Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I think the poor bloke in the middle said he was the first to commit while no one else wanted to go under the clippers and he even said something like, look at what I look like, what are the rest of you complaining about? :rofl: I don’t know the actor, but I suspect he’s much better looking with different hair, poor guy.

Well, well, well. Hello, Iddo Goldberg with normal hair! At least I know his name now.


he wears a somewhat skinny tie, he might ust like the style
Not ‘Swing Kids’ but donw the road/ A tamed Rockabilly, perhaps?

Yes, there didn’t seem to be much progress. So, on top of everything I noted above, it seems he simply wasn’t really working much at all!


2500 a month does not get you a lot of work these days


He certainly does not look bad there. Maybe all those actors from that show will learn going forward to write it in their contracts that they all have to get the bad haircut at the same time on the same day. Lol.

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Bless you! Plasterers are worth their weight in gold!

I didn’t think the picture of the one room in the basement shown at the trial looked so bad, but he was then in month 4! What, three more rooms to go. I’m guessing that the whole basement floor was tiled first so that took a lot of Rob’s.
.er, Mike McGrain’s time! Ha!


And so, so hard to find.

Hold my beer as I’m looking for a thatcher next. :astonished:

If it’s relatively low specialty skills stuff like hanging sheetrock and pre-formed metal panels, $5000 for one guy turning up super part time should get you a lot more than we saw in those pictures! Especially with Mr McGrain doing most of the higher-skill stuff like the tiling.


I don’t know about NJ specifically. Certainly OJ Simpson is an example of someone who was acquitted of murder in a criminal case but found liable for those same murders in a civil trial


Because the criminal verdict was ridiculous


Did OJ ever pay the amount from the civil suit?

No idea.

I don’t think so. He did end up bankrupt and in jail though


for armed robbery to get ‘his’ memorabilia back
who does that!


He does have a NFL pension that can’t be touched.


Plus when he still lived in Florida, they couldn’t attach his mansion. As long as he lived in it, he had a homestead exemption from attachments, or judgments.


I sort of vaguely recalled it was some story like that regarding OJ.


Because due to her heinous actions, an acquitted man is still sitting in jail. If you don’t want to read about it, don’t enter this thread. Simple.


Peakey Blinders was SO GOOD

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Yeah, but Wiley Coyote, despite all his terrible actions, was kind of endearing. Not so in the present case.


Right. I can see her overhearing a conversation where MHG was telling MB about her observations of LK, things she did or didn’t do, times she hasn’t shown up for lessons, how she hasn’t been putting in the work, any number of other failings that MG might have been witness to that MB either wasn’t around for or didn’t notice. And there’s LK thinking, if it wasn’t for MG, MB would never have wanted to dump me! Blame it on MG! MG wants my horses! MG wants me off the property! For all we know, MG told MB about finding boxes of supoxen in the trash, and what that is, and that was what prompted MB to do an investigation. Or, she tells MB about them, and MB doesn’t get it, and she explains what it means, and tells him, Mike, you gotta get them out of here. You have to get them off the property. You can’t let drug users and jumkies live in your house. You could lose your property, your business, your livelihood, these people could destroy you, you have to get rid of them!

LOL, that’s not kill them, thats how do we get rid of junkies living in our house!

Drugs can make people paranoid. Psychopaths and narcissists can ben very paranoid. It was probably all downhill from there.