Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

PanAm gold medalist (if memory serves) who lives in NJ, close by to MBs former farm wouldn’t be too hard to figure out if you really want to look. I’m not that inspired to google today. Waking up at 3 AM takes the starch out of a body.


Boyd Martin? No, couldn’t have been, could it?

Hearsay says CP who is in NJ originally from a country in South America


The Martins are in Pennsylvania. I was there looking at (and then purchasing) a horse from them.


I would think the people who defend LK so voraciously here would jump at the chance to do so on 48 Hours.


Agree. I think of Alain Wertheimer, John Malone, Anthony Oppenheimer, Bradley Wayne Hughes, John/Susan Magnier, or even people like Paul Schockemoehle who have cornered a breeding market, etc. The Kanareks seem like to be in the upper middle or lower upper bracket [edit]. I’d certainly never heard of them.

ETA: Heck, if LK was so wealthy, why wouldn’t she have her own training facility? Why be at the mercy of others and staff your own trainer?


But they would be outed if they did. It wouldn’t be meaningful if they did it anonymously! Plus, these people, if they are being truthful and not connected as some suspect, wouldn’t be able to share any BFF camp fire/trip to the beach, coffee shop, whatever fun experiences with their buddy.


Oh my! I can imagine these two together! LK wouldn’t last 15 minutes with him and RG probably wouldn’t be allowed on the property. It had to have been very temporary arrangement. The distance certainly makes sense.


How would she get the Olympian experience if she had her own facility?


Just like CH, I like the thought experiment of reversing the most forceful rants by LK. Like when she is banging on about how much money she is owed, I change that to how much money she owes… Or that MB is getting older and running out of time /ability to ride… :thinking:
Then I feel I’m closer to the truth.


I think that is where LK takes herself way too seriously - there are plenty of non-Olympians who could teach her A LOT about riding. Most riders wish to stake yheir claims at the national level before moving on internationally.

But I’ll humor you and say she most certainly could have an Olympian teach frequently at her facility had she been a decent human and able to maintain good relationships. After all, we know even MB wasn’t teaching her daily. :upside_down_face:


Makes me think of one of my favorite female equestrians:



That must be a pretty darn interesting “public record” that states, “this woman left her husband for that man.”

MHG’s ex-husband is re-married. How do you know that the break up wasn’t mutual, or gasp! even his idea? He also still lives in the same place that they lived in when married, that is, his home is in New Bern, NC and his business is in Oriental, NC, approximately 20 miles apart. For all I know, he may be from there. His father lives there. (Ex-husband’s name has come across my desk a few times in relation to engineering/environmental business my company does in that area - he is a builder, so not unusual… We deal with tons of developers).

Which would make it understandable that her children, who are early teens, may want to continue to live in the same area, rather than go to Florida. That MAY be why she did not have full custody of her children, as you have previously pearl-clutched about.

Here is another fact: While North Carolina does have a vibrant dressage scene, that particular area of the state is really where dressage dreams go to die. I have seen threads on this board asking if there are any dressage trainers nearby and the answer is always no. They are towns given to sailing and boating.


Like DH says when someone goes on about how much they paid for something, take the number, multiply by 2 and divide by 3. Or possibly the other way around. Either way, the way he does it usually turns our about right.


Thankfully that has changed in the past year with several trainers giving regular clinics in the area as well as two who have moved to nearby counties.

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That’s nice to know. As I stated earlier, my daughter rode in shows where MHG was present, in the Fregat days. Always a nice girl.

I have the oddest connections to New Bern, besides our company doing lots of work along that coast. My late parents’ good friends owned a restaurant called the Henderson House in the 90’s (I considered it to be a Williiamsburg Lite kind of place - it was close to Tryon Palace), and lived on Pollock Street. We used to go down all the time.


Fregat days…yes, a long while ago. He was really special and helped her achieve many goals.

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You’re right that there is no public record that says that MHG left her husband for MB. Since you brought up the issue, I googled for 5 seconds and came across a glowing article on MHG in Sidelines magazine from January, 2014. The gist of the article was that after winning the National YR in 2003 she was poised to step into the international arena, but instead met and married “the love of her life”, Scott Garganus, and started a family. According to the article, she was referring to her husband as the love of her life and saying she loved being a mom, but was expressing frustration that domestic life had hampered her professional progress at the international level. At the time she was training with a nonBNT in NC.

However, as of the writing of the article in early Jan 2014, she was looking forward to competing in the CDIs in Wellington and hoping to get back into the international arena. So, she was planning a few months away from home in NC. MB has his winter training facility in Florida. Was he coaching Ali Brock there in the winter season of 2014? I don’t know, but it seems likely.

MHG testified at the trial that her relationship with MB started in 2015. MBs divorce was in 2018. That’s what’s in the public record.

I don’t think I have remarked on MHGs custody arrangement. I don’t know anything about her custody arrangement.

However, I do know of divorced parents who refuse to move from the area of the original family home, despite better job offers or new love interests in other locales, to make shared custody work better. If she prioritized her riding career and wanted, or “needed”, to be in NJ half the year and Florida half the year, that obviously is a challenge in terms of having custody of school age children.

Here is another tidbit that I stumbled across: Scott Garganus, the builder of New Bern and Oriental, NC was being sued for writing $45,000 of bad checks on Feb 22, 2022. He is not being sued by the Kanareks, as far as I know.

I suspect that MHG saw through LK fairly quickly and recognized exactly what kind of person she was. And that’s likely why she encouraged MB to get out of the shady deal, especially once it was clear that they were never going to be compensated by RG’s work in exchange for the ridiculously low board Daddy was paying for LK’s horses.


I agree that most trainers, even the top ones, need the rich dilettantes on their client roster, even though they get more professional satisfaction training up and coming pros.

But that’s how I understand MBs failing to evict LK, or even tell her to leave, in April, or May, or June, or July. She had a bargain rate on the first two horses, but he might have also eyed her as a client who would buy more horses — horses sold by him like Jay-T, or horses in which he’d earn a commission.

If MB had been clear in his own mind that he wanted LK gone (the person and the potential money), I cannot understand why he didn’t break off the client relationship much earlier. I’m left with the interpretation that he was paralyzed by conflicting pressures — his girlfriend was demanding LK goes, while he didn’t want to lose the current and potential income.