Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Well, you know that Eggbutt. She’s new here.


Get a marine battery, keep it charged and not only can you jump your car you can use the jumper alligator clips as clamps and…oh never mind. Those are guild secrets. You didn’t demonstrate the secret handshake!


Well, his vehicle would not have been the only one in that parking lot with a firearm in it. A dozen or so of those guys used to meet at the range every other week, usually during lunch time. (We are in the free state of GA, not a People’s Socialist Republic like NJ.) :laughing:


LOL. ED heard two gun shots, and prior to the gun shots he did not hear a struggle. He testified to having a normal conversation with LK, then hearing her say “Michael is here. OMG he had a gun!” Then hearing two gun shots.

Or were you asking Down Yonder what she was “yammering about”? You responded to her.

So, is anyone a mole within USEF? Have they opened an investigation on Lauren? Combing through the over 740 pages MHG overnighted in August 2019? At least it isn’t 19,000 pages to parse.


Seek1 was holding up a mirror. Look in the mirror, KM.


Oh yes he waited for MB to leave the bush, walk to the table, put the phone down and walk back to the bush.


Are we sure that whatever investigation might actually be going on, that it is over a 2+ year old packet of information? Might it be more likely it is over something more recent that was brought to their attention?


Hmmmmm, I was just told @CurrentlyHorseless thought I had mistaken @CanteringCarrot’s post for her. Well, a) CanteringCarrot is not on my ignore/Mute list therefore I can see their posts (please I beg of you, at least try to keep up…I know it is hard for you) and, b) @CurrentlyHorseless does not under any circumstances have my proxie to apologize for me… EVER. If apologies are needed, I’m adult enough to provide my own apologies.

Seriously @CurrentlyHorseless don’t you have something better to attack? I can promise you you will not win going up against a leader of an illegal mob. Now, run off and play with the others on your team, mkay?


I can find out…investigation under way!


My car is full of eskies for doing grocery deliveries, a month worth of clothes and phone chargers for my other work, so I can join the rest of you if we need to go on the run. I am sure the umbrella will come in handy.


Like the trial testimony?


It’s funny that you are the only one who “gets” what seeker1 is doing. You’ve pointed it out 3 times now as well. I remember because each time it struck me as just a little too odd.

Oh and FWIW, I don’t think KM is the one who looks bad here. But what do I know about character? I’m a parking citation wielding, bleach drinking shovel-lover.


And the fraud allegations/Ali Brock. Or heck, the continued defamation of MHG and other members?


LOL. Tell everyone again how saying I simply changed B for A is a lie, just because I also made additional edits, when the entire edited paragraph as well as the original was there in plain sight.

You’re clever, explain it again.

Did I stoop to calling you Liar! when you posted that a March 2022 was posted in March 2019? No. You made a mistake, I wrote a true but incomplete description of my edits.

Neither one is a lie. Only one of us stooped using a mistake or incomplete description as pretext to call the other a liar. You must be proud.

Look in the mirror, Eggbutt.

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youtube harrassment??


Could be that too. Or maybe they were sitting on the old information until after the trial? I doubt they got rid of it, so even if scrutinizing Lauren now was prompted by what she said under oath, or what she has done since the trial, it may be useful.


I’m on it y’all. Give me a few hours at least.

While I’m working that project, will Ed Bilinkas represent us for our potential illegal mob charges? Can we afford him?


Maybe we can get a group rate?