Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I’m not sure that it’s possible for the claim to be even MORE ludicrously delusional than the basic idea that MHG would end up with LK‘s horses after killing LK. Because, you know, that’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.

But it certainly seems obvious that the horses in question were probably not likely to inspire much envy or anything else from MHG. Which is nothing against the horses themselves, at all.

Also, I feel like the abbreviation WDT, for who does that, could end up being a new standard shorthand term on this BB, similar to WTF for where’s the fruitbat. Lol.


She sued SGF, the LLC that owned the farm. She has not yet sued Michael Barisone Dressage, LLC.


Is that kind of weird? It seems kind of weird that she would exclude it, considering that she included Jane Does 1-20, or whatever that was.

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I thought I understood that he was sharing a cell. Someone said that at some point I thought.

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:rofl: :rofl:

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I think that what Mary Haskins did was to:

Ride better than Lauren
Work harder than Lauren
Show more class than Lauren

Thereby incurring the wrath of Lauren.


and being liked by actual people…


That witch!!! Off with her head!

And the word I wanted to use rhymes with witch.

Of course it can be debated that MHG left MB in his lowest hour but that’s between MB and MHG. And from what I’ve seen of his new love interest it seems better for him now. He traded up from good to very good. But none of that has to do with what LK asserts MHG did to LK.

And MHG handled herself well at the trial btw.




I think it’s weird. But who knows what the jury hating attorney thinks.


It has been implied on this thread that she is going after SGF in an attempt to force a settlement from its insurance company. IOW, just like she targeted MB (knowing he was emotionally vulnerable), she is targeting SGF in hopes the older couple that is part of SGF will capitulate and offer a settlement so they can continue with their lives as quiet retirees.


It certainly has been implied. I don’t think that idea has a snowball’s chances in Hades of working, and I’ve debated it ad nauseam with one of its proponents. But we will see, I guess.


Well, she did say in court she didn’t like the way MHG rode her horses…


Because MHG looked better on them than she (LK) did? Or perhaps they went better with MHG than with LK herself?

Yeah, I can see how that might send some folks into a jealous rage. :upside_down_face:


This is what I was thinking during Insomnia Jeopardy last night.

Back away from our collective involvement in this drama and look at it from 20,000 feet. A woman was shot during an armed confrontation, was hospitalized and had surgery. She normally would be viewed as a victim and deserving of sympathy.

But 2 1/2 years later, an insane social media campaign, lots of sock puppets and a highly publicized criminal trial; the alleged shooter is viewed as the victim, as a sympathetic character, someone deserving of financial support, greeting cards and well wishes from people who only know him through the criminal trial.

And the shootee is now viewed not so much as a victim, but as a dangerously unhinged psychopath who took pleasure in driving a vulnerable person to their breaking point and is at least partially responsible for the events leading to the shooting.

I think team Kanarek might want to rethink their social media strategy. And LK might want to rethink her life choices.

However, if Lauren were able to connect her actions to consequences in any sort of reliable way before, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.


Excellent summary and astute observation. :100:


I think you may have landed on a good alternative term for victim there.


She did ask her to leave. The nerve of her.


You, know, you need to just sit down and stop perpetuating the victimization of the people Lauren Kanarek has pathologically set out to destroy. Who are you to make snide nasty comments about Mary Haskins Gray, who is by all accounts a kind, talented dedicated athlete and trainer? Your bad mouthing the people Lauren terrorized is uncalled for, and your smug attempts to further Lauren’s completely neurotic smear campaign against MGH are as pathetic as Lauren’s, and more so because you don’t even have any connections to the people who worked so hard to make the farm and his business a success.

You can’t even get your facts straight timeline-wise about Mary Haskins Gray, or about MBs personal life, or his divorce, yet you glibly draw conclusions about his life you have no connection to, nor knowledge of, which have no substance other than to smear people you could never hope to know in real life. Just stop it. You don’t know what you are talking about and you sound like a minion sent here by a seriously emotionally sick person who told the court she was going to ruin Mary Haskins Gray’s life. You don’t know her, and you don’t know what happened, so just stop.

Edited for clarity


The disco balls are in the group of party/celebration emojis. As is the other one. There are several oriental emojis also in that group.

I wonder if the second one you posted is something like “sending a message/thought/good wishes to you or out into the universe”? :woman_shrugging:t2:

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:wind_face: :scissors: