Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Logic tells me they will initially combine all they have and cull out anything they wouldn’t be able to charge and litigate in a hearing.

Nope. :roll_eyes:


Sort of like “class action defense”? :slight_smile:


Sigh. No.

I think the fact that he brought the gun to the house means that he can’t claim self defense in the legal sense if he used the gun against RG or LK if RG happened to get the upper hand in a physical altercation before any shots were fired.

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:grin: exactly!

I’m still feeling terribly sorry for the entire office staff of Mr. B/Mr. D.


Let’s just completely ignore the fact that this argument is no where in the record as to why the judge did not allow the jury to consider self-defense. The only reason why self defense wasn’t on the table, is because the court ruled there was no evidence because MB did not testify to the elements of self defense.

But it’s okay, we understand that the reason why you just don’t get it is because you aren’t a lawyer.


I did and me likey!!

I’ll hold my record up against LK and Klan ANY day of the week. :grin:


What you are describing is actual self defense. If RG “got the upper hand” on MB and RG was beating MB violently and MB believed his life was in danger or serious bodily harm, then MB would be within his legal right to defend his life with his firearm. That is self defense.

Just because you say something over and over doesn’t make it true.


Thank you @Warmblood1!


Probably a most profoundly correct statement. Isn’t fascinating how words joined together using truth and logic actually make perfect sense? Did everyone see the damage RG inflicted to Barisone’s head, face, ears, arm? I know, I know, Miss Kanarek was doubletapped center mass but we will always debate how that occurred. There is no debate on how and who caused Barisone’s severe injuries.


If USEF had someone monitoring the threads, I doubt that they would post. They wouldn’t even need a user account.

Your post #8555 is a response to Down Yonder, but contains a quote on mine. It’s not hard to do.

It must be so because up thread they insisted they never lie so…


My murder car has like three sweatshirts in it too. Just imagine all the nefarious things one can do with those? :crazy_face: (squeee, another chance to use my new favorite smile face)



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Is there any other kind?

Edit - Before someone tells me yes. I know there are other kinds of sweatshirts. But in my world…hoodies are a problem.


My murder car is piled with crap. I can paper cut at least 1000 people! Also death by Layena and that brush thing for snow. A yeti cooler for body parts and a new horse face mask. There’s a black ripped sheet size 82 and my winter jacket so no one ought to mess with me!!


Really, you meant to yell at Cantering Carrot?

Then what is “the narrative” you’re accusing her of pushing? She’s one of the few middle of the road, non partisan posters on these threads.

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@CurrentlyHorseless, do you bother to actually read the thread? Clearly not.