Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Do you know for sure if that the case? Is it in the NJ legal code? Is there case law that supports it?

If so, then I stand corrected. :frowning:

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That would mean that LKs behavior came first and MHG commented negatively on it.

Sucks being called out. I still want to hear from CH though.


So it is just under a month and none of us have Manifestos?

I just read that word again for NP.

So NP and LK have Manifestos.


Not necessarily her behavior at that point but MHG just didnā€™t like her, her intuition was on high alert and she wanted to avoid her as a whole. LK prob heard her talking badly about her, her riding, her attitude, her work ethic etc. No one talks negatively abt LK. Esp a women she envied.


Didnā€™t it come out at some point that MHG had told LK she should leave back in April? Was that when they were still in Florida?

I really donā€™t understand any desire to hear more of CHā€™s mental home movies. Especially since they generally turn out to be reruns anyway.


There were at least one posts about that April training meeting where it was said that MB suggested MHG (making the inference) ride a horse to help break through a problem since MHG was closer to LKā€™s size/stature. LK had a fit and reacted badly if the tone of her post was any indicationā€¦.

Then, buried in the posts about her bronze, there was another line of commentary about MB having a different trainer take her to a show and was complaining about additional fees and implied that she was being extorted. Again, another inferenceā€¦.that seemed to be about MHG againā€¦ā€¦


no. way.

As Iā€™ve said several times, if youā€™re not satisfied with the trainer and staff at the barn where you are, you just move to a different barn.

People do it ALL the time. Itā€™s not that complicated.


One probably wouldnā€™t need to that harsh for LK to think so.
Sheā€™s not used to not getting her way. ā€œNoā€ probably comes across as a slap!


That is the Peaky Blinders look and it is quite popular. The lead actor on that show hates having to get it and says he doesnā€™t not understand its popularity b/c it was fundamentally an anti-lice cut. :rofl:


Once again, you never know what youā€™ll learn here on the BB. Lol.


The lead actor is remarkably good looking (and even looks good as a woman!) and Mr Boyd is a handsome guy, too, so they pull it off. Some of the other actors look a bit tragic and all joked about it. Especially the ones they style with the hair on top greased flat. :grimacing:


Well, that makes a lot of sense!

I recall LKā€™s story was that she (LK) called the meeting which JK also attended (I donā€™t know if that was testimony, or where I learned that) and MHG said ā€œI think you should leaveā€ and MB jumped in and told MHG to stay out of it and the rest is history.

This was when they got back to NJ in April 2019.


Ok, that just sounds like a bad idea.


Just to review: LK testified under oath on the witness stand that she lies a lot.


OK, after a quick visit to IMDb, I will agree that the lead actor is quite good-looking, so he can pull off a lot of things that most people canā€™t. Ditto for Boyd Martin. The rest of the world, howeverā€¦ :woman_shrugging:


How much time or individual projects do you think RG would have to do to come up with $5000 + rent every month? (This is for the two extra horses not the original two).

Would drywalling a whole room in the basement, rebuilding a closet, installing trim, painting everything, some of the tiling be worth $5000 a month? Itā€™s been so long since Iā€™ve had work done like that.


Lead guy pulling it off b/c, with those eyes and cheekbones, what couldnā€™t you pull off

Compared to what these characters got :astonished:

Whenever I see men with haircuts like this now (including when I saw BM, who Iā€™d not seen before) I think, wow, the full Peaky Blinders look - no lice on these gents!! :joy:

I thought Mr Martin was handsome enough to pull it off.


Oh. My. Goodness.

No offense to those other guys, but they do not appear to have the eyes OR the cheekbones of Cillian Murphy. Much less the deadly combination of both features, plus that jawline.

Also, itā€™s hilarious to me that the British versions of shows might only do about six episodes a year rather than the 22 or so that seems to be the standard number on this side of the ocean.


Iā€™m renovating two properties in two different countries at the moment. I can tell you that, based on my experience, it would be extraordinary for one person to be able to crank out that much work alone month-on-month. Iā€™m doing historically significant properties, too, so real plaster, handmade wooden storm windows, restoration/preservation painting, historically accurate and specialised materials, etc., etc. Not a piece of drywall on site. And, no, one of the crew working kinda sorta part time and when he does show doing 20% of the work would not cost me USD5000/month.

Oh, and Iā€™m doing this at the absolute worst time ever to renovate: materials shortages, labour shortages, price of fuel to transport materials and workers sky high. Contrast to RG doingā€¦whatever it was RG didā€¦without any of those additional challenges.

I just donā€™t see it coming even close to that figure on a monthly basis.


Particularly after seeing the pictures of what the place still looked like in August.