Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I did not say MHG is at fault for sending the material to those organizations. I was actually referring to the submission to USEF, not SS.

In receiving the file, USEF will make the determination if it casts an unflattering light on MHG, LK, both, or neither. If I were the one who sent in the file, attempting to get someone banned for life by USEF, I would be regretting it. Perhaps MHG has no regrets on her role in submitting the file.

Nope, nope, nope.


My mistake, USEF; regardless, why would you have regrets pertaining to this matter?


Re first bolded: My “manifesto” does not speak to “why LK planned to ruin MHGs chances of making a team” because I don’t think she had any such plans.

Re second bolded: If you’re saying that LK disliked/hated MHG because she felt disliked/disrespected/hated by MHG, I agree. It’s almost impossible to admire, like, or respect someone who obviously hates you and feels nothing but contempt for you.



Per MHG’s testimony in court and the receipt that was shown, you were correct in saying Safe Sport. Whether or not she also sent anything to USEF was not part of the testimony (that I can find).


I’ve explained that.

If you don’t want to read my previous posts, ask yourself: in the context of the whole tragedy, would you feel relaxed and confident that submitting the file to USEF had advanced or at least not harmed your career?



Fun, and meaningless fact. In NC, you can’t even file for divorce until you have lived apart from your spouse for one year. So when people talk about people leaving their husband for someone else, or whatever, one should factor in that one year.


And you used to have to keep your married last name if you had children during the marriage. :woman_facepalming: Not sure if that’s changed


I do think that has changed, but here’s another fun North Carolina law. NC is one of six states in the nation where, if your spouse cheats on you, you can sue that 3rd party for alienation of affection.



Says the person with no regrets about their massive lying and exposure up thread. Too cowardly and fundamentally dishonest to even acknowledge it, let alone regret it.


I would have no qualms sending documentation of ongoing harassment.

You know, I can’t help but laugh. It’s as if you assume there is no way MHG could have documented evidence of LK’s harassment. I’ll admit, 750 is an unusual number, but maybe not everyone shares the same dishonest way of thinking and the evidence, 750 pages worth, exists. I haven’t read the documents, sure, but I’ve heard or read plenty of other evidence that clearly portrays LK’s predatory behavior including verbal and psychological harassment. I can also tell you that she has been charged with simple assault, so add that to the list as well.

Nope, wouldn’t regret it at all.

Edit: changed 760 to 750


Thank you very much, ekat. I was wondering where I was getting my wires crossed. :slightly_smiling_face:


You’re welcome. MHG’s time on the witness stand is very enlightening if people really want to make leaps of judgment about her. For example, it’s been mentioned before how she talked about LK’s talent as a rider, she just didn’t any to put in the work. And that she was trying to work with her and help her, until she just couldn’t any more. Her testimony kind of goes against the narrative we’re getting to read.

MHG on the stand is what sucked me into the vortex of this trial.


It was 756 pages to be exact see pic post #6240 approx


Re bolded. Like you, I would not have regrets about sending in documentation of current, ongoing harassment directed at me or my immediate barn mates at HH.

My interpretation of the reports that MB and MHG actively reached out to LKs SM enemies like HB and GJ is that part of the 750 pages was documentation of the SM stuff not directly related to MHG and MB. That’s what I think may not look good.

I don’t think MHG even said that, exactly.

I think she phrased it more along the lines that anyone could become a good rider if they put in the work. I don’t believe she even made a direct line to LK from that statement.

I mean, she did not really need to spell it out for anyone who had heard about the history. But I don’t think she actually made a specific comment about LK on the subject. High road all the way.

Caveat, I have not watched that piece of testimony for quite a while. But that’s my recollection.




The face to come back here posting away and acting like nothing happened! No shame at all. :astonished:

I think your Nope campaign is spot on.