Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I always think of a pitbull as having much more of a square head than Rosie does. And also a more substantial body frame. But I’m sure there are many variations among the different breeds.


I’m going by the fact that the charge was attempted murder, and the jury determined that he physically “did the act” as charged - the prosecutor made his case for the act of attempted murder. Since the defense also made its case it was NGRI on the charge of attempted murder.

If the jury thought it was accidental or in self defense, they should have found him NG of attempted murder. The jury not finding the act to be self defense or accidental was undoubtedly related to the judge not letting the defense put self defense in its closing argument, but I’m assuming that the judge was correct in doing so. Barisone plead self defense as well as insanity, so if there were any basis for making a defense out of self defense, he had the opportunity to try. He didn’t satisfy the judge that there was any evidence supporting self defense.

Barisone’s amnesia does not automatically preclude making a self defense case. But the fact that he obtained the gun that Friday evening, removed it from the gun safe, loaded it, drove to the residence and hid partly behind a bush is all circumstantial evidence that he was the aggressor. Posters here all say LK and RG were unreliable witnesses, but apparently Bilinkas didn’t discredit them enough. I thought LK, RG, ED, snd the 911 call were all compelling.

My question to you: if the jury was not convinced of attempted murder (without insanity) and thought it was self defense or an accident, why did they not decide NG on all charges. Why did Barisone not plead straight NG by reason of self defense?

Why did the judge not allow arguments of self defense? Because their was not one piece of evidence, even circumstantial, that supported self defense. Posters here pull self defense scenarios out of thin air, but apparently you can’t do that in court.

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Definitely a more square head. And her fur isn’t quite right either. And yes, there’s a lot of variation. But that deep chest and that high waist…and those ears.

I was trying to find a picture of my girl in a similar stance, but, she doesn’t stand still a lot.

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Re: Rosie

I’ve seen a lot of DNA tests for dogs come back with crazy results. Things you wouldn’t expect. To me Rosie looks majority hound. The long slender legs, large lung capacity, narrow waist and long slender face and snout. But who knows what’s in the mix. She certainly is not a 20 pound dachshund and I imagine her bite HURT.


Does ED know the year of the phone call yet?


I’m not a dog expert but when I look at her I think that hound that starts with a C like Catahoula or whatever… a mix with that.


This is a Catahoula



Funny, she reminds me a tiny bit of a black and tan coonhound we had when I was a kid, although her head does not look like a hound shape to me, either.

While she looks like a sweet dog in those pictures, I’m sure she could do some damage on a bad day. Like most dogs of any breed bigger than the teacup size.


Catahoula are hunting dogs which hunt boar and bear among other things so there’s that.


Oh it is kirby ok. Im here.

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She’s not a BFF. She got intimidated and backed way down.


I have the feeling that dog is an after thought anyhow, between the suboxone, horses, naps and laundry…who has time!


Yes. Poor thing.


Yep, I think you guys hit the nail on the head with those breed possibilities. She doesn’t have the hound ears, however. Hard to say what is influencing that. The hound portion would also explain why she seemed to be on the vocal side. It would be interesting to DNA test her just to find out.




I don’t get her vitriol aimed at innocent people who “dare” question a sport? Lol. She’s just so nasty. She could have said everything she did (even the lies) in a nice polite way but she just doesn’t seem to be able to control her emotions whatsoever!!

It’s truly amazing to see.


I am seeing GSD in there…but I guess the coloring can come from just about anywhere.


I thought the same regarding her ears. I’ve seen a lot of shepherd mixes whose ears fold down like that. They don’t tend to stand when crossed with say a hound with floppy ears.