Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I’ve got a question pertaining to Dr. Simring’s testimony. It came out that he has taken the stand for either the defendant or the prosecutor, depending on who hires him. If he had been hired by the prosecutor, would they have known of his opinion of MB’s mental state before appearing in the trial? And if (assuming he’s honest) he states MB acted this way and didn’t know what he was doing because of LK, would they retain another doctor to testify for their side?

During his closing argument, when Mr. B. said the Stache works for the prosecutor’s office regularly and will give his opinion to benefit them, I wondered what would happen if the hired doctor’s opinion isn’t exactly what the side wants.

I loved listening to Dr. Simring and could have listened to him for much longer.


Yes, and yes. And they would have had to disclose his reports to the defense.

On the night of the verdict, on CourtTV, specifically Vinnie Politan’s show, he had a guy on that was a former NJ prosecutor. That guy talked about having used Dr Simring, and how Dr Simring would always tell him that he couldn’t make any promises one way or the other. He basically said Dr Simring couldn’t be bought.





noun: disruption ; plural noun: disruptions ; noun: digital disruption

disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process.

So was the disturbance to her children helping them? Or hurting them?

You know the portrait you are trying to paint. No one is fooled.


KM already asked me that question very politely and I answered. It’s just upthread.

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I like him even more now!


Why is this getting testy? Someone who knows her said a couple of days ago that her husband left her because he resented the time she spent with horses. So did he leave her or did she leave him?

MB has a girlfriend now who is putting him first and is a real help to him. I hope he can understand that and always treats her well.

Okay. Thanks.

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To @CurrentlyHorseless
What did MHG do to LK to earn LKs hatred to the point of promising to end MHGs horse career?


I don’t remember LK saying she would end MH’s career. I remember IM saying when everything comes out that MH would be limited in her ability to advance. Did LK say it too?

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Well that wasn’t nice. Know better, do better, be better.

On a side note, does anyone know how the new farm at the old HH location is doing? In my area there have been a few horse farms sold to developers as the owners were facing rising costs to keep the facilities operating. Hearing how much the farm cost to operate during the trial made me think of the new owners. I hope it is doing well.

MB and LK were the subjects of a live-streamed court case. Speculation about them based on that case and surrounding publicity, and on the upcoming civil case, for which filings have already been made public, is one thing.

Speculating about the marriage status or parenting ability or family life of MHG, who was not a defendant in the criminal trial nor a party named in the civil suit, is wholly inappropriate. The only reason anyone would do so is to further a personal vendetta they have against MHG, either of their own or on behalf of another. In both cases it’s wrong as well as unseemly, classless, and tacky.

Be better.

Anyone who does have some desire to see her ‘exposed’ or ‘in a bad light’ or ‘have difficulty advancing’ must be feeling rather small these days. From all that has been shared here, she seems to be enjoying success in riding and competition, has a successful relationship, two beautiful children, and presented herself as poised and gracious under pressure while on the witness stand.

Several other people who took the stand might want to take notes.


BINGO! There was no need to use the /s - when the sarcasm was obvious. But to be honest, much like IM, you do suggest that you know all the details and like to regale us with that knowledge at great length…


Yes, but she will lie about it, so we can’t belieeve anything she says about it.


exactly…For Dressage if they truly thought someone could help they would be riding with Debbie McDonald or Robert Dover back in the day. Those two had some influence…BUT it was your qualifying scores, horse/rider ability that got you to that point.


Oh, kind of like “finish the bastard” and admitting that you lie on social media to get attention and admitting you had a plan to ruin someone?


This is a lie.

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Well, we were moving along nicely while CC and hutho were on a break. Now that they are back I have noticed they are the winners of the most “quoted posts”.


Which was only a bombshell to hear them admit, not because everyone hadn’t already known that.