Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I think you are missing my point. I don’t give a hoot what model of gun LK allegedly posted to own.

I’m aware that KM stated she saw LK make a post about owning a certain gun. This thread went on for many, many posts because CH refused to believe this was possible without seeing evidence (a screenshot).

I’m saying that CH is a hypocrite for making statements about MHG allegedly harming her children when CH has provided zero evidence to confirm the allegations CH is making.

So odd what some posters will gloss over.

(edited to change MGH to MHG)


the only ‘bombshell’ was that they had to admit under oath they are lying druggies




I didn’t read her post that way. She was mainly commenting that LK had every right to sue MB, RC, and SGF. Then she added IF MH’s actions added to that then that would put her in a bad light. It was in response to @DownYonder saying LK was after MH. What I understood her to mean was that CH wasn’t saying LK had a right to sue unless her actions had to do with the actions of MB and RC which did end up with LK being shot twice.

Maybe your understanding of what she said is more correct than mine but Lk hasn’t sued MH so far as I know.

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Found it.


Oh for cryin’ out loud - do you really think people believe this? No reasonable rider with any knowledge of dressage (or jumping or 3-day) would even think for 5 minutes that one statement to that effect would have value. They understand that every 4 years 6-8 horses are talented enough and sound enough to be considered and that those $$$$$ horses land in the hands of the same number of riders that are talented enough to bring out the horse’s best. And those riders almost always need a deep pocket sponsor to make it happen.
If he said “I know what it takes to get to the Olympic team and I can try to teach you what i can” that’s another story. If he said “in the right circumstances I can help you get to Grand Prix” that’s another story.


Okay, HH, you have now convinced me that you do not know a lot about the horse world.


My, my. Eight questions posed to a poster no one wants to hear from.

I said that by leaving her husband, MHG “disrupted” the lives of her children. I never said she “hurt” her children.

I did not fault MHG for “leaving too soon”. I pointed out that after the shooting it appears that she abruptly dropped MB, and left it to a working student’s mother to handle the logistical issues of closing down the operation at HH, and of providing emotional support to MB in the aftermath of the shooting.

On Aug 6, MHG submitted a 750+ page file to USEF in an attempt to get LK “banned for life”. Did she send the file to SS as well?

It’s up to the recipient — USEF — to determine whether MHG submitting that file on LK was a service to the sport or … something else. If USEF has no issues with the submission of the file, then MHG has nothing to worry about on that score.

And, my dear @smoofox, I have never said, much less “insisted”, that I know “everything about everyone involved, all the personal relationships, everything.” Or was that sarcasm?

AND ONLY with riders willing to put in the required 150% of dedicated hard work! LK does not and never has had that level of work ethic. MB & his trainers learned that fact early on in the relationship.


No, I did not make allegations that MHG had “harmed her children”. I said that by leaving her husband, she disrupted the lives of her children.

No, I did not say it “was not possible” that the post KM claimed to have seen ever existed. I happen to think it’s extremely unlikely that it ever existed, but it’s obviously possible.


Dear @eggbutt. A nameless wannabe?

What do you imagine I “wannabe”?

And exactly how do you know this? What if I told you it was her husband who decided to split up the family? Where are you getting your fantasy “facts”? Do you have any clue what her marriage was like and the reasons for their divorce and custody situation? I very seriously doubt it.


His name was in the article you linked. Did you not read it?

Did you read the article?

I did. I was wondering if anyone had more info on him since he seems to have had long conversations with LK


What sort of information are you looking for? He grew up with her, dated her, had conversations with her. Doesn’t appear to be a horse person.

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LOL! Don’t denigrate me over your conversations with @miss_machine.

I did read it. It wasn’t the reason for posting the article though. The reason for posting the article was to give some backups for dates as requested earlier. I never tried to memorize the name of an ex boyfriend of LK’s.

@hut-ho78 and @CurrentlyHorseless
So what did MHG do to LK to earn LKs wrath?

I would like this question answered, too.