Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

The prosecution had a ballistics expert plot the likely trajectory of the bullet through the window. There was a photo of the first window with bullet hole, a saddle pad that was grazed, and a second window with bullet hole.

The place was overrun with building inspectors the day before.

Did the defense say to the ballistics expert, what proof do you have the bullet hole was created on Aug 7? Did the defense ask if the bullet hole was noted in the report of the BI?

Please go ahead and link any testimony that indicates the the defense even questioned that the bullet hole was not created on Aug 7.

The jury didn’t believe that and neither did most of us. I’m curious why you believe it? Do you find RG generally to be an upstanding, reliable, truthful kind of guy?


her favorite guest for Thankgiving Dinner


What they think and what i think may not be the same.

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It’s what was found to be legally factual by a court


I dont believe what they found.

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Rob has his issues like most people. In this case he behaved in a most upstanding way
a hero even
since michael had another full magazine in his pocket
i have every reason to believe that he thought lauren was dead and intended to kill both of them

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Rob singlehandedly stopped him.

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Just for you since I am such an effing liar!


If RG got the “upper hand” and MB believed he was at risk of death or serious bodily harm, then MB is absolutely authorized you use deadly force.

Unfortunately, there was no evidence other than 2 terrible and unreliable testimonies to establish grounds for self defense.


As long as it isn’t at her home!! :rofl:


At least not with the good silver.




I disagree. If MB initiated the confrontation and brought the deadly weapon, IMHO RG momentarily getting the upper hand does not mean MB can assert self defense. I think thats the reason the judge would not allow Bilinkas to “go there”.

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Again, that’s Rob’s version of events. My question is why do you believe him?


Carrying on private property is legal. It does not matter if he was armed or not when he went there to speak with LK/RG. If at any point he felt his life was in danger or serious bodily harm, deadly force would be authorized. The fact that the gun was RC’s does not take away his right to self defense. Him going there to speak to them does not mean he had a duty to retreat. Once and if he were brutally attacked physically and he could not then retreat he is then authorized to use deadly force if the two previous conditions apply (threat of death/serious bodily harm). Carrying on private property in no way automatically criminalizes someone or their intent.


Three Straight up Not Guilty’s regarding RG prove that point. They didn’t even consider the lesser offense.


well, what the jury thought is relevant.


We are on the same brain wave, ekat. I was just sitting here thinking they didn’t even do a lesser charge. Just a straight up NOPE.


:slightly_smiling_face: That jury wasn’t buying anything the witnesses were selling regarding RG. Not even a little bit.