Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Why would any of it “make sense”? He was insane, delusional. That’s what we waited 2.5 years to find out.

I do not lie on social media like the person you support does. And in parroting her claims that makes your word just as questionable.

RC moving up her plans means she was concerned, nothing more. It’s a trait of LK to present things to seem devious when it fact they are not. Emulating her is not wise.

As for your statement as to the contents:
If you claim you heard it, I do not believe you.
If you claim someone else heard it and told you, I believe neither of you.

Defending someone who testified that they lie on social media means you condone that and so you will lie too.

My opinion.


At this point I travel with SabreRed and a dog bred to hunt moose and bear. Not as big or easily trainable as a GSD due to the higher percentage of wolf DNA found in dogs of that type, but very, very clever (not as smart as a wolf though) and focused on protecting the family.

Less likely for someone to wrest a gun from my hands. Plus I can have the SabreRed attached to my wrist.



I am not “parroting” anyone’s claims.

If I happen to have some of the same opinions or interpretations that LK does, the fact that she lies does not logically mean that I do.

I’m not the one who lies. I don’t appreciate your attempt to invalidate the opinion of someone who disagrees with you by baselessly calling me a liar.

I agree that RC traveling with the gun has an innocent and a not so innocent interpretation. Given she was shot with said gun and nearly died, I’m not going to fault LK for choosing the “nefarious/devious” interpretation (to use your words). You, of course, will fault LK for assuming the worst of the woman who illegally transported the gun used to shoot her. It’s what you do.

Re bolded: are you serious?

I don’t condone lying on SM or in real life.
I don’t lie.

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I’m dead serious. My opinion stands.


So does MB taking a gun to the farmhouse on his own property when he knew his tormentors were 1) planning to “destroy him” and 2) had a vicious dog with a bite record.

And since they beat him so severely he has no memory of the event, he could not testify to support a self-defense angle - which is why Taylor would not allow that defense. (And of course, there is the mysteriously missing video from the porch camera, which would also have supported self-defense.)


“ I stated that I have never understood the idea of traveling with a gun.”
Especially to a state where if you do you can face charges for unlawful possession of a weapon. If someone asked Ruth to bring the gun they certainly were not her friend(s) by asking her to commit a extremely serious offenses that could have resulted in a prison sentence for her. Not saying anyone did, IDK.


Testimony indicates that RC always or almost always travelled with a gun.

Nothing nefarious here either.


I wonder what might have been in the vehicles belonging to RG. If only a police officer had thought to secure and look at the whole scene. Maybe he had a shovel or other tools too.


I’ve stated before that by his obtaining the gun and driving over there with the gun and initiating the confrontation, to the extent all that was established for the jury, which it was, he can’t claim self defense when RG then tackled and choked him. In the absence of all that evidence that he went into their physical presence with a deadly weapon, Blinikas could have woven one of your tales of reasonable doubt due to maybe RG tackling him before the shots, despite the amnesia. I believe RG tackled him after he shot LK, as LK and ED testified. But even if RG had tackled him first, my non lawyer opinion is that it’s not* considered self defense given that he brought the gun and “started it”.

Was it testified that he had a concussion?

What do you think RG should have done other than subduing him by force (non lethal force)? Stand there while he reloaded?

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Criminal, but not nefarious?

LK knew better than to travel to NJ with a gun.


How many farm trucks don’t have random tools? Laugh.

I do agree that it would have been very informative if the police had done their job.


So she says - the person who says whatever she needs to say to support her narrative of the moment. And admits she lies, lies, lies - but hey, it’s no big deal, right? :roll_eyes:


Maybe she knew better but that doesn’t mean she didn’t have a gun. She is known to lie


As far as MB may have known nobody was in the home being they were kicked out by the inspector the day before. MB would have no knowledge of the very unusual circumstance of late night emails with an agency now would he?


Help me out!
I’m about 600 posts behind since I just packed up my Florida farm and migrated back north.
Where should I start reading that I don’t have to experience the groundhog’s day back and forth among CH and everyone else. Is there any New info on this thread?


She had prior arrests. It would have been problematic. Besides I don’t know that she DID NOT have a gun being she posted SHE DID.

And no I’m not talking about the NC gun(s).


LK knew the gun laws in NJ were very strict. There is zero indication she brought a gun to NJ. She said she did not bring a gun to NJ.

RC did bring a gun to NJ, and admitted under oath that she brought it and handed it to MB, who then used it to shoot and nearly kill someone.


Oh, that would take all the fun out of it.
I would note were you were (post number) and then skip to the end if you have limited time now. When you have more time go back and read the posts you missed.