Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Again, I think Seeker1 is just mirroring the type of thing said on these threads. She says something salacious and damning, but adds “I believe” and just lets it float out there to taunt and do its damage.

I think it’s time you and she turn the paige.


You can believe whatever you want.


I’m Not sure about Ann Klein, but being quarantined doesn’t mean he’s not meeting with staff and doctors and moving forward with treatment.
I don’t think it’s solitary confinement, as that likely would trigger behaviors and isn’t good for anyone unstable.


And as I recall from some of her facebook posts, she had friends offering to move her as quickly as possible, but she chose not to take advantage of all of the offers. Again, if you fear for your life, you get the he!! out of Dodge.


I so hope you are right! :pray:


Since you brought it up, and this is a Dressage board, backpedalling on your road bike is almost the exact same feeling as sitting the trot. To really engage your core, sit up and ride without handlebars.


In the US, you can sue for pain and suffering. Medical bills. Rehab bills. Loss of enjoyment because her riding is made more difficult by the scar tissue. She has plenty of basis to sue even without suing for loss of income.

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You may not get much depending on the state. Plus her actions in causing the event will come into play. And being the previous jury found he was driven to insanity that doesn’t bode well.

His counterclaim however, with the posts and barefoot veiled ninja and admitting to destroy him will lead to compensation for the damage to his income and reputation.


Bolding mine.

Silly Angela, that is not weird. Their stories not jiving is pretty typical for this klan.

They are the same people who are still saying that the letter sent from jail proves that MB set out to kill them that day. Clearly, to them everything is someone admitting to a murder plot.


Thanks for the reminder to help right the wrongs perpetrated by your family. Donations made !


Bolding mine.

You know the answer to that. Premeditation is not required for attempted murder. Intent is required, but firing a gun at someone in a way that is likely to cause death (two shots to the chest), is enough to establish intent if the shooter is sane.

The prosecutor established his case. The tapes would not have established it “more”.

The defense also established its affirmative case that the intent that would have been established had MB been sane was not there due to the insanity finding.

If the prosecution had not established its case, MB round have received NG on all four counts, and he would be at his Florida facility now.

I thought you said that you looked in the mirror and liked what you saw. Then why the objection to the word “mirror”?

I would rather support someone found NG who is trying to put their life back together so he can once again support himself than spend my whole life supporting an addict who goes around terrorizing innocent people and doing nothing other than that.


I don’t object to the word mirror at all. Weird you would think that.



Not sure I see it…so I will have to try it :sweat_smile: based off of backpedaling on a spin bike I can think of it maybe engaging some core and pelvic floor muscles :thinking: not sure if it’s to the extent of riding a big moving extended trot, but may very well use similar muscles in similar ways to sitting a trot. I’m intrigued.


Innocent? A man who has his girlfriend and wife living in the same place? A man who beats his chest and acts insane. A man who was suicidal and rolled up on a ball? This man made his own problems. My daughter stepped into a hornets nest!

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Won’t work on a sedentary bike. Balance is strength. Besides they have those big fat seats.


brown derby… do not insult fat seats! that is seat fat shaming.