Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I believe a lot of the cowboy actors went on to compete in quick-draw competitions, but that is a very specialized sport…
I am happy for him that he can finally enjoy his horses and show them.
but yeah, I will be glad to be fresh in the brain and ambulate should I reach that age…

I think between Shatner and Queen Elizabeth, they are certainly providing a good example for the rest of us.

Although I think the Queen has finally had to stop riding herself. But I believe that’s just happened within the last six or eight months. And she is, what? 96 now? Or 95? Some number like that. So she probably rode for a good solid 90 years, since I believe she started quite young. Props to her.


I would argue that Mary Haskins, just being alive and breathing, incurs the wrath of Lauren “Who Does That” Kanarek!

Jealousy is a terrible, terrible emotion!


I think horses are an accessory to LK- something to add a little sparkle and make her look good. Nothing more, nothing less.

But, it takes a whole lot more to hide what has been brought out in these last 2 1/2 years about LK and her behavior.

The equestrian world is small, and most involved in it have very, very long memories!


she was still posing with her ponies recently.
One can only hope to reach that age the way they have!



Yes, I think they just put out a portrait of her with her ponies for her birthday not long ago. But I’m sure I saw pictures of her actually riding last fall, so it was not very long ago that she was still in the saddle.

I just read an article recently about how she had a horse entered in a big race in England. I think maybe it was the Epsom Derby, and she was really hoping to win it, since it was one of the few big races there she has never won. But unfortunately, I think that horse had to drop out of the race. Maybe next year!


I don’t believe the criminal trial is supposed to have any bearing on the civil one. The jury will hear the arguments and see the evidence presented by both sides and must make up their minds based on that.


Somebody got those ponies VERY white. Feathers and all! :+1:



Hahaha! I thought you meant LK had been out and about with her ponies! :slight_smile:

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so freeking cute!

I’m hundreds of posts behind but oh well.
I see hundreds of posts a day on SM, I have zero screenshots. Also, time and place. I would have to be cruising through LK’s posts at the right time to even see the posts. And lastly, why would I care to screenshot a post where someone says they have 2 guns or a certain make? Outside of seeing the trial way after the post’s supposed creation, I’d have no indication that her stating she owned a certain gun would warrant my first ever screen shot of a random LK post, because why would owning a certain make of gun matter to any normal person?

The fact you can’t see this is odd.


Oh, heavens, no!

Or at least, I don’t know anything about it. I don’t think she’s been featured in Harper’s Bazaar for it, anyway.


Also odd: Failure to acknowledge multiple screen shots of other people who saw that Ruger post too.


I’m also fascinated by the anti-MHG narrative some posters seem to have. Is this narrative based on anything, literally anything, remotely factual? Why is this unpopular opinion popular amongst a small group of allegedly unaffiliated people?


The only origin for the anti MHG stuff is from LK.


My girlfriend in the 90’s raised 5 kids, and her husband got her a Voyager mini-van, and the kids picked off the letters “oya” and they call their car “V-ger”.


I too am aghasted - I attempted to address this, and of course CurrentlyHorseless had no answer.

She doesn’t know MHG or MB or any of the people in the matter, and touts wildly inacurate ideas a bout them. None of the “pod” of performers do, so who are they to say ruinious things about Mary Haskins Gray or Michael Barisone?


Regarding how much OJ has paid of his civil suit loss:

Per Fred Goldman OJ has paid $132,000 of the original 33 million settlement. Due to interest added over the years, he now owes 70 million.