Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I think you have it backwards, LK owed the money because RG didn’t do the work as promised. she reversed it. That’s always how I read her posts, anyway.

Edited for spelling (again)


@CurrentlyHorseless, first, don’t plagiarise someone’s post in that way. It looks really creepy and is dishonest. Go back and bold all your changes and note, ‘bolding mine’ or ‘fixed it’ or one of the other ways honest people clearly indicate they copy-pasted and changed someone else’s words. I’m not one to report to the mods, as you admit you are wont to do, but what you did up there is not cool.

Second, this last bit you plagiarise (and changed without a clear indication of all the edits you made) makes no sense and is further proof that you struggle with written English. I was writing a sentence without contrast. The structure was positive thing, positive thing, positive thing. You added a negative thing at the end but did not add any contrast conjunction. Those really seem to trip you up! It’s your old nemesis ‘even’ again. The way you plagiarised and changed it (without clearly indicating your changes) makes no sense.

There, fixed it for you (bolded words mine/underlined an example of where CH was dishonest about adding to and deleting from my original words).

This is a blatant lie. You changed other things as well. Stop lying. Also stop plagiarising. Please clearly indicate all the changes you make to someone else’s words. You are being dishonest and manipulative. While you’ve not been exactly a paragon of truth and logic with your posts on these threads, this particular lie crosses the line, even for you.

Keep other people’s words out your mouth if you cannot be truthful and transparent about all the changes you make.

For the avoidance of doubt, I’m explicitly requesting you go back and indicate ALL your changes to my words, as an honest person would have done without being asked.

Finally, you do LK a disservice with your plagiarism and changing (without clearly indicating those changes) my post, because it underscores how LK falls short of MHG in many ways. You had to take out references to beautiful children, success in competition (LK would not thank you for highlighting the contrast there between her and MHG), poise, and grace. And, of course, you had to remove any reference to anyone taking notes based upon LK’s behaviour either on and off the stand.

Oof. If this is how you support someone - ouch! I suspect they would vastly prefer you just don’t rather than throw the contrast into such stark relief! :astonished:




Plagiarism is creepy, what is even more creepy is saying you copied and then edited more than you admit to trying to pass it off as simple edits of the original.
Above is a screen shot of both posts.
Below shows how much you edited it.


I admit, I am laughing out loud that CH felt the need to remove the part about success in riding and competition and change it enjoying riding and removed the part about being poised and gracious under pressure.



I mean, with friends like that…


Oh, man, it’s worse than I thought when I just glanced over it - and I wrote the original!

Thanks for providing such clear evidence of such a bald-faced lie. So many changes.

Who does that?!


People desperate to push an agenda that isn’t logical. It IS referred to as lying, isn’t it?


I know nothing about civil trials so your guess is as good as mine.

I do wonder what new things we will learn in the civil trial.

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In the same way that I just skip over any post that include the words LK said this or LK said that, since LK testified under oath on the witness stand that she lies a lot on social media…

I think that going forward, I will just skip over any posts from that poster, since she has proven and even admitted that she will plagiarize and change the posts of others to suit her own ends.



Is this one of those times where you are going to try to find a way to tell us this is not a lie now that we have shown just how much you edited the post and its meaning?


Lol, seeing it this way makes it so clear that CH has a problem with MHG on a personal level. Unaffiliated my arse.


Y’all keep those plagiarized screenshots handy cause I’m sure you’re going need them again!


I’m just wondering about the “successful relationships” part, though not in regards to MHG.


Well, apparently she and Mr. Justin McCracken got along like a house on fire. Hmmm. :thinking:


You don’t think having some guy hanging out that you pay to be there a successful relationship?


Especially if he does all the laundry!


I guess you could count doing all the laundry a success! I wouldn’t mind not having to do all the laundry for a change…


I tried to copy your post @eggbutt bumping the gofundme fundraiser. I hope it posts correctly!

I had an idea how those of us who may want to donate or make another donation to help the cause. What if we have periodic “fundraising” here where on or by a particular date(s), those who want to make a contribution to the fund to keep up awareness of the fundraising effort and to help keep it growing. We could even do a .10 per post or just whatever people may be able to contribute.
Would anyone be interested and does anyone have any other ideas?


Damn, missing all the fun, having a certain poster on ignore.

Can we do a go-fund-me and buy them a horse?