Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I love this!


Thatā€™s what I did.

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OK, well upthread, but I cannot let this slide, @CanteringCarrot: ā€œLK is a victim of an attempted murderā€¦ā€ NO. She. Isnā€™t. Sheā€™s a gunshot victim. Nothing more or less. Barisone was found NOT GUILTY of Attempted Murder of RG and NGRI of Attempted Murder of LK. I believe it was not established at all that he went there with the intent to ā€œmurderā€ anyone. Itā€™s bad enough that LK believes erroneously that NGRI is the ā€œopposite of not guilty,ā€ but thatā€™s her delusion. Donā€™t feed her fantasy about a plot to murder her which never existed.


Finance the Barn ?


besides, we donā€™t even know who actually pulled the trigger!


So sorry to offend!

Not really.


So, your true purpose is to actually offend other posters. What a revealing aspect of your personality.


No that is not my true purpose if youā€™ve ever looked at any of my other posts. As for a ā€œrevealing aspect of my personalityā€ no. Try again. No need to get personal, itā€™s not a good look. Itā€™s just that instead of making a correction with explanation, everyone gets snarky and/or rude in their replies. My mistake for saying Attempted murder, but it just appeared that someone Attempted to murder her? I can settle for just saying gunshot victim. Thatā€™s cool. Just didnā€™t need to snark.

I have a bad habit of snarking back to snark. I need snarkoholics anonymous, obvs.


Another one could be ā€œfinance the barristerā€ :smile:


Iā€™ve said it before, and Iā€™ll say it again. I really, really hope that they talk to some of the jurors on 48 Hours. I think it would be extremely interesting to hear what they have to say, and how they arrived at their decision on the verdicts.


I really like that one!


I have to say, it is telling that LK wonā€™t release the recordings personally. There is no reason to rely on 48hours except to shunt blame onto themā€¦.maybe even in hopes of filing another lawsuit in search of a settlementā€¦.


I imagine ā€˜rich dilettantesā€™ are the bread and butter of most professional horse people, be they dressage trainers/riders, show jumpers/riders, racehorse trainers/owners, etc. I have no problem with ā€˜rich dilettantesā€™ā€”I, for one, wouldnā€™t mind being one myself. Itā€™d be nice to have someone to clean my house, cook for me, walk my dogsā€¦but I digress.

On the other hand, being someone who didnā€™t show up for scheduled lessons (because, surely, there were OTHER ā€˜rich dilettantesā€™ who would have loved those slots) would tick me off. And being disruptive to the atmosphere of what had been a ā€œhappy barnā€ā€¦ Well, in my case it was the barn owner whose decreasing/worsening care of horses, (some) witnessed abuses, overstepping of boundaries led me to giving away my horse and getting out of horses for two years. (To be honest, some of the barn problems MIGHT have been attributed to onslaught dementia or something similar.)

But I digress. I just cannot understand, as has been stated MANY times, with another barn lined up willing to take LKā€™s horses and her as a student, why she. just. didnā€™t. leave. with. her. "rich. dilettente.ā€™ money. If, for no other reason, that another dressage instructor could have enabled her to get her ā€œbronzeā€ or ride to a higher level than with MB.


Iā€™m still waiting for these bombs to drop. For all to be exposed! The big plot!

Exceptā€¦I think it doesnā€™t exist. These little ā€œhold outsā€ thus far have been nothing. A way to keep up the attention perhaps? Idk.


Find the Bombshell


Well, donā€™t forget that she has admitted to having multiple personalities. :upside_down_face:


Again? Really? The jury sure figured it out.

For some comedic relief



And I have always wondered if that ā€œother barn/other trainerā€ had any idea who or what she was when he agreed to take her on as a client. I am betting that he breathed a great sigh of relief when he learned the whole story - he had dodged a bullet (so to speak). And if it is who I think it is, he would have put up with her s*** for about two weeks before telling her to hit the highway, and if she had gone after him the way she went after MB - whoa! Things would have gotten super ugly for sure, but I donā€™t think he would have ended up the broken one.


Well, now you must share your thoughts!

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