Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I can’t help but feel that poor Rosie keeps getting a disproportionate amount of blame in the whole thing.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure her presence did not help. But I think the people represented far more of a threat than the dog ever did. And if the dog had not been there, I’ll bet something else would have set off off a bad chain of events.

Between the scenes with the farrier and the CPS visit on that same day, the dog was probably an afterthought.


Nope…no one seems to be coming back after a month to continue to argue with her. Hard to be unimportant….or not taken seriously.


I still hold the belief that its possible MB took the gun with him, remembering the bite RC received.
Its one theory, among many.

Bottom line, these people ruined that dog. That’s a shame.


I can’t help but feel for poor Rosie.


I’ve always thought that was a strong possibility.

Poor Rosie.


Can 48 Hours track down that Jane Dunlap to interview her as a Lauren BFF?


So what kind of dog is Rosie?

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I doubt it since that crop doesn’t show it well, but even Jane, the one person supporting her, says at the top, “she doesn’t seem like a good person, that’s for sure.”


There have been a few pictures posted over the various threads.

I think LK tried to describe her as a dachshund cross or something like that, except the dog looks to be about two feet tall and I would guess maybe at least 35-45 pounds. I’ve certainly never seen a dachshund that size myself.

Maybe it was a dachshund crossed with an Irish wolfhound? :woman_shrugging:


A bitey one.


Depending on the day and who is asking, a dachshund mix, a shepherd mix, a Doberman mix, a Doberman/shepherd mix…


Standard daschunds are not very popular but they do exist. I am always a bit taken aback when I see one because the miniatures are so prevalent.

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The dog in the picture did not look a thing like a dachshund to me, of any size.

And for a little fun flashback to the trial, who else remembers Mr. B’s reaction when LK tried to describe the picture of the dog by saying it was in the middle of a yawn? That was classic.


I’m trying to find one of the pictures, but there is nothing about that dog that resembles a dachshund. Well, maybe the ears, a little. Maybe. If I close one eye and tilt my head just right.


The biting? I muzzle a great many of them…protective little guys they are.

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Lol, yeah that part! I have a herd of chi weenie mutt mixes (long story). They are mouthey little brats. But they’ve never broken skin on anyone.

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Found two of the pics!


It looks like it could be a perfectly sweet dog if it had different owners, perhaps.

And for sure, it still does not look anything like a dachshund to me.


If KK is “transcribing” the recordings, that means she is in possession of them - yes?

I thought they had been turned over to the DA’s office, who had shared them with Bilinkas before the criminal trial. So were they returned to LK after the trial?

And if so, is it reasonable to expect that MB’s attorneys have copies of them? Because it would surely suck if the only copies were in the K’s hands, and the only transcripts came from them.


I know! Poor Rosie.