Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

V-ger. Made by the Creator.

And Tribbles loved the Quadrotriticale from Sherman’s Planet.

Though… I just remembered. There is one Earth man who doesn’t remind me of a Regulan bloodworm. That’s Kirk. A Regulan bloodworm is soft, and shapeless. But Kirk isn’t soft. Kirk may be a swaggering, overbearing, tin-plated dictator with delusions of godhood. But he’s not soft.


That happened to me at a show last year. I saw a pony that reminded me so much of a very old pony that a friend of mine had many years ago. And it turned out that this pony had the same name! That was super freaky!!

But the pony I remembered had passed away about 30 years ago, and I think he was about 50 years old at the time. So I knew for sure it was not the same pony. But he did look extremely similar. Lol.


The Changling

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James Kirk’s sideburns. What a trendsetter.


And not everyone can pull off the middle name of Tiberius.


Oh. I see. And obsessing about either MB or LK on this board will solve anything? If you didn’t like my question, why didn’t you just scroll on by? It’s the same logic applied to your comment.

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I’m sure I saw all the episodes at least a couple of times when I was a kid, although I have not seen most of them for a long time by now. But to this day, the two episodes I will stop and watch if I stumble across them are the one with the Tribbles and the one with Joan Collins on earth in the 1930s.

To me, those are the two best Star Trek episodes at the extreme opposite ends of the comedy/drama scale.


You might not have noticed, but there are a lot of threads on this board that don’t solve anything.


@avjudge, I was trying so hard to come up with something witty to say and I was failing and then your post pops up. It is amazing.


And let’s not forget that Shatner himself is still riding at the age of 91, and that was after he actually went to space in the last six months or so.

I rode on the hotel shuttle (not the space shuttle) with him to or from the National Horse Show some years back when it was at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. I believe that’s when he was showing saddle seat.


It is so good to find my people. Even offering Klingon insults. Bu that is not worth a brawl from crewmembers - unless the Enterprise is referred to as a garbage scow… or being hauled away as garbage.

There is a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode that is a sequel of sorts to the original Tribbles episode. Trials and Tribble-ations. Awesome!

The Joan Collins original series episode is The City On The Edge Of Forever - a favorite of mine.

Okay - back to LK and MB analysis after this diversion… as I slink back into my trekkie cave…

ETA: Shatner used to breed and show Saddlebreds before he got into reining… the saddleseat pic is from 2011 - and he was 80. I hope I can still ride when I am that old!



Apparently he’s also had some success with standardbreds, according to an interview I came across on YouTube. I’m not sure how old the interview was, though.

Edited to add: Found it. It’s from four years ago.


And let’s not forget the same actor who played that Klingon commander also turned up as Tremaine in that other episode where he shanghaied the crew to play games with him or something.


Only until Tremain’s parents made him come Home!


And then there was the crossover period, when he was doing both: Saddlebreds and reining. That’s when he was married to Liz. I mean “Elizabeth.” Even though he was much older, I thought they made a cute couple, sharing a passionate interest in horses. But alas, that rocket ship eventually faltered in orbit.

Sorry for the OT comment. At least you all know lots of non-posters are reading this thread! :smile:


He’s had a fair number of wives, hasn’t he? I feel like I might have to take a glance at Wikipedia to get caught up.

My question was purely rhetorical. My initial comment was not meant to criticize or be snarky, but apparently, that is the way it was received. Some people need to just do something about their bunched knickers.


If it was not meant to be snarky…well…that is how it read.

I think most times someone posts in a thread about how stupid the thread is (which is how your post read to me), the first response is - then don’t read the thread.

I actually much prefer the topic of this thread versus the topic it is on now, but if people are enjoying star trek talk, then I say go for it.

I like discussing the topic for many reasons. One of them being that I am one of those weird people who like true crime stuff. I also think that LK and her clan are evil and the more people who know just how evil they are the better. No one else should have to suffer thru “finish the bastard”. No one else should have someone intentionally trying to ruin their life because that person let LK and her clan into their world.

And to me, the main reason the topic is still going is because MB is still sitting in jail instead of getting the treatment he deserves.

Bonus that the civil case is moving forward.


I thought he had Arabians at one time.
the thing is, when he was younger he had to quit showing, because the audience would go wild.
Kind of sad, really.


Maybe he did. For sure, he was wearing saddle seat attire the time I saw him going to or from the Meadowlands.

I think he also used to go on David Letterman or one of those shows when he was in town for the horse show and chat about it a bit as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if the horse show encouraged him to do that so they could sell more spectator tickets.

That is unfortunate if he could not go out in public to a horse show in his younger days. I think there have been other famous people who have shown, but maybe they have used different names to keep a lower profile.