Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Excellent hypothesis! Very well could have happened this way!


If I took a beating in which I received the injuries MB had, you bet I would have been in fear for my life.


Well MB didn’t beat himself, that’s for sure.

All the injuries of the other two clearly could have been caused by a variety of scenarios, which, without forensics, all remain plausible.

MBs injuries? There is no doubt that these two beat and choked him unconscious.


Seeker1 has returned to the other thread :woman_facepalming:

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Pfft, we know that’s a ninja costume. :wink:


And there in lies the rub. The jury was instructed that they could only consider the one limited presented sequence of events, and the defense was prevented from really exploring any evidence as to what that timeline or sequence might have actually been.


And it’s cocktail hour back east. What will the magic 8 ball reveal tonight?


So, CH is saying that KK is mimicking us in our lies and LK bashing, and we had been doing so since LK was in the hospital. I wasn’t sure of this, so I went back to the very first thread and scanned through the first 500 or so posts. First of all, while I may have missed it, I didn’t see Eggbutt in there at all. Most of the posters are different from the current group.

So, not the same crowd. As to bashing and falsehoods I saw none. One poster had personal knowledge of LK and shared that episode. In that story, LK refused to leave a barn when asked and it got ugly. I am sure LK would have a different version, but I believe it to be true.

Other posters quoted her FB page. Her own words. Not bashing and lying. Her words were discussed as they were odd, to say the least. Again, nothing we don’t know for sure.

Facts were speculated, just as is being done here, but no bashing. LK 's “assault with a deadly weapon” charge was brought up. Not a lie.

Some posters here have very personal feelings for the individuals involved and that sometimes spills over into the rhetoric. But they have a right to the feelings they have as they have had personal interactions with the principals.

Others of us, myself included, don’t know any of the folks personally. But I have had nasty snark directed at me for a neutral comment. So, does that color my view? Sure.

I think KK’s posts were odd and got very nasty. I certainly don’t think others “have gone lower”. @eggbutt, have you ever called another poster “nastier than a junkyard dog?” You, of everyone here have probably been the most passionate in your feelings, but I am not sure I have seen you name call. Be sarcastic? A little snippy? Sure. But generally appropriate and often a little funny.

So,to @CurrentlyHorseless, and @hut-ho78, I say there is a lot of speculation and guessing as to the real facts. The jury made their decision with very limited facts, and I think they did a great job. But that doesn’t mean that what was testified to in court by the two people present were the actual facts.

I honestly do not see bashing and lying for the most part. It’s human nature to wonder what really happened. Do we think LK and RG are fine upstanding citizens? There have been no facts introduced to support that.

Oh, I forgot. In the first thread, all the real hatefulness was from SW . People quoted her. And she was nasty. So go hate on her.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You got me!!



Don’t forget the quicklime.


I believe this is also another instance of claiming to be playing 3D chess to describe fairly straightforward, even unsophisticated, behaviour by someone wants to shine it up for one reason or another - make it appear more clever and planned than it actually is.

Where have we seen that before? :thinking:


Y’all are friggin’ lightweights!

I tell people I keep a 55 gallon barrel of bacon grease in the basement. If my husband acts up, he gets coated in bacon grease while naked, and tied to a tree near the biggest sink hole on the property. Yes, we have a VERY active coyote population.

All the neighbors know this. One couple we know even joked about using a description of this method in their wedding vows. And yet, of all the people who have heard this little tale, not one actually believes it will happen.

Hell, my little plot is so much more extensive than the plan LK suggests MB was going to use to murder her and RG.


The word spew is the equivalent of a double-dutch rudder demonstration. Seems appropriate for Friday the 13th.


Based on that one comment, it seemed like a long list of complainants to track down and threaten with defamation to make them stop. Makes sense that CotH would be the place to start….


MB’s vinelink status says transferred. Hopefully this will be a positive move for him and he can get help.


Tentative Yay!


Oh I hope he went to a good place!


It’s not just you. I go to the barn, ride a few horses, and come back and things have gone off the rails. I am hundreds of posts - if not over a thousand - behind on both threads combined. The main update from what I can see is it isn’t just CH et al, now it is allegedly Lauren’s mom posting… hence the high volume.


Maybe the GFM will have an update once he is settled in and there is more info to report.


Oh, that is awesome news! I wonder when that happened and if that is why the natives suddenly got very restless. :laughing:

I truly hope he is in a better place where he can get counseling and start the wheels moving toward his psych evaluation and release.