Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Wow. Mocking someone who is, apparently, confined to a wheelchair. I thought there must be a level to which LK wouldn’t stoop. I was wrong. What a cruel human being.


Dear @Knights_Mom. I am well aware that you have no regrets of any bad consequences befalling LK from your attempt to get her banned.

Even if I hated LK the way you do, if I had submitted a 750+ page file, which showed I had contacted some of LKs crazy SM enemies (as opposed to just reporting current harassment directed at me and my barn mates), my regret would be that the filing might look like an attempt to weaponize SS and might have the effect of putting me (not LK) in a bad light. That’s what we’re talking about here.

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Are you for real (sorry if I’ve asked you that before)? “Slender quibble”?! I guess you’ve had a deep drink of the LK Kool aide and like it, a lot. Re MHGs submission, I doubt she regrets it for a second. If it were me, I wouldn’t either, though the thought of what MB went through would eat at me regardless of how the relationship ended. Of course she did celebrate the verdict, posted something about good overcoming evil, so hopefully her submission wasn’t for naught.


There is nothing she won’t do it seems to me.

Just my opinion.


B: What is Lauren Kanarek’s riding ability?

MHG: She actually has quite a bit of ability and capability to be a great rider, but she rides as an amateur, if that is what you are asking.


B: Do you consider yourself a better rider or accomplished rider than she?

MHG: I wouldn’t say a better rider. You really don’t have to have talent if you want to put the time in and work on getting better. I have competed more and have more like accolades because I have been doing it a long time, but the average person can learn to ride if they want to put the time and effort in.

B: Did Lauren Kanarek put the time in based on your observations of her.

MHG: Not necessarily.

B: Did she always show up when she was scheduled to ride.

MHG: Most of the time not.


Excuse yourself but I took no action to get her banned. I didn’t have to. She did that herself.

Come at me bro. My words are inconvenient to the LK narrative, I know.


You’re too polite I think.


How do you know what the report contains?


I hope whoever here is having interaction with 48 hours makes sure they know about Lauren mocking the person in the wheelchair. The barefoot ninja, too.


Why? Why should there be regrets? Why do you think there should be regrets?
I am just not understanding that.

If I had personal experience with someone who treats people the way LK has treated so many I would not have any regrets reporting her to the governing body.

I think including the statements from people LK had harassed in the past actually makes the complaint more sincere not less. ‘Here is proof that this is not a one time thing, this is a long history of doing this’. That is not weaponizing. That is attempting to save others from her torture.

Maybe LK should look at her actions instead of being angry at someone who is pointing them out.

And just we are being honest, I find your response to @FitzE to be disingenuous. Of course you are twisting words to make it seem like you did nothing wrong. Is it so hard to simple admit you messed up and it was wrong for you to imply that you did something differently than what you really did?


The barefoot ninja was probably my favorite bombshell from the trial.


@Rhythm_Pace_Impulsion, you are very talented. That came out amazing! I am so impressed.


Aww thanks but not my work, I had a credit with a very talented designer on Fiverr so I put it to some amusing use. But I own the image


I do not believe I remarked about her custody arrangements. My memory is not perfect, and I doubt yours is either.

Your point that I had no way of knowing who left who was correct, as I acknowledged. Your bringing it up induced me to do a google search to see if there was indeed more on the public record. An article in Sidelines is not exactly the public record, but it was extremely complimentary, so I’m assuming only information she wanted disclosed was disclosed.

Re getting paid with bad checks: There’s a difference between a “bad check” and a check that is returned for insufficient funds, isn’t there? A bad check is a check written when you know the funds are not there.

Who said the 750 page file contained any information from any of the people MB/MHG contacted? My belief is all of those contacts had already spoken with USEF/SS about LK over the previous months and years.

I’d really like to see the proof of this outlandish comment.

As far as whether MHG has any regrets…why would she? This horrible woman destroyed the life MHG was enjoying. I simply don’t comprehend this “regret” tangent. Shall I call MH and ask her to comment because some anonymous forum poster has made her the prime interest of her posts and wonders if there are regrets? I suspect if there are any regrets they are focused on never allowing the Kanarek crew anywhere near her life and family.

Why isn’t @CurrentlyHorseless imagining regrets LK has and questioning her? :thinking: Oh, never mind…I think we all can understand her reluctance to question anything negative about the Kanareks.


No. A bad check, in banking terms, is simply a check that didn’t clear. There’s no intent behind the term.


They do. I promise.


ETA. On the regrets: I’m referring to the possibility that there could be undesirable consequences for MHG for having filed the complaint.

Surprise, surprise, I think I did nothing wrong. I edited her post to replace “MHG” with “MHG and LK” to highlight the hypocrisy and make point that all of FtzE’s lofty message about not disturbing MHGs privacy applies just as well to LK. Both were involved in the tragedy, but neither was the defendant in the case.

In addition to the primary change I mentioned specifically, I also made other changes. So what? I never said the primary edit was the only edit.

Is that The Big Book of Lies and Liars?

Disingenuous and absolutely pathetic. Of course, a decent response would require integrity, honesty, humility, and a sense of decency, none of which CH appears to be burdened with.

Imagine being outed as a lying liar who lies like that and having no sense of chagrin or embarrassment whatsoever. :astonished:

And lie!

Sadly it appears she is for real - and pretending she wasn’t exposed up thread. No sense of humility whatsoever.

Well, if you run away and hide for a couple hours while other posters expose and discuss your dishonesty and the come back and join in pretending like it never happened, I guess all’s good. :roll_eyes:

It was not my only ‘quibble’ as I spelled out in a response - but, of course, that was posted during CH’s cowardly disappearing act after lying and then be exposed so I’m guessing she missed it.

@CurrentlyHorseless go back and be honest about all your changes. Honesty is not your forte, I get that, but struggle through this one time. You cannot play word games (mostly because you’re not that good with the written word). You said what you said and you were exposed and roundly ridiculed for you clumsy dishonesty. This is your mea culpa moment - embrace it or embrace your legacy as a lying liar who lies and then dodges acknowledgment.

No one is buying anything you’re trying to sell any longer.


OK. But if the issue was just that the check did not clear, with no “intent”, why wouldn’t you sue for “nonpayment” instead of for “writing bad checks”?