Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yes, even though we got yelled at for even implying it in all the threads.


Based on what facts can you possibly assert this?


I’d venture to say any separation of family disrupts the kids. By implying MHG is seem “in an unflattering light” because of this is appalling.


@Unfforgettable pretty much summed it up.

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Like a cherry bomb…

Well @CurrentlyHorseless has answered others but not me nor my question so I will at this point, DAYS LATER, conclude they are unwilling to answer my question.

This means that MHG did absolutely NOTHING to earn LKs wrath and it was nothing but cheap, juvenile jealousy all along with no basis in fact nor deed. And any pronouncement of action to be taken against MHG was nothing but blowhard spewage and validation of continued LYING on social media.

It’s further proof that LK wasn’t mad at MHG for any other reason than she wanted to be her.


It’s appalling to assume MHG was the sole instigator of the separation without having any personal knowledge. For all we know her husband could have been abusing her, cheating on her, ran off with someone else…we have no idea what happened in their relationship and nor should we. It’s nobody’s business but their own.


I hope you begin feeling better. I actually as able to jog about 20 steps last week - it felt great and I don’t like to run! Besides riding the horse and walking the dog I get very little done. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for both of us. Be well.


No, it wasn’t obvious from the words alone. It’s just that you’ve done this before— grossly mis-state what I’ve said, then when I say ‘No, I didn’t say that’, you come back with “Oh it was sarcasm”.

Do you ever write anything not with sarcasm?
Like the statement that I “suggest” I know all the details? Is that sarcasm, too? I will assume yes.

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Kind of like, “You hate us because you ain’t us.”


I agree. MB was the defendant in a live-streamed court case. Speculation about him based on that case and surrounding publicity, and on the upcoming civil case, for which filings have already been made public, is one thing.

Speculating about the relationship status or parenting ability or family life or any personal details of MHG or LK, neither of whom was a defendant in the criminal trial, is wholly inappropriate. The only reason anyone would do so is to further a personal vendetta they have against MHG of LK, either of their own or on behalf of another. In both cases it’s wrong as well as unseemly, classless, and tacky.

Be better.

Anyone who does have some desire to see either MHG or LK ‘exposed’ or ‘in a bad light’ or ‘have difficulty advancing’ must be feeling rather small these days. From all that has been shared here, both LK and MHG seem to be enjoying riding, have successful relationships, and have undergone a lot of pressure and scrutiny on the witness stand.

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Yes - I absolutely post without sarcasm… but in responding to certain posts, sarcasm is definitely the way to go. Sometimes I even use the /s if I think it is not obvious enough. And I always own it when I use it. No issues there.

I also do not condescendingly lecture other posters at great length about all the details of this case including personal relationships and all the pertinent dates involved and who was with who - or not - and why… and present speculation as fact.

Oh, the irony… and hypocrisy. DAISANAID. Be better, indeed.


You can’t dump MHG into the same category as LK and the LK clan at all. Good try though.

Are you going to tell us why LK and clan are hating on MHG so much?


Did you get that I simply plagiarized FitzE’s post but changed “MHG” to “MHG and LK”?

In reading your posts, I will assume /s when in doubt.

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O. M. G.

Delete your account. :roll_eyes:


Ummm… yeah. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I got that, thanks.

It wasn’t exactly rocket science.

Hence the comment about irony and hypocrisy


I think it’s clear that @CurrentlyHorseless is ducking that question.


I am still floored that anyone would consider LK and clan to even slightly be the same as MHG in this situation.


Without a doubt.


I went back to the first thread. Eggbutt said she knew LK (edited to say LK Instead of all) on her first post 1928 in Woman Shot at Barisone Farm thread (edited to clarify thread).

LK said that MH wanted her to leave. Maybe that is why she was angry. Then that escalated with the back and forth general escalation of all parties?