Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Your level of clueslessness will go down in history as being legendary.


Good point about the safety of not only himself, but also the staff. I guess all they know is that a ā€œbig manā€ is being transferred in, after being found NGI of attempted murder. Totally makes sense to take due precautions.

May the time pass swiftly for him, and I hope he is allowed a daily phone call with friends or attorneys. And after the quarantine period, I pray he is allowed more ā€œamenities.ā€


OMG! How delusional? Of course the infamous letter is brought up yet again!!

Obviously Lauren has run out of gas and is now making up BS that Schellhorn didnā€™t introduce. I suspect Schellhorn didnā€™t mention the killer shovel because he totally comprehended shovels in a farm pickup truck are normal. Wonder why Rob didnā€™t grab that shovel to Finish the Bastard?

Yet, this womanā€™s family condones these fantasy posts and actually promote them!

Iā€™d like to know if a cease and desist order would be appropriate or perhaps just toss this onto the pile of slander evidence?


Oh, hooray! What wonderful news!


Imagine the posts sheā€™ll make when she realizes Michael has been transferred! I pray for proper and adequate security for him while at AK. The reach of the Kanarek evil knows no boundaries.


One more damning piece of evidence that even had to make it past the jail screeners to get out in the world, and they chose not to intercept it, and the State chose not to use it to show he was ā€œfeigningā€.

How Mr Schellhorn turned that level of incompetence (/s) into a promotion is yet another mystery.


You can join our mob, and please bring the Dobermans. They might come in handy if we encounter a vicious Dachshund-Doberman cross. :wink:


If she wants to be front and center, show up to your lessons.


Fixed it for you! (Bold edit is mine!)


Intentional, so thereā€™s deniability about her posts, any of them?


Do you suppose a legal mob is comprised solely of lawyers and judges?


If MGH supposedly said ā€œLET RUTH DO ITā€ and then supposedly RC brought the gun to NJ for that purpose, and then MB used said gun, why werenā€™t MGH and RC charged with conspiracy to commit attempted murder?


I envision our illegal mob following the example set by Wesley!

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Because :sparkles:reasons :sparkles:


Also, according to one of LKā€™s YouTube posts they didnā€™t use the word murderā€¦probably because they werenā€™t talking about murder.


Bingo. It was even said by one of their obsequious servants that they were pressing the civil suit to force a settlement from the the Sweetgrass Farm insurance carrier.

The fact that they are so obsessed about it makes me think this may not be their first rodeo. If that is the case, it may even be the source of LKā€™s ā€œmoney.ā€


Good point, and I have also wondered about that. I donā€™t recall anyone stating how or when it got moved - or why.


It is crazy that there is someone who has admitted to and shown that they post and delete the post on a pretty regular basis but people are insisting that a post that several people are saying they saw could not possibly exist because it is not there now.
Some people are so weird and so unable to think in a logical manner.

Donā€™t forget the video of some person she did not even know who was minding their own business shopping at the store, all while LK and RG follow her and make fun of her.

@Fiesta01 Milkshake is adorable! A guard cow seems like a good thing!

And from the sounds of posts here by Seeker, it appears the whole family is in agreement with that.

I am confused. Yesterday you said you are who transcribed the tapes. Now you are saying you do not know who is talking?

This would be the most logical answer.


I mean, thatā€™s usually why people file a civil suit; to get money. Which isnā€™t unreasonable at all in many cases.

Iā€™m just not sure what kind of damages or losses can be claimed, exactly, in this case. I can think of a few (not saying whether or not I agree with the claims), but Iā€™m not in the US and only have a vague idea how it goes re civil suits and damages. I believe you can do the whole ā€œloss of incomeā€ thing but I donā€™t know what happens if you have no income from a job? Or if you canā€™t prove that this financially changed anything for you. Iā€™m not sure how/if they put price tags on emotional trauma and whatnot.


You can pull a random number out of thin air, but where Iā€™m struggling with this suit is, the plaintiff (LK) has a duty to mitigate their damages. For example, packing up and leaving when her dad negotiated a new barn. And, the plaintiff has to prove their contributions to this mess donā€™t outweigh the defendantā€™s. So, that should be interesting to see that spin.