Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Turns out it was “problematic” for RC, even without prior arrests.

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Once again - he could not claim self-defense because that would have depended on one or more of the following:

  1. his own testimony
  2. other supporting witnesses
  3. video

Item 1 was out because he was beaten so severely, he had no memory of the event. Item 2 was out because the only witnesses were LK and RG. Item 3 was out because the video from the porch camera had oh-so-mysteriously disappeared.

Ergo, no self-defense tangent because there was no evidence to support it.

If you want to take the word of two lying grifters about what happened, that says a heck of a lot about your character. :roll_eyes:


And again - you are going to believe the word of a lying grifter?


Apparently you didn’t understand my point. I won’t bother repeating it.

Great posts @DownYonder!


Not simply because she stated it, no. I’m going by the fact there was no evidence that she brought a gun to NJ.

Unlike RC. There is abundant evidence that RC brought a gun to NJ.

Who declared to daddy and Rob and others(?) mere hours earlier FINISH THE BASTARD. Wonder how CH interprets that comment? Let’s sit back and watch the spin & twist! :slight_smile:


Is there a difference between a sponsor and patron and victim of pressure to provide $$?


Her disappeared post said or implied otherwise.


Was it? RC testified and said nothing that sealed MBs fate and got off of her charges while making some statements that were pro MB.

To my eyes, it made the Prosecutor look kind of stupid. All that postulating for nothing.


No. Summary. Seeker1 came on and needled the hard core LK bashers. They have gone lower than anything I’ve seen LK post and invented scenarios not supported by any evidence or jury verdict and they did it in unison. It’s a real stomach turner but no new information.


like spoons and needles?


There was other evidence presented besides the two victim’s testimony, evidence that supported their testimony(I agree they did not present as well as the state would have wanted). Apparently however enough for the jury to be convinced without a doubt that MB shot LK and was insane. Believing the jury got it right and made the appropriate decision does not reflexed badly on anyone’s character.

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where? What evidence?
the not conducted gunpowder residue test? The not secured crime scene? The not collected finger prints?



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Yeah. We’re the problem. We discussed what the trial brought forth. If this family would stop saying ridiculous things, there would be nothing for us to comment on.

At least I didn’t threaten to sue anyone and take their home and farm. Oh and I didn’t lie either. So there’s THAT.

I recall learning that gaslighting is to cause something to happen and then play the victim.

Perhaps gaslighting is not a good posting strategy.


Again, it’s legal to carry on private property. Being armed on your private property in no way incriminates anyone. He did not “start it.” Not valid. We do not know when MB was attacked. Self defense was thrown out because the only evidence were two unreliable and inconsistent testimonies.


They keep on trying to alter truth and then when we correct them they act all put out and disparage us.


Seeker1 came on and needled the hard core LK bashers. They have gone lower than anything I’ve seen LK post”[quote=“Knights_Mom, post:8483, topic:771580, full:true”]

Yeah. We’re the problem. We discussed what the trial brought forth. If this family would stop saying ridiculous things, there would be nothing for us to comment on.

At least I didn’t threaten to sue anyone and take their home and farm. Oh and I didn’t lie either. So there’s THAT.

I recall learning that gaslighting is to cause something to happen and then play the victim.

Perhaps gaslighting is not a good posting strategy.

Talk about delusions. I guess HH also fails to read for comprehension. To compare the years of LKs vile rants to how S1 was interacted with here is absurd. Not to mention S1 made some pretty nasty personally pointed comments to others here.
That whole tree is filled with rotten fruit


Yup! And NOPE.