Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I just don’t need to waste the time on ridiculous posts. From anyone.

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Yes but the shovel in the truck is much more fun to say and speculate on in order to garner support and compassion.

That’s the bait.



Adding the X 10 to show you’re not a bot? Perhaps you’re just a slightly fancier bot.

No it doesn’t mean that at all. This has been explained to you but we all know your probable agenda calls for not acknowledging this.

My opinion.


Less like bread crumbs, more like rat turds.


What have I “distorted”, what is my ridiculous agenda and fake story, and what are my lies, @Knights_Mom?

I stated that I have never understood the idea of traveling with a gun. I’m a woman, although not older.

I pointed out that the testimony in the trial indicated that in response to conversations with MHG, RC moved up her travel plans by a week. If the recorded conversation explicitly mentioned RCs gun, as opposed to her bringing it purely out of habit with no mention of it beforehand, yeah, that does sound “concerning” to me. Nefarious is a word you’ve thrown in, not me.

I’m not the one who lies, @Knights_Mom.

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I’m enjoying watching the fund grow.


I said “don’t bother telling me again”!

My position is exactly the position of DQHubby.

So just another good example of a blatant provable lie that she is telling.

It is a great thing how the go fund me has grown. There is still room for more though, but I have no doubt the horse world will keep thinking of MB and help him continue to fight this fight because in the end they will all benefit when the whole LK clan is exposed for what they really are.


Keep talking bro. My point and opinion, stands.


Of course it makes sense a highly successful Olympian made a decision in the middle of the day to murder two terrorists and their attack dog and then bury them on his property using a shovel! Uh-huh. This woman implied at one point there were “bodies buried all over HHF”. Next she’ll probably change her story indicating Barisone was going to barbecue them and host a pig-picking and auction/raffle all her horses!

There is no limit to this woman’s vivid imagination. It is apparent she feeds these fiction fantasies to her gullible mother who then confuses fact from fiction. Daddy is there to throw enough money at her to keep her at an acceptable distance. Boyfriend (?) hangs around because, why not? It is said he still disappears for days at a time enjoying freedom until his limited funds dry up and it’s easier to go back to being kept than finding meaningful work. He is, after all, the Kanarek muscle USMC hero housekeeper and babysitter.

I hope Lauren continues her unchallenged rants and diatribes on the YouTube trial comments…it helps to add to the already abundant documentation for the civil trials as well as continue to prove what so many others already know.

Rant over…I’m taking a break from this insanity for a bit until I become bored…flounce off.


OH yeah. What happened with that amazing bombshell? I don’t remember hearing about it at the trial.


I’d be worried if there were endangered plants on the truck next to the shovel…


they had to admit those where horses?



That is probably true.

So funny, you leave one word off and you can make someone sound horrible.

There are bodies buried all over the place.
There are horse bodies buried all over the place.


and much faster than burying.



And guys like RG aren’t worthy to even polish the boots of folks in the GG.


It’s very common in many parts of the country. And many folks don’t think anything of it - in fact, would think it way too risky to travel without a firearm (as long as it is allowed by law), and especially so for a woman to travel alone without one.


I’m not the one who lies, @Knights_Mom.

I would never stoop to threatening to sue you, though.

Yeah, there are “bodies buried all over” the farm I used to board my horse at. He (my horse) is in fact, one of those bodies. :cry: