Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Do it long enough, pick people to go after, and your luck just may run out. :woman_shrugging:


LK: ā€œI have proof of murder plots against me!ā€

Also LK: Doesnā€™t even know the definition of murder having believed she was murdered already.


I very sincerely hope no one stops LK/Bob/et al from posting. These latest posts are solid gold for the civil case.

As far as 48 Hoursā€¦these folks are absolute pros at making people like Lauren think they are ā€œon their sideā€. Last report I heard was they were still unable to find anyone (outside of family) to speak positively about Lauren and her father. I know they were pursuing Nellie but I donā€™t know if they contacted her or if she agreed to go on record before millions of people to express her undying love for her bestie. Yes, 48 Hours has a plethora of dirt on the Kanareks. I hear they are still looking for one particular party to cooperate with them. Wonder who that could be?


I was wondering the same. Would the show use illegal or totally taken out of context audio? I wonder who is going to look bad if itā€™s used?


The last bit about spoke to LPD after your dad (JK?) called the mayorā€¦


So you are ā€œpermittedā€ to speculate away on far-flung scenarios that you deem to be true - but God forbid anyone else offers up an idea or any scenario other than one that you have presented and approved ofā€¦

You donā€™t know because you werenā€™t there - you said that yourself - and yet you have no issues with presenting possibilities and probabilities as if they were fact. God forbid anyone else expresses a possibility or a thought you do not condone.

You also know for a fact that Eggbutt has been posting actual inside info with full support from MBā€™s associatesā€¦ how so? There is not a conspiracy behind everything - which seems to be something LK tends to believe.

What is breathtaking is the spin you desperately try to put on things ā€¦and the blatant hypocrisy. No one said MHG cannot be discussed - it is just that currently you seem to be ratherā€¦ obsessed with her (and all of MBā€™s relationships) and trying very hard to incriminate her via a series of tales including jealousy ā€œof a rich dilettanteā€.

If LKā€™s actions warranted USEF or any other organization to look into her - it is not ridiculous or laughable. Someone texting and wishing for ā€œbanned for lifeā€ in the middle of this extremely stressful situation is overwrought hyperboleā€¦ but no - it must be held up as a heinous act - which is a masterful example of airs above the ground while trying so hard to ignore and excuse all the nonsense that LK has done and said for many yearsā€¦ and is continuing to do on SMā€¦

You even thought I was too stupid to see how you plagiarized and edited @FitzE 's postā€¦ and had to help me ā€œunderstandā€ what you thought I obviously missed.

You cannot read the room. Not at all.

More deja vu.

This post is not sarcasm - seeing as you will airily dismiss all of it as such. I have not gone all Tony Stark for a changeā€¦


I have a feeling that is whatā€™s at play here. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any audio about a murder plot or anything. I think even if all they recorded is nonsense, the fact that surreptitious audio that may or may not have been legal (my gut says it wasnā€™t) exists only makes LK and her servant look worse. Because, who plants hidden recorders on someone elseā€™s property instead of just moving?


In thinking about this I think she did not understand that there is more than one possible response to the kind of pressure she was used to exerting. We have flight, fight, or freeze. (I know that is not considered a response but I have seen it happen, so I included it.) In the past, when she ā€œbrokeā€ her victims, they either fled or froze. When she broke MB, it seems he went to ā€œfightā€. She put him in that position and then claims victimhood with the result. She had had an internal conversation about how she believed things would go - unfortunately for her, she didnā€™t let MB in on that internal conversation.


Iā€™d love to pool donations from cothā€™ers or identify our donations as such, ie Coth supporters of MB.


I wonder if @Seeker1 has tried to involve this 40 year old daughter in anything productive, like helping in soup kitchens? Iā€™m sure there are hundreds, if not thousands, of hungry, homeless people in FL who could use the help. Itā€™s quite obvious LK has escaped from her keepers and seems to be more delusional than before. Sheā€™s actually contradicting herself in the same post now.

Maybe the ā€œlaying of handsā€ can cure the family shame. In days gone by this family would have been austrocized from the village, if not tarred and feathered first.

Question - are YouTube comments subject to user edits days, months, years later? Of so, thanks to those taking screenshots in real time!


You can edit your donor name from ā€œAnonymousā€ to your COTH user name.


All I can say to you is three words, FINISH THE BASTARD.


Itā€™s on audio.
Off, we never heard this damning, concrete proof of his guilt during the trial trying to assign him guilt. :thinking:


That would be interesting to see how much we could raise. When I made mine, I did it anonymously. I did get an email, is that how people changed the name of the donation?

Also, does anyone have any connections to well known horse people who might be sympathetic to the cause? If so maybe they could invite them to post a funny horse story or words of support during the fund drive. It would be cool to see who would be willing to post (and brave enough) and help further the cause.


Whatā€™s TRULY breathtaking is CHā€™s bald-faced lying and utter lack of shame when being caught red handed.


ā€œour audios prove otherwiseā€?
If they did, we would have heard them, or is Schellehorn a dufus?


Maybe we could name the drive ā€œFinance the B*****ā€ but come up with a funny replacement for B*****


Iā€™m confused. Who are we talking about, CH or LK? Because this hits the nail on the had for both of them.


LOL! If only.

TouchĆ©! It is hard to tell without a specific reference. I guess thereā€™s a whole, ā€œWho does that?!ā€ tribe out there! :rofl: