Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

So you’re posting on a thread about the evils of posting on the very same thread?

How many posts for you? If it’s not life force is it maybe squirrel force?


You’re the smartest knife in the drawer and the nicest too!

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Does it really matter that much to you what someone does with their time?

In case you’re wondering, between posting on this thread I’ve worked at my paying job, mopped the floors, done multiple loads of laundry, made soup and multiple meals and played fetch with my BC (which can take up a hellish amount of time!). Hopefully I’ll feel up to going to the barn, but covid has kicked my ass, and my energy levels are still down, so I haven’t gotten around to throwing a saddle on my horse yet this spring. Hopefully tomorrow.



Seems as though someone has way too much time on their hands to check the post count of other posters! Uh-huh. Now THAT’S not a waste of time! :rofl:


Wasn’t this the poster who called everyone on this BB a cockroach? Why would anyone care how cockroaches spend their time?


And here I was feeling accomplished about my post count in this thread.


Darn it, false feeling of accomplishment. My post count is not even half that of the two highest posters in the thread. Hmpf. Silly Rowdy for giving me a false feeling of accomplishment.


@Ghazzu, I have loved you and your posts for years! You are one of my all time favorite people on this board!

And today, with this post, you win the Interwebz!!! :champagne: :tada: :confetti_ball:


I had the same thought as you did Cutter. What a great post.


Speaking of accomplishments - I am only the 19th most prolific poster in this thread. A measly 83 posts (includes this one). I might do better if I did not have this time-consuming 24/7 horse job. But hey… even cockroaches have priorities…


My comment was addressing the claim (I quoted) that MHG was “relying on MB to support her own ambitions”.?

But I agree, I doubt many astute women would fail to see LK clearly.


Yes. Their writing style is eerily familiar.
An unmistakable nuance, if you will.

They barged into the abortion threads in CE telling everyone that they’re idiots, and then blew back out. :roll_eyes:


That’s a lot of judgement for not knowing any of them. Also, you can bet your @ss I would be reporting LK to SS if I found Suboxone on my property/business establishment…especially when there’s children present.


MH testified she met MB as a teenager and became involved with him in 2015.

The comments about who lived with who and overlaps and where were posted in the first Woman Shot at Barisone Farm. @miss_machine and @BrownDerby had a short conversation about an overlap of VK and MH on the farm with VK being at the house and MH in the barn with MB. There was also a discussion about MB promising women he could get them to the Olympics.

The filing for divorce is on the internet (2017) as well as the date VK opened her own business (April 2019). MH also testified that MB told her it was hard to feel good after VK “clipped” him for $965,000. Nancy Jaffre wrote about that. The first article below had the year the divorce was field and also stated VK took 3 horses and MB took 9 during the split. The second item just shows the start of VK’s new LLC post divorce.

I had the impressions that LK was on the premises when VK was still there but was told by someone else that was not correct and I haven’t found the source of that. Neither I nor the person who told me I was wrong are in any position to know as we both are not insiders and know no one.

MH posted on her FB page that she was engaged to a fireman within a year from the shooting. I wish her well. I think someone posted they are married now. I haven’t seen that elsewhere than somewhere in these threads I think.

As far as I can tell, two people brought out the worst in each other. I do condemn violence, especially with firearms. He is a big man. He had a shovel and tire tool. He fetched a gun out of the safe, loaded it (RC testified she didn’t give him ammo except maybe a couple of rounds in one magazine), and drove to the house. I respect the jury’s verdict that he was found NGRI so I guess that incongruity I see on choice of weapons can be thrown in with the NGRI as well.

I don’t know if anything negative about MH or VK though I am troubled by the PI report MH sent to SafeSport and looking for gossip from online bickering instead of following NJ eviction which includes a 3 day time for “disorderly” and I would think screaming outside their door all night would qualify. IANAL.

The 19,000 pages included SM posted after the shooting as pointed out by the prosecutor. He only brought one piece into evidence when he was impeaching Dr Simring and the judge did not allow him to bring up any others. There can easily be 19,000 pages if COTH and FB bickering are included and since LK really wound up and let go after someone started in on her first, then when she had to turn the information over, it is reasonable that she would include all of it.

I don’t know why a few of y’all get all huffy about CH responding after begging her to for a couple of days. CH is remarkably restrained considering comments made to and about her personally. This is a longish post but there were questions about where information came from so here it is.

This is an awful situation and a tragedy for everyone involved. It must have been terribly traumatizing. I suspect MB’s and LK’s instability fed off each other. I do not understand how she is supposed to be a monster and MB the victim after he shot her. So yes, we heard the same testimony and ended up at different places. Happy Mother’s Day everyone. Hope everyone has a good one.

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I questioned the situation in the original thread, years ago. As it turns out it was irrelevant to the situation, and if it were, one can be assured Vera (truth) would have been called as a witness by the prosecution.

ETA: Back to brunch.


I have a new phone with some new emojis, so I’m trying to figure out the best combination for this thread when it gets ridiculous. There must be some option about not fanning flames, but I have to figure out what it would be.

I wish there were a handy gif to represent the sound of Charlie Brown‘s teacher, but since she is always out of sight, it probably does not exist.

Some possibilities.

Caution- rabbit hole ahead::x::hole::x:
Don’t fan the flames::no_entry_sign::fire::no_entry_sign:
Hallucinations ahead::warning::no_smoking::warning:
Here’s one for Mr. B::nail_care:


🪞🪞🪞I like the mirror emoji. I’ve been trying not to use it to try to avoid triggering anyone more than a simple different opinion can. It’s just so apt and so very tempting so many times when posts degrade into snark and name calling.

Mainly, it deflects from the immensity of the human tragedy involved and degrades the conversation into junior high bickering so I haven’t used it.

It would be nice to upgrade these exchanges instead.

There you go. My challenge then to all including me is to be polite, to show class, to show empathy for all parties, and refrain from interpersonal bickering and name calling.


I’ve been hoarding this one for awhile.


During MHG’s testimony, she discussed that when she first moved in with MB,they were living in the barn living quarters and VK lived in the main floor of the farmhouse, with JH living upstairs.

When LK and RG moved into the farmhouse spring of 2018, they occupied the now vacant main floor. So, based on trial testimony, LK and VK didn’t overlap.

Re: the one post/message. If you listen to Mr Schellhorn’s question, he doesn’t say it was written after the incident. In fact, when he first has Dr Simring look at it, he says the date is 07/28/2019. He points out that it was a private message between LK and someone else so MB shouldn’t have known about it before the shooting. And, when Dr S says, it was just one post, there were thousands more, Mr Schellhorn certainly doesn’t bring in any more, which he absolutely would have, had there been more that would challenge the effect on MB’s state of mind. There were no objections or rulings by the judge. Mr Schellhorn simply moved on.

Further evidence that there were no posts written after the incident is that the State’s own witness didn’t challenge any as written after the incident.