Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Hmm. Maybe. :thinking:

Iā€™d hate to guess wrong and actually be accidentally wishing ā€œa pox on both your housesā€ or something like that. Lol.


She hasnā€™t sued MHG either. For all her claims. I wonder why?



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That was me, only I called them ā€œElvis impersonatorā€ sideburnsā€”shows our different in age!

He has a longish face that can support themā€”I just wondered if this was a new style of which I was unaware. I will look around better next time Iā€™m out and about.


The hairstyle Iā€™ve seen on a few men lately that I really donā€™t understand is the almost shaved sides with some length on the top. Even Boyd Martin had something similar at the trial. I donā€™t quite get that one.



Old styles coming round again?



In Boydā€™s case, Iā€™ll bet it comes out of a helmet looking better than some others.


Most likely.

That is how my hair comes out of the helmet - except it did not go in that wayā€¦ :flushed:


What did MHG ever do to @CurrentlyHorseless? Who is she to smear a talented, graceful horseman and trainer? CH knows nothing about her, has never met her, knows nothing about the farm or what happened.


Story timeā€¦ I had two dogs, Winston and Marley. Winston, the bulldog, was twice the size of Marley, the Frenchie, and Win could be aggressive. I would catch them mid-tussle and Marley would be pinned and whimpering and I thought, for sure Marley is the victim. Sometimes Marley would get hurt - he was half the size of Winnie, after all. I would always punish Winston and coddle poor Marley. I never thought much about it because I was so sure that Winston was the one responsible.

Then, when I was away for work at the Sundance Film Festival, I got a call that Winston and Marley had been in a fight and Winstonā€™s ear was split open. I thought surely Winston had been injured when Marley fought back in self-defense. Because clearly Marley was the victim! But it got me thinking, so I paid attention more to the two of them after that. And when I started scrutinizingā€¦ lo and behold, whenever a fight would break out, Marley was the aggressor. Every. Single. Time. Did I continue to see them in the same aggressor-victim dichotomy I had seen them in previously? Did I continue to coddle Marley and punish Winston? Nope and nope.

So, sure, anyone can sue anyone. But then they have to deal with the scrutiny and be culpable for their own contribution to the situation. And I am pretty sure it ainā€™t MHG who will be shown in an unflattering light.


Regardless what ā€œtheyā€ have on their illegally obtained, ie no where near the locker, audio tape of a frustrated woman and others including her son, are venting about the dangerous squatters on the property.

Oh, perhaps she still blames MH for her not achieving her last score for the Bronze medal. No accountability on her part! Why should she learn the rules and pay attention to which judges sheā€™d shown under? :thinking: Too much effort obviously.


I think LK does love her horses and dogs. (Although if she really loved her dogs, maybe she would spend the time with them, at least Rosie, to teach them how to behaveā€”a well behaved dog is a happy dog, but snuggling on the couch and feeding them treats really makes them love you back).*

Iā€™m just wondering if she has a tendency to be a hoarder when it comes to the horses. I do understand the concept of having more than one horse at the same level. (Kind of like a big barn going to the Big Equation finals and taking along a few extra horses capable of the job just in case). But she seemed to be acquiring them rather quickly.

*Ding ding dingā€”maybe this is the whole thingā€”someone to love her backā€¦ā€¦.


Boydā€™s hair was way cooler, IMO.


I have not been watching this other trial at all, and it really does not hold any interest for me. But I did come across this in my Twitter feed today, so I thought it might be of interest to someone here. And it does sort of remind me of something. :thinking:


He canā€™t be held criminally responsible but I believe he could still be found legally responsible in a civil suit, if the jury were persuaded he pulled the trigger and didnā€™t buy the insanity claim.

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This seems appropriate for a host of reasons -


I believe the writing is on the wall as to what the jury will think.


Re: what MHG did to LK

You know, when you place hidden recording devices you may not what to hear the things being discussed, you may not be able to handle whatā€™s being said about you.

Perhaps LK heard private conversations that she couldnā€™t handle and thatā€™s what started her rage against MHG.

Some people see others for what they are, others arenā€™t so good at it. Perhaps LK was pulling the wool over MBs eyes but MHG eyes were wide open. I can see that engaging LK.