Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity


I would probably juggle it to “the names of my first two sheep.”


Ahhh, that makes it much better!


Early news articles would concur that RG said he only saw MB brandishing the gun through a window and heard the shots. Cited a police report for that i do too. I’ll have to check and see what the initial police press release said about the matter.


Add in ED, who only heard two shots and it makes you wonder.


Ah, good old ED who didn’t even know how many years it had been and seemed really surprised his meeting with LK/JK had been recorded! Oops!

I wonder how all that surveillance equipment is being used today? Hopefully it is legally installed where ever it is.


Oh don’t be silly! I would bet it’s elsewhere installed.


Great, now I’ve got the “Objection Hearsay” song from TikTok stuck in my head…again.


I remember that, too. I remember when we saw the gun at the trial thinking, how could RG have said he saw MB with a pink and black gun? The pink was no prominent and mostly or entirely on the handle (sorry, I don’t know gun terminology!). If MB was holding it, most/all of the pink would be covered, esp as I suspect a man of 6’3" does not have dainty hands.

Like “Michael Barisone shot me”, “I saw a pink and black gun through the window” sounded very specific in a not believable way.


According to the jury, they were not convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. Were they convinced to s standard of clear and convincing but not beyond a reasonable but not beyond a reasonable doubt? No one knows.

It appears that RG thought he was shot at. A bullet went through the window in the door he came through at about that time.

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How are you pinpointing the timing of his coming out and the bullet going through the window?

Honest question b/c their various versions on the stand plus ED’s contribution led to a completely muddled timeline.


She has employees? Does she even have a legitimate business? Last I heard her only employees were the ones leaving scathing reviews if her years ago after being hired to make cold calls and beg for business.

ETA and yes, SW now claims to be MB’s highest fan, but only because she shot LK and SW loathes LK. Apparently she blames LK for somehow trying to ruin her “business.” Honestly those two women are cut from exactly the same cloth.


No one knows because it doesn’t matter. They weren’t convinced enough to convict him. That’s all that matters.


So true. SW and LK are very similar people.

The last time I glanced at her SM it was heavy on PETA and nonhorse people.

She was banned from several specific venues because she was turning up, videoing people she had vendetta against and cherry picking bad moments to post on her SM and denounce. She was open about wanting to destroy specify riders.

I doubt she has employees. It’s possible she gets occasional video from other folks with vendettas, the Horse Show Diva type. But mostly she steals legit videos to drive up viewers and monetize.


I bet you say that a lot at family functions :slightly_smiling_face:


On my understanding of the testimony from all three, LK, RG, ED.

There were some discrepancies, but not more than I’d expect in a traumatic, life threatening experience, and not ones that contradict the basic plot of the movie.

Re self defense:

The prosecution made a big deal of establishing that MB clearly obtained the gun from RC, and there was testimony that created circumstantial evidence that he asked the CPS lady to leave the office so he could get the gun. He obviously drove over there.

I think some of the self defense scenarios are that MB arrived with the gun, revealed the gun, and before he shot anyone, RG tackled him, knocked him down and choked him. Then, in defending himself against the RG “attack”, MB supposedly shot in self defense.

I think the reason the prosecutor established so convincingly that MB brought the gun to a confrontation that he initiated is that, even if RG or LK managed to get the upper hand momentarily, it’s not self defense if MB was the one who started it and brought the deadly weapon.

I don’t think that’s what happened. I think he ambushed LK and fired a shot at RG. But even if the “self defense at one exact moment” is what y’all are imagining, I don’t think that flies as self defense.

Now if it were LK or RGs gun, and one of them initiated the confrontation, that’s different. That’s probably why she felt libeled when KM repeatedly stated LK had posted on FB that LK owned a gun of the type used in the shooting. But there was not even one “scintilla” of evidence that that happened, which is probably why the judge did not let Bilinkas argue self defense. It wasn’t because MB had amnesia. Despite the amnesia, I think* it’s clear to everyone other than possibly* Eggbutt that MB obtained RCs gun and drove over there to LK and RGs location with it.

Why do you imagine the prosecutor agreed to drop the serious gun charge against RC in return got her testimony? Showing MB was the one who introduced the deadly weapon shut down the self defense angle.

ETA I added “I think” and “possibly” (asterisks indicate where), since I have no way of knowing exactly what Eggbutt is thinking at this particular moment.

Where are you getting that from? IIRC there was evidence a bullet may have gone through that window at some point, but not a shred of evidence to say it was in that day or from that same gun. Stop making things up.


??? It was being discussed up thread.


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I thought it was acknowledged by everyone that a bullet went through that window that day and the question was whether it was a third shot or the continuing trajectory of one of the ones that went through LK.

A bullet “may have gone through that window at some point”? There was a bullet hole. Testimony on what the shatter pattern of the bullet hole indicated.

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