Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Ugh, so true. What a gross and thoroughly dishonest thing to do. Imagine lying THAT much - ‘oh, all I did was change MHG to MHG and LK’. There must have been some major false eyelash batting going on when she typed that whopper!

Also, I have no evidence at all about what riding LK is doing post-verdict and would not comment on it. No one has shared here that she’s enjoying riding. The last I saw she was in NJ or NYC or some such - you know, celebrating the holy days with her charming sister by posting vulgar gestures on Insta, as one does. :face_vomiting: I assume she cannot be enjoying riding until she returns to FL at least.

I also know nothing about her relationship status (boyfriend? never-ending ‘engagement’ fiancé? don’t know/don’t care). Editing to make it look like I would comment upon this or thought that any info about this or the riding was ‘shared here’ post-verdict is super dishonest, even for a varsity-level prevaricator as CH has just shown herself to be.


See @CurrentlyHorseless you would have been better off answering my question!

You know the one asking g why LK hated MHG so much - what did MHG do to LK?


the better question would be what MHG ever did to CH!
Or Bob…

Perhaps RG made googely eyes at her?


To be sure I understand, are you saying this poster is unethical? :crazy_face:



Oh, I haven’t heard “making googly eyes” in decades!


I am. (bolding mine) That behavior really crosses the line.


@CurrentlyHorseless, you might want to step out of this thread for awhile.
You’re not exactly covering yourself with glory here.
You’re rolling in the gutter.


Thanks, it really is outrageous. But don’t give her the satisfaction of the negative attention she so obviously seeks. She’d love to get the thread shut down, again, even if she needs to lie and manipulate someone else’s words to this extent.

At least she provided a valuable public service in showing, for once and for all, how utterly dishonest she’s willing to be and how very personal her issue is with MHG.

Really, we should thank her. No one could have made those two points as well without this, her most recent and jaw-dropping stunt. :roll_eyes:


One person behaving badly is not a reason to shut down a thread, as we have seen demonstrated many, many, many times in the past.


One person behaving badly might be the icing on the cake that shuts down the thread.


The Moderator won’t shut the thread, only (if the Mod sees fit) explain to CH that adding to and editing other peoples posts is not acceptable.



Much easier to just boot the one person who plagiarizes and endlessly stirs the pot all the time.

Most others seem to be able to play nicely, and the site is getting a huge amount of traffic from the thread as well.


Just wanted to QFP CH’s explanation [ETA: to smoofox] of the changes she made as I’m sure the backpedaling will be fast and furious!

‘simply’ made that one little change, ‘“MHG” to “MHG and LK”’, huh?

In reading CH posts henceforth, I will assume /l at all times.

For the avoidance of doubt, /l = end lie. I’ll mentally insert that at the end of every CH post going forward. OR, maybe CH can take HH’s suggestion and just use the :lying_face: icon as her signature?

Funny how I was never accused, let alone proven, to lie, but @hut-ho78 thought it “LOL” to suggest without evidence that I was. Classy. I wonder how long it will take HH to suggest to CH:

LOL!!!11!!! :roll_eyes:


So, still no transfer to a mental health facility?


Yes, we did, and they dont compare!!

we aren’t speculating on MHG’s relationship with MB because she hasn’t talked about it. Its not our business, nor is MB’s with Vera

We are speculating entirely on LK’s relationship with MB Because She Has Made it entirely public. SHE’s spoken about it in public, SHE’s told twelve different stories, and made declarations about other people to the public, so we have every right to DISCUSS to the n’th degree LK.

You can’t seriously be that obtuse that you can’t see the difference.


Hey @CurrentlyHorseless, what did MHG to LK that the goal is to ruin her? What did MHG do to you that you are tossing her name out right and left as if it is a bad thing?


Yeah, CH? What did MHG ever do to LK? How come you’re so nasty towards MHG? Huh?


My husband is a partner at a major global firm [sadly, not blue chip :rofl:]. When I was telling him about this case and the civil case, he just shook his head.

He said, every time someone tells him they want to sue someone else, he always says the same thing: I’m not saying you shouldn’t if you really have a case, but I am telling you to think very, very carefully before you start down this road. What is going to be revealed about you cannot be undone. You must be prepared for all your skeletons to come rushing out of their closets and all your dirty laundry to hang in the breeze.

LK started her civil suit well before the criminal trial had even begun. MB’s suit against the police alone provided copious details of her personal life. And that’s as nothing compared to what’s going to come out. She has also threatened suits for years, so she must be well prepared to be in this spotlight.

That is why people are discussing it. She did so knowingly and, if not, then her top 5 global blue chip law firm lawyers aren’t worth their uber eats per diem for overtime meals. She should have gone into this fully aware that everything she could possibly imagine was coming out, would be a matter of public record, and would be discussed in connection to the case. Her father at the very least should have told her this. And, as pointed out above, she has overshared for years so she also put a lot of material out there prior to any of this.

MHG did none of those things. She was not involved in the criminal case (except as an exemplary witness) nor is she a party to any of the civil suits. She spent the last 2.5 years standing pat about the whole situation, not a single word on SM, the approach taken by all of MB’s associates. That is why ‘simply’ replacing ‘MHG’ with ‘LK and MHG’ [the smell of pants on fire must be overwhelming somewhere out there] in my post was not only nonsensical (and dishonest, manipulative, and creepy), it showed a fundamental lack of understanding about the situation each of the parties is in with respect to the various actions.


I think she underestimated her target(s) this time. She (and her clan) have managed to make the threats work for them for so long, they never imagined someone would not just bow to their wants.


I cannot recall if it was on this thread or the other one, but LK believes that she was murdered. Yes, she did flatline twice, but she was not murdered. You don’t come back from murder. Those of us who have loved ones who were actually murdered never get to see them again. They didn’t flatline and make a good recovery (all things considered from an outsider view, her recovery from the shooting is quite good, as in she is still able to so things she enjoys and live her life as she pleases). They’re gone. It’s actually insulting to claim to be a victim of murder while being alive. LK is a victim of an attempted murder and the fact that she (and maybe others, idk) cannot grasp that is astonishing.

If someone were to be in a traffic accident and flatline twice, but then make a decent recovery from the accident, they are not counted as a traffic accident fatality AFAIK.

As for dirty laundry, it’s possible to be so arrogant and delusional that you genuinely believe that none of your laundry is dirty.