Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

So - to recap - things that apparently make certain parties very twitchy are:

Rosie - which leads me to believe she was very much a part of what happened BEFORE the gun was fired

MHG - because for someone who hasn’t been named in any of the lawsuits and who hasn’t said anything about LK at all, LK certainly is up in arms about her

VK - to a lesser degree. After all, she hasn’t said anything either and whatever precipitated the divorce is HER business (and MB’s). No one else. If she wanted to say anything about him or anyone at all, she would have done so. I think she is being used more as a prop and possibly as a sort of stand-in for LK (LK in the role of a woman scorned or denied of something…)

So - yet again - what did MHG DO to warrant all the vitriol and scorn from LK, et al?

MHG worked hard at her riding, she is divorced (but so is LK), she remarried, she isn’t a current or former opioid addict, she doesn’t skulk around barefoot, dressed in dark colors and a black veil, MHG doesn’t secret hidden recording devices where they don’t legally belong and she hasn’t slagged off LK publicly.

LK never should have been shot. And she never should have used her knowledge of MB’s depression and past to drive him to the point of insanity. Someone who does so is amongst the lowest of the low to weaponize a person’s HEALTH ISSUES for their own amusement or personal profit. Suboxone doesn’t provide cover for that behavior. Her ladies’ maid is no better. Anyone who didn’t discourage her or report her behavior is complicit and equally horrible.


I think you hit the nail on the head. :smile:


Well, when you refuse to actually look at it after it has been scrubbed on your behalf, then of course you think it sparkles in the sunlight! Ignore what will grow if plated and incubated for a few days.

Not to worry, the civil suit will reveal everything. No one’s life looks great under a microscope. Some lives look worse than others. Far, far worse.


LOL, it was at least 2 threads ago, which is not to say she did not repeat it in several others.
Did she actually flatline twice? I thought it was once (according to the doctor’s testimony)
it was a sad funny, for sure.

You’d figure somebody would take stock of their life after almost dying for good.

it has not been prove that the shooting was an intentional act.


The thing is - she won’t care. She cannot grasp the concept of right and wrong - unless she feels SHE has been wronged. In her mind, everything she has done is okay, because she did it for HERSELF. She doesn’t care if she broke laws, she doesn’t care if she hurt others, she doesn’t care about anything other than feeding her own voracious appetite for recognition and glory. Her fear of rejection is like a giant black hole inside her psyche, and she will say anything, do anything to make sure she gets what she wants.

Folks like this are not normal human beings with a moral conscience (are more like a Terminator).

Here is an Interesting article that came out a couple of months ago. Check out the lists under Signs and Traits.


No, there was a screenshot on one of these two current threads. Maybe it was once? Either way, it’s impressive to have survived, but it still wasn’t murder.


I mean, she said she flatlined twice
But she also said it was on the helicopter flight…


Oh yeah, that :sweat_smile:


@CanteringCarrot, if you go back to the original thread things (things = LK posts) are heavily edited but there are still some fun posts worth reading (fun because clearly LK has an imagination and her inability to tell the truth does make for some giggles).


This is an important point. LK (the Kanareks) have not sued anyone before, that we are aware of. It’s always been threats and bluster! I assume they never thought it would get this far with ALL their filthy laundry being exposed. I suspect it is way too late to stop this train from Barisone’s standpoint. The reality of what is looming for the Kanareks may be one of the reasons for the rather sudden silence of that gang. Gosh, what a shame. Lift that rock and expose these bullies in every way possible! BTW, that idea alone is one of the reasons people have contributed, in several cases more than once, to the GFM account…to help truly expose these people.


I would guess there are lots of people in all walks of life that would prefer this clan is exposed.


Since work has been going from frantic to quiet back to frantic again, I’ve been re-listening to the testimony and reading the comments on YouTube. Anyone tired of my sharing gems, let me know.


This really hits home for me. I have a one-degree relative who was killed by a drunk driver. He didn’t even get to flatline with people swarmed around helping him. He died, alone, on a country road, with a drunk woman as the only witness to his final moments.

You are 100% correct: claiming any relationship to murder or death is insulting to say the very, very least.

I made this point about LK’s messages to Girl Joey: she was hurling vulgar taunts at a woman whose child is dead - not almost dead, not flatlined and made a recovery, not scarred but out riding mid-six figures’ worth of horses everyday, partying, and giving SM the middle finger - dead.


LMAO circular English IS a skill set!




She makes lifelong friends everywhere she goes. /s


I see the LK leopard has not changed its spots.
Telling someone she wants to be mean to that they were doing something wrong while someone they loved died. Darn, she is like a broken record. It would be funny if it was not so sad.

The impeachment post made me giggle. She was clearly not paying attention. She was impeached.



And add another WOW.

Holy crapasaurus! Ick. Dayum. That’s A LOT of drama!

Same modus operandi though. Same wreckage of lives.

Being near her is like touching poison ivy.


Holy cow!!! She’s declaring she was so smart with her performance? Man, that sure backfired! Thanks so much for sharing this desperate quote! Of course, this is classic LK, the 3-dimensional chess expert.


And it was two days ago she posted this response. You can’t make this stuff up. She’s her own worst enemy.

