Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Eggbutt, you’re going to miss a lot of posts! CH really seems to have a keen interest in everything you have to say. Wonder why that is? :upside_down_face:


Especially since they weren’t able to hear any self defense argument.

Q: Taylor wouldn’t allow self defense bc according to him there was NO evidence that supported it but there was also no forensic evidence that MB shot her so how did Taylor allow attempted murder charges and not self defense? (Sorry if this has been addressed already)


Thanks, I couldn’t find that property description anywhere

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IIRC, there was testimony that a round appeared to be fired from the front of MB’s vehicle? Please correct me if wrong, but that doesn’t coincide with any of LK and RG’s testimony.


The expert testified about a potential upward angle, which to me suggested the gun went off when super tall MB was on the ground, wrestling, being choked, bitten by the dog, etc


Witness testimony is evidence. In this case, you had two (completely, utterly unreliable) witnesses telling sort of the same story, plus ED. Up until trial, the interviews they gave the police/prosecutor were consistent enough to go forward. Of course, it all fell apart once they got on the stand, but, that’s what the trial is for.

However, there really is zero evidence to show self-defense, and under NJ law there has to be proof that the defendant reasonably believed he was in imminent danger. This is where MB’s amnesia hurts the most. He’s the only one who can say he believed he was in imminent danger, but he can’t remember what happened.

What I will never understand is why the first responders immediately took the word of RG and ran with it, seemingly skipping building any kind of case.


That’s not at all what it means. In this case there essentially was no criminal act. This has been explained to you. Again and again.


There was a graphic drawn, from above, showing a dotted line of the trajectory of the shot (that hit the window) from the front of the pickup truck to the window, but the investigators could not conclude at which point along that line the gun was fired :woman_shrugging:t2:.


When a shooting happens, people look for someone to blame. I could absolutely see people thinking, “well she was shot. One of these two guys must to have done it.” And unless it’s a DV charge most people wouldn’t consider the option that the SO would have done it.
While it may be a gross miscarriage of justice, people look for someone to blame. Humans aren’t infallible.
Judge wouldn’t allow consideration of self defense, per lack of evidence. In my opinion there wasn’t forensic evidence to prove who shot the gun.

ETA: I’m free to speculate about anything I want. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I actually think it is as equally likely as the gun going off in a struggle. What some people still fail to realize, LK/RG would have done anything it took to ruin MB or to shift the blame off of themselves if something went wrong in trying to ruin MB.


Oh I agree with that. It’s unlikely that’s what happened, I was trying to highlight that there are other possible scenarios, even outlandish ones.


Do you think they, LK and RG, really know what really happened?

I told a pretty bad lie when I was 5 (it only involved me—no one else) and to this day I know what really happened.


I don’t think that’s an opinion. It’s a statement of fact.

No fingerprints, no gunshot residue, no DNA tests on the gun. No forensic evidence. Fact.


Could they still do a DNA test?

Admittedly I did not watch the whole trial so I wasn’t 100% positive that I didn’t miss some sort of evidence.

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I’m no expert, but I doubt it after all this time. I would imagine a ton of people have handled the gun in the meantime.


Personally, I don’t. I wouldn’t expect LK to have much memory of what happened, much less the many, ever-changing details she’s expounded on. I think RG knows closer to the truth, but the stories have changed so much over the last 2.5 years that he probably has conflated some of his lies with reality.


Ha! No! You did not miss the evidence, the MPD did!


That makes sense! I would also think her memory would be a mess.


I still wish poor Rosie could tell us what’s up. I mean, since the camera was conveniently turned off, she’s the only one who knows.