Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Was I ever on ignore Eggbutt? Be honest, now.

I’ll revise to add “I think”.

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Did he, though? I couldn’t get the gun into MB’s hand until Simring, so I really disagree here.


Me either….and his testimony was hearsay which means he could have been wrong about what MB said happened.


I realize that you’re not a criminal lawyer, but do you agree with my premise that if the jury was convinced that MB both brought the gun and initiated the confrontation that it’s not self defense just because RG momentarily got the upper hand?

I also remember that Simring said that MB confessed to getting the gun and driving over with it. I found the circumstantial evidence pretty compelling, but I agree that Simring really removed all doubt.

That’s correct! I had forgotten that. So, for me (and apparently others), there was no convincing evidence MB took the gun; only circumstantial evidence + the word of the two liars/addicts.

I don’t fault the jurors at all - they had limited info to work with and real constraints with the instructions. They did a great job given what they had. I do believe they came to a compromise as several posters mentioned up thread.


I do recall that we spent quite a bit of time on the forum, and from maybe a news source, that MB couldn’t remember from around when CPS showed up. That would be before he went to the safe, and it would coincide with Simring’s testimony that the delusions were triggered by CPS. I have to think maybe he misspoke in an attempt to get MB’s level of fear across to the jury, since it is quite reasonable for anyone to make that kind of leap to the need for protection…


In theory MB didn’t even know they were on the property due to the fire code stuff or whatever it was, I can’t remember the exact reason everyone was ordered to leave. But then LK and RG apparently sent video proof the problems were fixed and the Marshall agreed they could stay.
So yeah, he probably brought the gun. He may or may not have known they were there. Maybe he went there to ambush them, maybe to get clothes, maybe to check on his property assuming they were absent. We can’t know that because MB doesn’t know that.


You are absolutely correct ch!! Michael stated to simring that he got the gun from the office when he asked mhg and dyfs to leave the office.

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I don’t actually know. My understanding is that people in the US carry guns all. the. time. Like, it’s literally the #1 reason I will not retire to that country when our time comes to pick a place for our golden years.

So, I do not know the nuances of when people can carry, for what reasons, etc., etc.

I also find compelling the presence of a dangerous dog that had bit someone in only the last 24 hours prior. So I can see that being a reason to bring the gun. If there is a competing compelling reason to have it, even if someone believes her brought it to a confrontation, that suggests it was not only NOT necessarily for the purpose of shooting a person, it could also be specifically FOR the purpose of self defence itself.

I have 2 properties I don’t live in full time. If I had a tenant (and I do have a land tenant) and I need to go to MY property that I rent to them to discuss something, and I armed myself because I felt I was in danger, either from them or their dogs, I don’t buy that my going to MY property to discuss something = a confrontation I initiated.

I’ve been a renter and I’m currently a renter. My landlords have come by to discuss various things or fix something and I always understood that was their right under our lease, since I read my leases. Even without a lease, I would understand their coming to discuss something with me and not even entering the bit of space I rent would not be accurately described as their starting a confrontation. Especially if I had received an official notice that the first stage of an eviction was put in place.


I believe this, too. It does fit in with what he was telling us.


I still think that LK wouldn’t have taunted RC about her gun being missing and CPS if the gun wasn’t in fact no longer in control of RC/MB at the time of the shooting.

Remember, she did have access to the office. MB was kicked out of the barn she’d spent all week trying to ninja into…and the night before the shooting he thought she was evicted from the property….


Hypothetically, I can lay out a scenario that would be self defense. Let’s say that MB did have the gun, for whatever reason. Let’s further assume he had it tucked in the waistband of his pants or shorts or whatever. Remember, he’s left-handed, so let’s assume it’s tucked in on his left side.

RG testified under oath that MB approached him, raised both empty hands in the air and said, “I don’t want a war. How do we solve this?” RG further testified he was “sorrowful.” Sorrowful doesn’t sound like someone trying to start a fight. Empty hands in air don’t either.

RG also testified that he was angry over the whole farrier stuff, and we know that LK had told him to “Finish The Bastard.”

RG further states in a FB post that after the shots, he waited for MB to get close enough he could put him in a chokehold.

What if the shots are out of sequence here? What if, in that “sorrowful” moment for MB, he did step in close enough, RG sucker punched him, poor Rosie loses her mind, scuffle ensues, right-handed RG sees gun, goes to grab gun, struggle for gun ensues, while Rosie is chomping down on MB, and THEN shots go off? Did MB start that? Is it self-defense? Pure accident?


I swore I had changed probably to maybe but apparently I can’t proofread my own word choice :crazy_face:

There was a bullet hole. Period. Since the ear witness only heard two shots and there was no bullet or shell casing recovered, how on earth could they prove it happened that day? Please go ahead and post a link / time stamp to the relevant section if testimony where that was proven. Clearly I missed it.


It’s my understanding, as not-a-lawyer, that the self defense claim was doomed if the jury believed that MB brought the gun and initiated the confrontation, even if RG momentarily had the upper hand before any shooting occurred.

But I believe MB shot LK first, within a minute of MB arriving, and RG tackled him after the shots were fired.

Currently horseless is correct. Rob saw him point and shoot in his direction and there was a bullet hole where that happened

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Not Guilty was the verdict on both charges relating to RG
The Jury didn’t buy his story




It’s hard to buy a story that changes every time someone tells it.


Yes, the jury discounted that story entirely for a straight Not Guilty verdict.

RG also admitted to being a current illegal drug user. He also has no means of support without being paid by your daughter, so his credibility was judged by the general public as zero and by the jury as low enough to throw out that entire subplot.