Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

And isn’t it sad what one has to do to get those types of folks out of your life?

In my case, I had to pay a fine to USEF because the narcissist that went after me lied to them about what I said to her at a horse show. And since I was up against a major hard deadline at work and not able to take time off to go to Lexington for the hearing so I could defend myself (I even had witnesses), the hearing committee got hoodwinked by her (she was all sweet and respectful with them at the hearing and they fell for it). So I got clobbered with a $1000 fine and threatened by a local horse show organizer to have me removed by the police from a show unless I paid the fine. I was not in a position in my life to expend any more bandwidth fighting it, so I paid the danged fine just to be done with it. Best $1000 I ever spent but I have had a very bitter taste in my mouth about USEF ever since. “Old ladies in skirts” is how one of my previous trainers derisively described TPTB at USEF - and I think I agree with her in many respects. :laughing:



Should have probably looked for :scissors:

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And visa versa. And we already know how the public and the jury feels so good luck with that.


I guess you missed my post some time back where Judge Taylor commented about an NGI verdict removing all legal responsibility (from the defendant).

Not sure how MB’s actions could therefore be considered in any way liable for what happened to LK. And if he can’t be held liable, then it seems it would be a stretch for a jury to find that SGF and RC are liable.


@CurrentlyHorseless I have to ask but what exactly was MHGs role in this drama? What specifically did MHG do to inspire all this venom by LK and you? What did MHG do wrong?


I just recently came across a new emoji, but I don’t know when I will ever have the need to use it, so I’m going to insert it here.


Also, does anyone recognize this one? Is it a lamp of some sort?


Edited to add: Ok, the latter emoji looks completely different between the post and my keyboard. This is how it looked before I hit reply. :woman_shrugging:


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@MHM I can not see your first set of emojis, the screen shot below is what I see. Are they Apple emojis? They sometimes do not show for people not using an Apple device.


She has every right to sue, absolutely. She suffered grievous injuries and wants to be compensated for her pain and suffering, as is the norm in American society. And if the jury believes MB is the one who shot her, he will likely be held liable.

Not so sure there’s any evidence that the others are remotely responsible, especially if RC’s purpose in giving MB her gun was to have him secure it properly in the gun safe.

Note I said IF the jury believes MB was the shooter, and that’s a big if. The criminal trail already showed a stunning lack of forensic evidence to support that theory, plus the incompetent handling of the crime scene by the police. Assuming the civil trail allows for alternate scenarios including self defence against an attack by LK, RG and / or their dog, the jury may not be easily convinced.


You are totally ignoring the fact that she has been out performing on social media (as has been shown here). Some people don’t know when to step away from the keyboard or cellphone, because they are only making themselves look worse IMHO.

ETA: Just what the eff has MHG done to put herself in “an unflattering light”? You’re assuming she walked away from MB, but it could also be assumed he told her to get on with her life without him also. We don’t know what happened between them after that day in August do we?


The jury could also find that her actions contributed enough to the incident that her liability outweighs his, which is not in consideration in the criminal trial.

That’s going to be a very interesting aspect of the civil trial.


So I did a thing : )


Except as I posted above, Judge Taylor commented during the charge conference that (diminished capacity) “doesn’t remove all legal responsibility like insanity does.”

And I believe that he was reading from the code when he said that. If that is in fact part of the criminal code of NJ, then it seems to me that MB cannot be held legally responsible for what happened to LK.

I also wonder if that is why Mr. B rather focused on an NGI aspect instead of just NG as the latter verdict would have allowed for MB to be sued.


This is another new emoji I just noticed. 🥷Coincidence? :thinking:


Oh, that is amazing @Rhythm_Pace_Impulsion!


It’s a row of disco balls!

It’s sort of crazy that with all the modern technology, the stuff does not always appear for everybody.


Well, some people have been busy writing movies in their heads. And then acting as if those mental movies are documentaries, and proceeding from there.




@CurrentlyHorseless still waiting to hear what on earth MHG did that was so heinous to LK.

I’m quite sure others would like to know too.


Wow. If that’s the case, hats off to Mr. B yet again for some impressive strategy. Once more playing chess at a much higher level than the others at the table.


Wind chimes?

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