Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

What a f****** idiot to be shocked that a farm truck had a shovel in it. :roll_eyes:

What a f****** idiot to think that MB was going to use a shovel to bury two bodies (three bodies, including Rosie). It would have taken him hours and hours and hours to do it. And on a farm that probably had a backhoe. :roll_eyes:


Thatā€™s probably why RG was able to tackle and subdue him. It would have been a lot more difficult if MB was firing firing those seconds.

MB was delusional, we have learned. you think there is zero chance he would have killed himself if not stopped?

Please tell me I am not the only one who laughed at this part.
Right, those stupid jurors could not understand what the amazing witness was saying because he has a big mustache. Uh hu.
That is so insulting to the jurors, but I guess since her civil lawyer is publicly bad-talking the jurors why shouldnā€™t she also say they are too clueless to listen in the presence of a large mustache.

Maybe while she is there dropping off the illegal transcriptions (audio collected illegally, and they were transcribed by her mother so who knows how accurate that is) she better make sure no one asks her to step into a room. If the doctors have read any of her rants they might want her to stay a bit.


Why go on examining what LK says? She admitted under oath she lies!

Everything she says is a lie or a misdirection or part of a game where she drops hints feeling superior to all of our intellects. This is a game to her and every one of you, myself included is a pawn. This includes her family except they are willing pawns.

Her intentions are as deeply nefarious as they can be. Had she the ability she would crush many of us in true FINISH THE BASTARD style.

But itā€™s not just us. Also in her sights is any entity like USEF or SS that doesnā€™t bow to her will.

All these recent YouTube postings are to sow the seeds to get public opinion with her so she can play that victim card further down the line. Her prey is the above named entities. Sheā€™ll sue them for money too. She will not stop.

Her way, learned from childhood and those around her, is to press and bully and never ever stop. Someone made a joke about the Terminator. That is exactly how she thinks.

Thereā€™s a reason there are so many arrests that surround her and those close to her.

For a case such as this, the best disinfectant is the light of day.

Just my opinion.


It doesnā€™t.


RG tackled and subdued a shooter who had shot his gf. She was bleeding out. That act in itself was heroic, whatever you think of him otherwise.

Unlike MB, his actions were taken in self defense. MB might have gone on to shoot other people, including himself.

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I donā€™t believe a word. RG is no hero. Iā€™m willing to bet he was the instigator along with his mistress.

My opinion.


And, if he was like my dad, he never talked about and never considered himself a hero. His country called on him, he answered the call, did what was asked, and then came home to start a life. (Those WWII guys were such heroes. )


We owe them EVERYTHING


Yes you are correct. My Dad did not consider himself a hero, but he was very proud of the small part he played.

The Greatest Generation for sure. We should have and can learn so much from them.


I was fortunate in that my dad lived long enough (passed away at 96) for me to realize what an amazing man he was.


May his memory be eternal!


RC did testify that her original plan was to come to the farm the following weekend, and that in response to conversations with MHG, drove up the weekend of the 2nd.

Iā€™ve never understood the idea of routinely traveling with a gun on a car trip. It is utterly foreign to me. And I live in Chicago.

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That is so wonderfulā€¦many children never have that realization. :heart: to you. Those of us with family members who were part of the great generation are fortunate indeed.


So thatā€™s YOU.

This country is full of people who travel armed. Heck full grown men find it necessary to go to Walmart armed to the teeth.

You trying to distort an older woman traveling alone, probably at night, into something nefarious in order to push your ridiculous agenda and fake story of lies is disgusting.


Honestly, I mostly just scroll by those rants. I donā€™t need to pollute my brain with all that nonsense.


Nope x 10.


There is a reason to. She likes to drop bread crumbs. Itā€™s a game.

Think of movies where the bad guy likes to play a game with his prey.

My opinion.


Even without a backhoe, I bet they have a tractor with a FEL, and composting is an approved way to dispose of bodies.


The fact that RG was not charged with aggravated assault and that MB was found NGRI of attempted murder (as opposed to NG) says the prosecutor, the judge, and the jury all thought MB was ā€œthe instigatorā€.

And no, donā€™t bother telling me again that NGRI means the jury did not rule on who the instigator and aggressor was.