Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Ugh. Horrible.

Thanks for the information.

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Well just darn. :slightly_frowning_face:

Judge Tā€™s words may not be binding on the civil trial, but look what we did learn from it.

LK and RGā€™s story of the event was unbelievable it 12 people, hence the straight up NG in relation to RG.

12 impartial jurors believed ā€œFinish the Bastardā€ and all the other ninja acts caused MB to have a psychotic break.

Itā€™s not going to get easier for LK because MBā€™s going to be able to get a whole lot more evidence in because he gets to attempt to prove LKā€™s actions led to her injury.


I believe much of the anti MGH sentiment comes from people who think she moved on to quickly.


But no one really knows how quickly she did or didnā€™t move on. People are drawing conclusions from facts not in evidence.

Visitation with her children was on the line, and she and MB had been under incredible pressure for months because of the Kanareks. There was also the creepy business of LK and RG trying to find out where her kids were, she might well have believed that they would physically harm the children.

Had the shooting not occured, itā€™s highly likely that after the CPS visit, MHG would have broken up with him and/or moved out because of the threat to her children.

And most reasonable people would understand ā€œI love you, and I want to be with you, but I canā€™t lose visitation with my kids, so we have to end this until this horrible situation with your client is resolved.ā€

But the shooting did occur, MB was in jail and incommunicado, and the situation at the barn was still dangerous.

It also appears that MHG remained supportive of MB through the whole ordeal.


Oh, yeah - much of what the PI discovered will likely come out. Including information about her ex-husband having a protective order against LK, plus her ā€œbanishmentā€ from the family home (assuming both are true).

If the Kā€™s think this trial cast them in a bad light, just wait till the civil trial. No doubt they are banking on an out of court settlement that includes an NDA because if all that ā€œdirty laundryā€ makes it out to the public, they may find themselves as ā€œoutcastsā€ at the country club.

Edited to add: I am not banking on a certain someone abiding by an NDA, though. :wink:


When there is a non-disclosure agreement are their punishments listed in the agreement for the situation when one of the people (or one of their identities) does not follow the agreement?


I didnā€™t say it had basis in fact.

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I donā€™t know any of the these people personally. Hereā€™s what is in the public record about MHG.

She left her husband for MB, disrupting the lives of her children. Her relationship with MB started in 2015, while he was married. VKB did not file tor divorce until 2017 with the divorce finalized in 2018, so it looks to me that she broke up the marriage (and business partnership).

LK is who she is. If MHG had not been in the picture at all, and Vera had still been wife, business partner, and barn manager, supporting MBs professional success instead of relying on MB to support her own ambitions, would Vera have been able to co exist peacefully with LK as a client, or simply ask her to leave without drama in April 2019? Probably.

IM has said that MB hates MHG. He has said that MB gave up everything to be with MHG. When he snapped and shot LK and was incarcerated, she dropped him and left closing up of the facility to a working studentā€™s mom. She was with him when he was useful to her and left as soon as he was not useful.

Finally, she submitted 750 pages of material on LK to USEF on Aug 6 in an effort to get LK banned from USEF for life, the day before her BF shot LK. USEF can decide for itself whether the submission was selfless and in the best interest of the sport or whether MHG was using USEF as a weapon.

If my children were in perceived danger, Iā€™d remove them and myself from the situation immediately. If I was with a partner that became temporarily insane, Iā€™d imagine that relationship would not work out.

No one knows the conditions of MHG/Mbā€™s relationship and that of MB and his ex-wife - all these opinions are made on assumptions unless anyone has any facts Iā€™m unaware of related to the matter that they could share.

I have yet to see any facts surrounding @CurrentlyHorseless strong opinion of MHG, for example. An opinion that seems to be unwavering despite a lack of evidence, much like the opinions LK and affiliates hold.


Have you spoken to her ex-husband? Do you know for a fact that their separation wasnā€™t mutual? Have you spoken to her children over the matter? Do they agree with what you have painted of them as well? I thought you were unaffiliated? How could you know?


We know the dates: 2015, 2017, 2018.

I agree the children should not have been there in July and August. After the shooting, she could have been supportive of MB, but apparently stopped him in a flash.

Maybe more dangerous to MHG at that point. After ā€œFinishing the Bastardā€ these cretins would potentially be looking at who to hurt nextā€¦ And theyā€™ve made it crystal clear who that would be.


The dates prove absolutely nothing. They are dates. None of this is evidence based.


say what now?


Does relationship mean training relationship?


As I remember it, both MHG and MB submitted those hundreds of ok pages.

Had those pages and pages of threats not been createdā€¦well, of course we canā€™t hold LK accountable, can we?


I am laughing at the thought that it is all the fault of some other woman because, darn it, if that woman had not come along no one would have known that LK was evil and willing to ruin the lives of some people just for fun and ā€œfinish the bastardā€.

Again, if LK did not like the program at MBā€™s because he was with someone that LK did not want to get along with, LK could do what the rest of us do when the relationship with our trainer is not going how we want, leave.


This fixation on and ā€œknowledgeā€ about MBā€™s relationshipsā€¦ the endless desire to make MHG into an evil person plotting against poor dear LKā€¦ and the unswerving dedication to IMā€™s every word as being ā€œtruthā€ and never to be doubtedā€¦

ā€¦ is just sad.

How ironic that someone who insists they have no connections to anyone in this case nevertheless also insists they ā€œknowā€ everything about everyone involved, all the personal relationships, everything.

More deja vu.


It really is that simple (and she even had a place to go)ā€¦ but it does not fit in with the pleasure, fun and games of Finish The Bastard. Nothing else mattered.