Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yes, if that is truly the case, then it was certainly a brilliant move on Mr. B’s part. Sheer genius! :grinning:


Well MB’s civil lawyer was working with him during the trial, odds are they discussed this possibility.




So I was listening to the closing arguments again. This was at the very beginning of Mr. B’s summation.

…because I can’t respond (to the prosecutor’s closing argument) I’m going to ask you to listen carefully to everything he says…make sure the evidence supports what he says… Because in his opening statement, he told you that when Michael Barisone drove down to the farmhouse and confronted Lauren Kanarek, he was angry, he was furious. Those were HIS words (Schellhorn’s). I submit there is no evidence whatsoever in this record to support that statement. To the contrary it’s the opposite. Even Robert Goodwin and Lauren Kanarek described Michael Barisone as calm. He (Goodwin) used the word sorrowful…

So this was Schellhorn’s expression while Mr. B was “discrediting” him only three minutes into his summation. I don’t think he was happy.


Yeah, this whole situation was so sad, and needless. The surgeon’s testimony about Kanarek’s injuries was kind of sickening. She did not deserve be shot. I know that has been stated many times here, but it was an awful thing and she is lucky to be alive.



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On top of the cards people have been sending to Mr. B and Mr. D and MB, I feel like we should track down the court room cameramen and send them some thank you cards for all these fantastic moments.

Also, now that someone else has mentioned it, all I can see are his (Star Trek throwback?) sideburns.


I would hope, as an innocent person but also due to covid numbers rising in NJ, he’s not sharing a cell!


Starsky and Hutch.


Speaking of which. I wonder if the people in the jails in New Jersey and elsewhere have gotten Covid vaccinations.


There are several jails in my area, and thus lots of locals work at them.
I believe the vax stats from each town with a jail included the incarcerated*.
The numbers in those towns were woefully low.
Like 30% of population low.

  • I could be wrong

According to NJ’s COVID website, it’s been offered to inmates and staff. At some point there was a mandate for staff. Not sure how that went.

Here in AZ it’s the same. Vaccines have been offered. We also, at some point had mandates for staff, but some of that got rolled back.


I saw some statistic recently that said the overall vaccination rate in the United States is still only around 66%. And if that’s the national average, there have to be a lot of places where the number is actually much lower. :woman_facepalming:


Yes - and Mr. B made sure to mention during his summation that he brought out during his cross exam of LK, that she was suing MB before the trial began, and was still suing him, and therefore has a “financial interest in the outcome” (of the criminal trial).


There are many things about this situation which are unfathomable, but this is among the top on my list. From what I have read and from watching her testimony, it seems to me that Kanarek has a raging jealousy toward various women. I don’t know if it is a pattern, because I haven’t followed or kept up with the past incidences, but I suspect it is. There was the poor woman whose son had died, there was at least one COTH member who posted details of harrassment against her, and then there is MHG. I suspect the jealousy comes from envy, since MHG is a very attractive woman, and apparently quite accomplished. When comments were made that MHG was the cause of all of this, I suspect it was true in a sense, or true in Kanarek’s mind, because it seems like Kanarek’s hatred and envy of MHG sparked her campaign against MHG and Barisone.

The jealousy and anger against MHG which is expressed by Kanarek’s supporters is puzzling. In some cases, it convinces me that Kanarek herself is spewing the vitriol, as in posts by IM, but the rest I just don’t get. The other thing is that I have not read one negative material thing about MHG. I’ve read a lot of veiled threats? promises? that MHG’s misdeeds will come to light and as CH says, “put her in an unflattering light.” Rather than make it sound like there is something objectionable in MHG’s behavior or past actions (I mean, let’s face it, we all have imperfections), it just makes the Kanarek supporters sound mean and eager to hurt someone who really hasn’t done anything to them and should be left alone.

It’s ugly.


So. Much. Projection.


The only thing I’d correct in your post is that this line is missing the word very between It’s and ugly.

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Seems like each of these actors only made one truly bad decision and that’s to have anything to do with Lauren “who does that” Kanarek. And they have all suffered the consequence of that.


I just wonder whether a defense attorney would ever prioritize a civil action over making sure his client does not go to jail. If a strategy is in the best interest in the criminal action and also works out better for the civill is one thing, but I cannot believe he would compromise strategy for the civil action as his ethical obligation is to the criminal case at hand.
Plus, is she also suing his business? Can the business be liable and he as individual not liable? (It seems like NJ is a comparative negligence State, and not a 1 percent at fault you lose state-Venue is everything.)
What an expensive traumatic mess to further deal with. Hopefully there can be some peaceful resolution for all involved so all can go on with their lives…who would want to spend years litigating this?

Yes, very often destructive women focus on other women. But then so do destructive men, though in different ways.

Women are “softer” targets. Often they are more vulnerable to social pressure and stigma and conflict. But more importantly society tends to discount the effects of hostility or violence between women, just as bullying between school girls can fly under the radar of adults. Destructive women fuel their sense of self worth by cutting down women that have things they want, and they absolutely project that those women are jealous of them, when they aren’t in the least.

LK posted at one point that MHG was plotting to kill LK because she wanted LK’s horses. Now that we know LK collected sweet schoolmaster horses with career limiting conditions to attempt first and second level tests for her Bronze medal, older horses in the $50,000 range, and that MHG/MB sold her one of these, the claim is even more ludicrously delusional.