Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Why? Why do we have to hear any more of that made up baloney from CH? CH doesn’t know anything! CH has no idea what happened! CH has proven again and again that she has no awareness of any facts about the case, she makes up anything she can think of. She doesn’t know anyone in the matter. She knew no one on the farm, wasn’t party to anything going on. She has proved over and over she doesn’t even have a grasp of the timeline of events that were testified to in court, and makes imaginary statements about things that led up to the whole thing.

WHy on gods green earth would you want to hear anything from CH??


Amber Heard as LK in the made for TV movie!



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There ya go.


I’m interested in hearing their reasoning.


Maybe you could find out via PM so the rest of us aren’t subjected to it.


or nail jello to a wall, in lieu of it?


Here’s a little treat for the Boyd Martin fans.


I haven’t thought about the Bayeux Tapestry in years. Thanks for the reference.


I am sitting up with my dog this evening and decided to look at the civil case site. There was a meeting scheduled for all the attorneys with a judge mediator later this year. What is their role? Do they attempt to resolve things so it doesn’t go to trial?

I think it’s coming back for a final season. No Aunt Pol, sadly. :cry:

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Some states have mandatory mediation, sometimes a judge will order mediation. It’s often a way to resolve a dispute without the time and expense of a trial.

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The OJ criminal verdict was a straight up “Not Guilty.” Since MB’s verdict was NGI, it could be that the “insanity” part could indemnify him from a civil award. (Is “indemnify” the right word to use in this sense?)

Again, IANAL, so I may be attaching more meaning to Judge Taylor’s comment than the law allows. It would be interesting to know for sure.


I think you might be. It’s understandable though. He was definitely not found liable for any criminal actions in this trial.

In the civil case, he may equally be found not civilly liable. His defense is certainly spelling out that he shouldn’t be. In addition to many other defenses, one he lists is this:

“Defendant was not competent at the time of the alleged incident and, as a result, should have no liability to Plaintiff for her injuries, by reason of Barisone’s mental state and/or condition which included but was not limited to battered-person-syndrome cause by Plaintiff’s campaign of emotional battery against Defendant and/or persons in his care”.

In his counter-claim, he’s alleging losses and damages based on Plaintiff’s emotional battery.

We are likely going to hear from the experts again. If the case goes to trial.



No acting required.


What got me about the OJ trial was the fact that the glove didn’t fit him so it couldn’t have been his. Has anyone ever tried to put their gloves on after they had been wet? The leather shrinks when it dries. That really struck me during that trial. Didn’t those lawyers realize this.


I believe at least one lawyer did realize that - but it was the defense lawyer.


Marcia Clark, the lead prosecutor, was seriously opposed to that move but Christopher Darden went ahead and did it anyway.

That jury likely would have acquitted anyway after the disaster that war Mark Fuhrman. The glove just gave them one more reason.


Oops, that’s what happens when I don’t hit Google to confirm my memory! :crazy_face:

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