Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I think you pegged it. She does not even know how to tell the truth…

She has been telling lies her entire life. I doubt she knows what truth is or reality.


I think she’s trying to appear too cool for school, like it’s beneath her to read here. Yeah, right. If she didn’t care what was posted here, she’d tell her loyal followers not bother ‘letting her know’. :roll_eyes:

Agreed, the lies aren’t even remotely believable. They don’t even make sense.

Sure could use someone bright and creative to help with the lies it seems.


There’s also a lovely 3 way conversation between Lauren, our friend Bob Abooey and Girl Joey from yesterday here:

I keep trying to post a couple screenshots but my iPad is failing right now.


OMG Bob is talking to LK in the comments! :rofl:

What circle of absurdity have we entered at this point?

Who does that?!


The fact that they are walking among us is chilling.


Someone who thinks they are smarter than everyone else and by talking to themselves using two different screen IDs they can boast their greatness all while thinking no one will know it is just them having a conversation with themselves.


Imagine being so delusional that when someone says “I’m saving the best for …” you believe it is a threat and proof of a murder plot against you.


I’m not say she learned that behavior on this BB, since I’m sure it has happened in plenty of other places. But I seem to recall one or two pretty spectacular flameouts here when somebody messed up with their assorted identities and it came to light.

The difference here seems to be that most people probably already know in her case.


LK was being bashed on this forum while still in the hospital and in a coma, months before the civil suit was filed. To suggest that the filing of her civil suit is the reason people are discussing her dirty laundry is ridiculous. Eggbutt has said many times, honestly, that she hates LK and wants to “warn” others about her, hence it is her mission to repeat every negative allegation she can work up. Some of the allegations seem to be true, others not so much.

Despite some extremely fanciful “speculation” to the effect that LK masterminded the whole shooting, deliberately goading MB into shooting and injuring her so she could sue and “take his farm”, LK did not ask to be shot and did not ask to be the center of attention in this spectacle. Neither did MB, RC, MHG or any of them.

MHG was not involved in the criminal case, except as a witness. LK was not involved in the criminal case, except as the victim, and as a witness. The criminal case was the state of NJ vs MB.

MHG, along with LK, was involved in the interpersonal conflict that led to the shooting and the criminal case, however. That is why she is being discussed here.

In the trial, the testimony revealed a strong mutual dislike between MHG and LK. Why did MHG dislike LK? I don’t know since I wasn’t there, but possibilities are: LK was taking up MBs time and attention, MHG considered LK a rich dilettante, whatever. Why did LK dislike MHG? Possibilities are: MHG disliked her and was pressuring MB to get her kicked out, she perceived MHG looked down on her and faulted her for missing lessons, whatever.

In the interpersonal relationship between two people, it’s almost always the case that same general emotion is reflected back and forth: friendship, hate, indifference, whatever. I suppose one party could feel friendship toward the other, and have the feeling returned with indifference, but generally when it comes to strong dislike and hate, it’s a two way street. It’s not a mystery as to why LK disliked MHG; she knew she was disliked by MHG.

MBs associates have not talked about the case publicly under their own names. But I’m convinced that Eggbutt has been posting all along with inside information from at least one of Barisone’s close associates. So Barisone’s associates refrained from stooping to throwing mud, and worse, under their own names, but nevertheless got the mud thrown on a daily basis by Eggbutt and cohorts.

The hypocrisy in the continued mantra that LK is fair game for any allegation and insult, while the role of MHG may not be discussed, is breathtaking.

No one, to my knowledge, is taking any active steps to limit MHGs future in the sport. I have pointed out the obvious — that MHG participated with MB in compiling a 750+ page file on LK and sent it to USEF on the day before MB shot her. I don’t believe for a minute that the PI report or the “reaching out” to GJ, HB, and other SM enemies (EB says she was not contacted) was for information on “how other people had gotten her out.” Ridiculous. Laughable. The information gathering was for the purpose of compiling the file, and the purpose of the file was, according to a text from MB to MHG, to get LK “banned for life”.

It’s up to USEF to determine the repercussions of that file submission. It’s not up to LK, JK, or anyone else. If I were MHG, I would regret having sent it.

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Charlie Brown’s teacher just cannot seem to read the room.


Oh, I’ve read the room. That’s why I post one or two posts and leave the room for the rest of the day!

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Can someone please explain what kind of delusional threat REPORTING SOMEONE TO THE JUDGE is? Apparently Lauren still has no earthly idea how the legal system works in this country. I wonder if she thinks there is only one branch of government over all others? It isn’t even sad anymore, is it? It is downright comical. She’s become a parody of herself.



Do not engage with me at all until you have the honesty and humility to address the blatant lying you did upthread about your ‘simple plagiarisation’ of my post.

The comparison @trubandloki posted was the most astonishing evidence of deceitful behaviour I’ve even seen on this board or any other.

Do not think you get to engage with me as if nothing happened. You were exposed as dishonest, manipulative, and profoundly mistaken to think the people posting here didn’t see right through your lies and wouldn’t call you out. Someone even flagged or reported you, your favourite trick!

No one forgets what you did upthread. Don’t simply post trying to converse with me again with no acknowledgement that you have been exposed as a bald-faced liar as if nothing happened.


Interesting that you say this. It’s been proven that LK verbally and psychologically harasses others, yet you believe MHG is at fault for sending in her evidence and concerns to SS? Have you read the 750 pages sent to SS? Why should MHG regret sending in these pages?


Translation: I only answer questions that suit my agenda.


And her day must be a lot shorter than most peoples 24 hours. :woman_shrugging:


Additional translation: And when I lie and am exposed in spectacular fashion, I’m such a base coward I run away for several hours and then think I can slink back in and make pretend that nothing happened.


Who does that?!


Nope…just being directed to post. Wonder what the K’s have over them….


Interesting that you say this. It’s been proven that LK verbally and psychologically harasses others, yet you believe MHG is at fault for sending in her evidence and concerns to SS? Have you read the 750 pages sent to SS? Why should MHG regret sending in these pages?

Surely SS would have acted against MHG by now….it’s been over two years….