Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

@hut-ho78 for the sake of discussion, to what extent does LK’s status as a shooting victim absolve her of her actions? If someone does terrible things, should they not be called out on it because they’re a victim? Should they be free from any and all criticism? Where’s the line there? I think the answer might not be the same for everyone, but what do you think?



Still wondering why someone would drink bleach, tbh. Maybe I’m naive.

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She posted that she knew she shouldn’t.
And we know she lies.
Which suggests she may do so, even though she knows it’s illegal.


Then it’s a travesty the jury did not find him NG on all charges, according to your view.


Um, did you actually read the article I posted fact checking the “bleach episode” and how it occurred? Of course you didn’t! That would change your narrative!! FACTS MATTER


Or a gun?

Oh, I forgot - Miss Lollipop said she knew better than to bring her guns to NJ. :roll_eyes:

I can’t remember if Mr. “I’m-A-Hero (But Not Any More Honest Than Ms. Lollipop)” also said he didn’t have any guns there.


If you have a problem with me, put me on ignore already. I have no idea why you’ve been coming at me lately. I did not see the article you posted, it probably got lost in the 100’s of posts around here. Sorry.

And what is “my narrative” please, explain it to me.

I literally just don’t know why someone would drink bleach. Period. I’m ignorant. I’m not saying someone did or didn’t, I’m literally saying why would someone (or anyone) do that.

Edit: this is especially weird because I actually agree with you quite a bit.


I respect the juror’s decision. But no, that doesn’t connect A to B like you would like it to. Again, carrying on private property is legal. MB didn’t “start” anything by legally carrying on private property. Self defense was thrown out because of lack of evidence. Period.


We also were informed that it was all MHG’s fault.


And fracture another equine Olympians face…?
The nonsense knows no bounds.


Did you read the article? It was described in an article. (Not sure which thread it was posted in.)

Edit, I see you did not see the article. It was probably in the other thread.

The cleaning staff in the hotel left a water bottle of bleach solution on a table, where MB had earlier in the day left a partial bottle of water. He picked it up, thinking it was his water and chugged it. He did not realize it was bleach until he swallowed it.
He ended up in the hospital.

Edit 2 - I think Eggbutt simply read your post wrong. It is hard with so many people trying to twist things around. I mean, the whole bleach thing came up because someone was trying to make MB look bad with it.

Edit 3 - @CanteringCarrot here is the article


I heard the war in Ukraine is also her fault. Dammit, MHG.

Sarcasm, of course.


Yeah, really.

I think what “bothered” me the most was the speeding of rumors and false statements by Seeker1…when she was condemning others for allegedly doing just that. The whole thing was just so hypocritical.


One from another country with no apparent connections to MB no less. It’s mind-boggling.


I also heard Usain Bolt drinks bleach to increase his speed.

(sarcasm again)


Yeah, that’s the other thing; the 2 threads. It can be hard to keep up at times. I’m only a human…who is often multi-tasking. Thank you for the summary, and reposting the article, appreciate it. What a weird way that story got twisted. It was made to sound like it was deliberate…or something.

I agree there’s a lot of twisting around here, but I really wasn’t trying to twist a thing. Just being ignorant. I appreciate your reply.


And if anyone here has a previous parking citation, well, I just can’t have people like that in my life and I’ll need to shun you and suspect you of crimes.



Also, do not drive around with a shovel in your vehicle.


Oh, no. Anyone with a shovel in their farm truck is a murderer. I have all the proof from a YouTube comment.
