Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

It just saves a lot of time. Lol.


Liars gonna lie; cowards gonna dodge.

I’m torn between Nope and /l


This is all speculation. What is relevant is up to the organization to decide. The facts we know are - LK assaults people in multiple forms. We know from a criminal trial, MB had proof. Why wouldn’t MHG? She should have no regrets voicing her concerns and submitting the documents she felt were relevant. I think it would be her duty to report for the sake of the sport.


You like to dig up stuff don’t you?

And yes you did remark on her not having full custody of her children before. That’s the entire reason for my post. But you have stated a qualifier, so I will just say I do remember.

I have been working with land developers since 1999 from the front end (civil
Engineering, environmental studies) in this area since 1999, and before that, from the rear end (paralegal for a real estate attorney) and I have seen plenty of bad checks in much larger amounts than that. It’s a fast and furious business. Heck we have been paid with bad checks similar to that amount. Sometimes it gets worked out, sometimes not.

And I will ask: what does the ex husbands issues have to do with the matter we are discussing. Nothing!


Like so many things that get dredged up as distractions in these threads.


May not look good? For LK, yes
 not so much for anyone - and I mean anyone - filing a complaint or report about her. If she has acted out against multiple people in the equestrian world all over SM - you think that should be ignored?

If all that was submitted was true and the actual person’s own words (that they were proud of) 
 and in the current context
 I would feel confident about that report.

You are bending over backwards to cast aspersions on those who LK targeted with glee
 and submitting what you obviously see as amazing detective work that you think backs up your points
 such as the ex. He was not even mentioned by name before you happily dropped his name into the conversation to demonstrate how superb your googling skills are
 or something like that.


USEF handles all non sexual violations of the SS code, so the file was sent to the office of USEF that handles non sexual SS violations like harassment.

Note the address on the receipt is Lexington, KY. SS is headquartered in Denver.



Nope, nada, nyet


I heard that MHGs cousons wife’s aunt had a dog who pooped F U on a hated neighbors lawn.


Funny how they can Google for dirt but can’t even produce proof of their asinine claims in their own posts. Got it.


I liked the part where there was clearly no justification or defense of the reporting of MHG to any entity like SS or USEF.


Does anyone have the screen capture of LK boasting about how once she sets her eyes on a target, she will take them down - not the exact words per se - but words to that effect? I am sure I did not imagine it


I don’t have it, but you did not imagine it. It was about how ‘I never miss’ and some weird tangent into claiming to have written a thesis in college and she didn’t ‘miss’ there either or some convoluted word salad of self-flattery and puffery.


I wonder which degree that thesis was for?


I’m still waiting for CH to address FitzE.

It was a bs post, wrapped up with a bow of superiority, which blew up in your face and yet here you are pretending she didn’t read you like a book.


What you call my “massive lying” was saying I simply changed “MHG” to “MHG and LK”, when in fact I changed some other phrases as well?

Did I specifically state that that was the only change I made? No, I didn’t.

It’s hardly surprising that you rest your judgement of “fundamental dishonesty” on such a slender quibble.

Is that your only quibble with the post? Do you disagree with the main point, that it’s hypocritical to say MHG’s role may not be discussed, while LK is a continuing target for all manner of “discussion”?

Re MHGs submission of the file to USEF, how would you feel about it? Would you have regrets?



If I were filing against LK not only wouldn’t I have regrets but I’d bake a cake to accompany my submission and send another via celebrity messenger. Then the big lights in Time Square would scroll it right before the New Years Eve countdown.


I had to go back and look(listen) lol. We’re both right. Specifically she said LK had the talent and capability to be a great rider. But when Mr B asked if she considered herself a better rider, she went to generalities about putting in time and work.

A classy answer considering everything.