thing about editing - when you are very annoyed by a particular post and are having a bad day, you can type out a vehement, scathing response, savor it for a minute or two and then delete it before actually replying. Or, you can edit it down to being heated and POed
 edit again to get down to “annoyed”
 edit again to firm disagreement - and finally hit the reply button!


It’s really pretty remarkable to scroll through the list of actors who have appeared on that show over the years, both in regular roles and as guest stars for an episode or two. Many, many, many very accomplished performers, including lots of theater types as well.


Excellent point, trub. Kudos to the max.

My point is that each of actors in this tragedy will suffer the consequences of their bad decisions. LK, MHG, RC, everyone.

Hundreds of thousands of posts are dedicated to shining a thousand spotlights on the bad decisions and misdeeds of LK, and you find it “ironic” that I should suggest that MHG made bad decisions as well.

oh yes, a bunch of ‘a-listers’
And often as the villain! I wonder if they enjoyed the aspect of being cast so differently from the parts that made them famous! Richard Thomas as murderer, or Carol Burnet! And Robin Williams as psycho


Ha, editing my own post again. I meant to say “Sporting Clays matches.” Maybe I shouldn’t try to post when I am being pressured by the dog for her walk. :laughing:





There is a VERY HUGE difference between intentionally ruining the lives of those around you for your pleasure and just being your average person who does not always make the right decision.


Laugh. I thought the emoji was a cloud at first and I was trying to figure out why you wanted me to cloud
 but now I see it.

Maybe I need new glasses to go along with my deep breath.
