Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

It’s like when a smoker moves into a non smoking apartment. There will ALWAYS be times when they smoke inside. Sure you can sit on the stoop to smoke most of the time but if it’s 10 degrees out and a blizzard you will smoke inside.


I’ve been wondering about that. When were those taunts made? Before or after the shooting?


Right after she got out of the hospital……and she made them directly onto RC’s FB page. The text of one of them can be found on the first thread…


I have always wondered if MB was surprised to see RG’s vehicles there and went up to talk to them and RG stuck a gun in his face.

Question: What does someone do if someone suddenly points a gun at them?
Answer: Puts their hands in the air.

(Remember “Hands up - don’t shoot”?)


I had not thought about this idea before.
What an interesting point.


You instead believe your lying, drug addict ne’er-do-well daughter who spends most of her waking hours tormenting others? And her lying, drug addict, ne’er-do-well manservant? :roll_eyes:


Yes, because the fire marshal never notified MB that LK and RG were allowed back in the farmhouse.


reminds me of ‘Survivors’ with JIm Reed and Robin Williams:
‘Time out, I brought the wrong ammo’


Even if NJ law regarded the upstairs apartment as “property of the tenants,” that porch and that doorway also led into other parts of the house. So RG’s angry and emphatic insistence (said at least twice during his testimony) that it was “Our Property” (meaning his and LK’s) was BS. He was obviously sticking to a script so that if the case turned, he could claim he was defending “his property” and therefore not be held liable.


Or, that was the original excuse they were going to use to frame MB with or justify their beating of him…


Apparently the phrase “Be Best” has a whole different meaning for that family than it does for most of society. :upside_down_face:


I wish people would stop throwing around calling people heroes. RG a hero, oh pulease? I guess he should get a medal for doing laundry.


My Dad and those who where with him who helped liberate Dachau are heroes not some lying, drugged, manipulative man-servant


And asks, basically “how can we resolve this?”


With help from the dog


Finish the bastard.


Sorry if I missed it, but have you seen this nugget?

Lauren Kanarek

Lauren Kanarek

13 hours ago

@Mary Brann exactly. We know this man very well. It’s safe to say he’s a “lunatic,” bc, only a lunatic would drive to his student’s apartment and try to murder two people. But that’s not the same as “insanity,” under the law. The original defense was going to be “self defense.” Until Bilinkas received the state’s discovery. “Insanity,” wasn’t added until much, much later. In one of the live segments of the trial, Bilinkas tries to argue with the judge to keep the “self defense,” angle in the main jury charge. That was denied due to overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Barisone is very smart (unlike his attorney) but like his attorney, very cocky. I believe though, the psych professionals at institutions for the criminally insane, are smarter. Surely, they are aware of all evidence in a case and take into account what expert testimony revealed & understand it in a way that a jury may not. Dr. Schlesinger (state’s expert) laid it out very accurately but most were more distracted by his “mustache!” Instead of hearing his words, such as “the MMPI 1 is outdated which is why I only use the MMPI 2 and DMSI 5 for testing charged inmates for ‘feigned amnesia.” And, he continued, “yes, a blow to the head could cause amnesia but NOT ‘selective amnesia,’ and when Michael arrived at hospital he didn’t say ‘where am I, how did get here,’ he said ‘they ruined my life in the past 6 months and I’m sorry it happened.” That is a “spontaneous confession,” if I heard one! I further can’t believe how little people grasp the gravity of attempting murder. Even though we heard Barisone & co (on audio) literally calling Ruth Cox to drive from NC to NJ and bring the gun and saying “let Ruth do it! She’s old and has nothing to lose, let HER do it,” we (as normal people) never dreamed that could actually be the real plan. No one ever thinks a person is actually going to try and shoot them to death. Bilinkas states “I have over 70 audios! 70!” Yet, he plays 0 of them. He even scolded me for trying to repeat what we heard in the audios! We do plan to send each transcribed audio to the state psych ward. Mb was in no way “afraid,” or at any time “crying in a fetal position.” The only reason 4 people weren’t charged with “conspiracy to commit to murder,” is bc, a large degree of specificity is needed for that. I.e “we will plan to kill them at 2pm on weds using Dr. Cox’s gun.” The entire reason Cox testified for the state was bc she was facing a 4th degree felony for giving mb her gun just 3 days prior to the shooting. So she took a PTI deal to offset her charges. Re Ballistics expert- he laid out why Barisone couldn’t use his other 3 fire arms & needed to use Cox’s. But most disturbing to US was the revelation during closing arguments- “we retrieved a SHOVEL from inside the truck. For 2.6 years we have had one question on our minds that would never go away. “What did he plan to do with our bodies?” We knew he had another fully loaded clip in his pocket, bc the police statements revealed that early on. But the SHOVEL?? On a 53 acre farm! That was jaw dropping when we heard that & saw it on the big screen. Had the cops not been 1 mile away at a school doing a “fire drill,” for mass shooters - fully equipped with first aid materials for shooting victims - I’d be dead. So would Rob. This whole case was a simple one. An angry man used to getting his way, surrounded by “yes men/women,” was furious that he’d been reported to SafeSport. His best friend George Morris was banned for life the day prior. With the claimants dead, the report dies with it. Luckily, we lived. Now, it’s a constant struggle to explain to people that Barisone was not “acquitted,” of all charges. They missed the “RI,” next to the “NG.” Most believe he is “free.” Thankfully, that is not the case.

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Particularly ironic since LK herself said under oath, regarding the incident in which she blocked MB from getting into his truck and leaving, that she didin’t recall it because she was “in fear”.


after she bragged about it?
How little she was afraid of him and went full Banshee on him? (my apologies to Banshees everywhere)


If the “plan” was to get RC to do it, why have her give MB the gun? :thinking:
If the plot to kill LK was for RC to do it, why put the gun in the safe which RC did not have access to?
If the plot, that LK was well aware of, was for RC, at the behest of MB, MHG and whomever else… , to act out this “plot”, why all the nonsense from LK about the gun being missing?



Stop being so logical, there is no room for logical and evidence based things in the rantings of LK and clan.

It would be interesting for one of the legal types to comment about what is required in NJ codes for a conspiracy to commit murder charge. I doubt it needs a date and a time and all that, like LK implies.