Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Plus Girl_Joey was ignored and dismissed by people in positions of power and authority for years when she brought it up.

Her poor treatment by LK was given short shrift by many here too. I guess it was too messy, too emotional and too raw. Easy to advise therapy when you can find it, afford it and get to it without risk.



Oh my gosh, that is a current post? I figured it was from during the trial. How can she think she was not impeached?


I truly am shocked! Obviously the Kanarek spin machine is running in overdrive! She canā€™t post here so they send their spins in via others. Deny, deflect, defame. Never, ever accept accountability and for damn sure, never STFU!! Keep spewing Lauren! It is most helpful to the civil team!


Screen captures from this morning on YouTube. Day 4 continued cross exam of LK. She.just.canā€™t.stop.


Where is this vomit being posted?

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YouTube. Day 4 continued cross exam of LK.


The irony of someone who has an opioid addiction crowing that a recovering alcoholic (I am presuming sobriety, which may be an error) is unable to walk. At least Sean has opted to participate in research studies. I donā€™t see where LK has elevated anything within the community since high school, and even then it may have been to meet a service hours requirement to graduate.


Your husband sounds like a very good attorney.

I was in a similar situation many years ago, and the very good attorney I consulted said I absolutely did have a case and he would be happy to take it on contingency, but he wanted me to go home and think about it before giving him an answer. He then explained in detail what the discovery process would be like and told me that I would have to relive the initial trauma at least once, even if the other party settled, several times over if they didnā€™t settle and the suit proceeded.

I thought it over, declined to proceed and thanked him very much for the excellent advice.


Thank you


I would guess that even if the interesting lawyer they hired, the one who insults juries, probably did tell them this but either they all agreed that there would be a quick and easy settlement or the LK Clan were sure they knew better and there was no risk to them.

LK for sure thinks that we (general population) are not smart enough to know anything ourselves and that if she says so it is true and we all must believe her. Her current posts on youtube prove that.

Thank you @jvanrens for the screen shots.


Likely worse after reading the current rounds of posts.


Like touching a radioactive poison oak leaf being worn by a Cane Toad!


Sure do hope that someone from 48 hours is reading these posts, especially about her asking Mr. B to keep repeating his questions.


For those who are interested, what if we use Memorial Day weekend as a fundraising drive date for the gofundme account ? May is mental health awareness month so it seems appropriate. So many have generously donated already, maybe we can stir up some more interest for it.
Maybe another one in the Fall too?


Once again, Iā€™m feeling sorry for whoever it is on the legal team who will be stuck reading all this material. As if the original 19,000 pages werenā€™t enough, the reading list will just continue to grow. :face_vomiting:

Does anyone happen to know who the McCartney person is? Is it actually a relative of RG?


She appears to be mocking and taunting him because he is paralysed, do I read that correctly?


That is how I read it. Because that is something one would find reasonable to taunt someone about, right?


So, dear sweet Lauren posted that she receives info from the Coth threads, apparently via others. We all can guess who the ā€œothersā€ are, but who the heck cares what she receives from here? Reading these YouTube comments, it is very clear this damaged woman is totally out of control, moreso than 3 years ago. How sad it is that no one in her life will get her the help she so desperately needs.

Notice the red flag, the threats of future action against others. Classic Kanarek. :rofl:


She does not need others so why say others. She can read all of this (dressage) forum with no log in.
Why lie when a lie is not even needed? That says so much about her right there. She does not even know how to tell the truth when the truth is simple and a lie is not needed.