Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

As someone who has worked at several high profile farms, the number of stalls does not necessarily equal the number of horses. For example one farm I worked at had maybe 30 stalls. Many of them were occupied by horses the farm owned or staff owned.
That being said, we also had multiple fields of youngsters ranging from weanlings to three year olds, most of them boarders.


Yep, all the big barns where Iā€™ve been are exactly like you describe.

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Maybe yā€™all can help me with another question.

How does a 6ā€™3ā€ man standing on the ground, pointing a gun straight out (as demonstrated by LK on the witness stand) shoot a 5ā€™4ā€ (?) woman in the upper chest/shoulder and have one of those rounds go through the window of the door up off the porch?

What do you think the length is from an arm straight out and the top of your head? A foot, maybe? Assuming that, the gun is now 5ā€™3ā€ off the ground.

It was testified to that the porch had at least two steps. The door had a window that I would estimate is at least 4ā€™ above the porchā€¦ā€¦

My high school geometry is failing me hereā€¦ā€¦perhaps it failed the MPD, too.


And he switched hands after shooting her before shooting at him. Per some post by LK.


I wasnā€™t intending to be snarky. Just pointing out that the whole ā€œattempted murderā€ thing is a fantasy of LKā€™s.


Is it not entertaining enough for you, to prod people who are actively participating in the thread, that you need to prod those who arenā€™t?

Itā€™s very juvenile. Do better.


But there was no shooting at him. The ear witness only heard 2 shots and there was no evidence found by the cops of a third shot. I think thatā€™s the one that ā€œjammedā€ according to an LK post from eons ago.


I think itā€™s most likely MB was on the ground and the gun discharged accidentally during a struggle or by someone who grabbed it while they were engaged in an active struggle.


Yeah, thereā€™s a lot of fantasy in her world. Thatā€™s for sure.


Based on personal experience, I agree that this is even more true for people who breed horses or raise youngsters. Not sure about MB, but MHG trains/owns stallions and trains a good deal of youngsters. I would not be at all surprised if many were sitting in a field.


According to LK? The same LK who testified under oath on the witness stand that she lies a lot?


Thereā€™s so much confusion about who fired that gun. I wonder if the jury went with NGRI instead of straight NG simply because someone shot LK. I donā€™t think itā€™s physically possible for LK to have shot herself. I imagine with their limited knowledge of LK and RG they assumed RG wouldnā€™t shoot his ā€œlovingā€ fiancĆ©/girlfriend. So that leaves MB.
These are my thoughts based on the lack of forensic evidence.
I remember hearing that LK had taken shots at RG in the past when he was on some sort of 4 wheeler or motorbike, though I have no idea of the veracity of that. If we consider the possibility that she had taken shots at RG, would it be a stretch that he might return the favor? Pure speculation on my part.



Do you think MB will ever be able to remember the incident? I know I havenā€™t remembered the one from many years ago that I involuntarily blocked.
Do professionals do hypnosis?

This exactly!!


I think LK got tripped up on the stand, accidentally used two hands to describe the shooting, and then told whatever lie she could online to justify using two hands. Outside of it being hilarious, itā€™s just insanely improbable. Speculating, of course.


If the jury found MB NGRI instead of NG just because someone shot LK, it was a gross miscarriage of justice. The fact that they found him NGRI instead of NG means the jury was convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that he shot her.

Thereā€™s really no need for speculation at this point, after the jury determined him NGRI.


I hope he doesnā€™t. His reactions to seeing the photos and hearing the testimony was hard enough on him. It was obvious to me he was trying so hard to piece it together as the testimony went forward. Heā€™s has enough of this nightmare.


I think that is the least plausible scenario unless it was accidentally during a struggle.


At least one of LKā€™s rants was about MHG having a young filly of the same/similar breeding as one of her horses. Although I suspect the part of the rant about MHG wanting her horse was jealousy spun made up story.


Yes, yes, the exact same one! :upside_down_face: