Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Work?! How gauche. That is for the little people to do. Burger flippers, vacuumers, ladies’ maids, launderers, etc.


Oh yeah, I didn’t think about that.

I understand it’s not easy moving multiple horses, but if your life is truly endanger and you truly heard your murder being plotted on tapes, you find a way to G the F O. You might have to downgrade re facilities, training, and whatnot temporarily, but if your life is worth it to you, then you’ll make it work. Even if you have to do self-care for a bit.

The added advantage would be having money to do this (which LK should). You can easily pay for transport, boarding, and other extras that might not be possible for many other horsefolk.

I don’t understand how there was such a concerning conspiracy going on, but no move was made? Where there’s a will (and money), there’s a way.


As someone astutely pointed out earlier, Schellhorn was apparently given the case after another prosecutor retired. And he was probably promised the promotion for taking a case with such flimsy evidence (two admitted drug addicts and liars as star witnesses, sloppy police work that included pretty much NO forensics, etc.). I think he probably deserved that perq, esp. after having to sit there and watch Bilinkas blow holes in his case. It was a miracle he was able to get an NGI verdict out of it.


My guess is they are banking on the elderly couple who was the other half of Sweetgrass to just want it over and done with, and will therefore tell their insurance carrier to make an offer.

They also know that no one can really move on with their lives until all the civil cases are resolved but they (Klan Kanarek) don’t need to “move on with their lives” - this IS their life.


I find it so interesting that a jury found that Michael shot and tried to kill someone and all of you send money to an attempted murderer.

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It’s interesting that all the trial testimony proved your daughter and her manservant deliberately set out to ruin Michael’s life, and yet you don’t understand why people would want to help him rebuild it.


Whereas, I’m fascinated by the study in psychological forensics that is your family.


Because I saw him (Rob) at the hospital the day it happened with his severely broken hand… I hadto make him go down to the emergency room to have it seen while we were all waiting to see if Lauren would live. I saw his frightened face… I heard his story when it happened. I had already transcribed the tapes… When people at the barn were saying that they “needed to get rid of Lauren” that they would get Ruth to do it… and that she was bringing a gun…AND THEN ALL OF THAT HAPPENED IN RL… What in the world should I think? What would you think?

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So sorry to reply to myself Eggies… but instead of Ruth shooting her… she only brought the gun. then Michael went to the room when DYFS (As mentioned by Simring that Michael admitted to him) was there and got it out of the locked safe and ran down there and shot Lauren and tried to shoot Rob as evidenced by the bullet hole next to where he was standing.

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ok don’t cry yall. Back to exercise!

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You didn’t think to get your daughter out of there when you heard what was on the tapes?

Also “getting rid of someone” does not equal killing. Bringing the gun, I don’t agree with bringing guns, so I’m not in support of that. However, it’s possible they MB, RC and MHG feared for their lives.

It’s hard because we haven’t heard the tapes and paranoia and twisting words is sort of a trend here. So sorry if I don’t take your or your daughters word for it. If what is on the tapes is exactly as you say, I’ll eat crow, I’m fine with that.


I, like Ruth, didn’t believe they would do anything like that. I thought they were just blowing off steam. Also I was in Europe on a ship and didn’t have the ability to do anything whatsoever.

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you can do whatever… but many of you have asked to please tie the pieces together. There you have it. If you were me, what would you think?

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I’m lighting a candle and praying for you Seeker. Thank you for saying that we should do this.


What are you lying about now Sparky?

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The real conspiracy was the grifters’ plan to force MB to offer them $$$ to leave (remember the insurance payment that LK harped on?)

And then the conspiracy morphed into a plan to extort $$$ from SGF for “damages” suffered by LK.

It has always been about money, and it was fueled by LK’s jealousy and rage toward MHG for becoming “the apple of MB’s eye” and for recognizing LK and RG as leeches and low-life drug addicts, and not people she wanted around her children.


Fair enough. Your reasoning, is your reasoning.

I have no idea what I would think if I were you. Mostly because you’re privy to more details than I am, so I can’t give an exact or accurate statement on what I’d do if I were you, to be honest.


Some people don’t like being seen for who they are. :woman_shrugging:


You were able to transcribe the tapes aboard ship? I’m impressed that you didn’t get seasick.


I’m trying to find kindness for ALL involved in this mess. As you hoped.