Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Everyone can correct me here, but didn’t RG testify that he could ‘see’ the gun was jammed? So, once he came at MB even according to his own story, he knew he was not in danger of a gun shot, just mano a mano at that point, correct?

If a gun is jammed, does having another magazine matter? Would it be an issue of taking the gun apart to clear it or is clearing it really fast and easy?


oh the other magazine. Which was not there then it suddenly was?


If it were jammed, clearing it isn’t necessarily fast and easy, especially when someone is bashing your head in and a dog is chomping down on your groin.


You do make a good point here. He absolutely said he heard or saw the gun jam. (It was empty). So yes, one could assume he didn’t think he was rushing in to gunfire. (If you believe that version of his story.)


Yes, there was also talk of his scrambling back into the house when he heard the first (only?) two shots. And also of LK coming into the house to warn him not to come out.

But when he said he could see the gun was jammed before he rushed MB I thought back to LK saying he ran towards and active shooter and was a big hero. That testimony kind of took the wind out of the sails of that particular embellishment.

I think as we discussed above, the shooting at RG storyline was a little add-on to make RG look cool, get additional charges against MB, and maybe position him as someone to collect in any future action.

That didn’t work out…at all.


The prosecution described RG as fleeing into the house in both the opening and closing statements.


I’m like 2000 posts behind, so sorry, but I felt the need to say that this made me really laugh :joy:


So even the prosecution’s story was different from the stories of either of the two star witnesses and their very confused lawyer? Oof. That case did not go to plan for them.


According to them, he didn’t dodge the bullets, he fled into the house…

Definitely has a different connotation doesn’t it. :rofl:


When you can’t keep your stories straight…

Hypothetically, if RG instigated the fight, adding himself on as a victim also deflects from any of his culpability. Also, purely hypothetically, if you’re looking for a fight, it makes sense to turn off those cameras you stuck up there on someone else’s property.


I have a bullet hole in my kitchen window. It’s been there for at least 29 years, which is when I bought the house. The seller and the real estate agent didn’t tell me when and how it happened. I have done nothing about it, as there is a storm window outside the bullet-holed window that I never take down, and the window is very large, which means it would be expensive to replace it.


Random thought:

I would think that one would be traumatized after such an event, as a victim, in this case, and not want to get so involved with BO’s/Trainers in the future. I’d probably want to board and train, yes, but keep myself at a distance and not get so intertwined again due to the trouble it caused last time. So why would I then move my horses to a new place and again rent an accommodation at the barn? In this case the “apartment used for naps” …especially when I live a very short distance away?

I just wouldn’t want to get so involved after experiencing a deal that included being a tennant went so far South last time :thinking: maybe I’m the only one who has thought about it this way. Sure one might think they could trust the new barn/owners, but I’m sure one thought they could trust the last situation. Why try to set this all up again?

Not saying that the current barn/owners/management would ever do anything, just curious from a trauma and learning perspective. I personally would be trying to stay as “less involved” as possible.

I get that she might have health issues or energy issues, but RG could just drive her home for a break…I don’t know. Maybe it’s just convenient and I’m just too wary a person. Also, just advice I’d give to a friend from the outside :woman_shrugging:


Actually, my perception is Lauren thinks everyone exists to cater to her every whim and everyone should be so honored she selected them to possibly victomize. She is always the one in charge, at least in her mind.


So…while Mommy was posting here…LK was posting on YouTube again…


Someone really should take away her keyboard.


That’s even more hilarious.

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It reminds me of someone saying Be Best while another family member was attacking the whole world on Twitter.


@Seeker1, apparently the apple has not fallen far from the tree.


I can hear it now:
MB - Wait right there, I need to unjam the gun and load the other magazine. Stand still while I do that and then we can proceed.
LK & RG - < stand still > OK we will wait, let us know.


I was just thinking about a similar idea… Rob still uses. He’s the only one with a DL. So, residing where she’s training means he can use without risking a DUI.

That creates the question, is he using while grooming for her, since the thought is they need to live onsite because he’s using?
Yikes, no thanks.