Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

How much money each party gets is up the the courts. There is no shame in suing for damages after someone has injured you. That’s what civil suits are for.

I agree that the harmful actions of each party will be examined in the legal reckoning.

This will be controversial- prepare yourself:

Just as “Let’s get rid of her”. “Let Ruth do it” can admit a wide range of interpretations, “Finish the bastard” has interpretations other than “I know MB is on the edge of a psychological breakdown, let’s deliberately push him over the edge.”

Texting to MHG ‘I’m going to get her banned from USEF for life’, on the other hand, is less ambiguous.

I think the jury determined he was not legally responsible for shooting her due to his insanity. I do not think they needed to determine the exact breakdown as to her quantitative role on “causing” the insanity, as distinct from his childhood abuse, his CPTSD and the other psychological stressors on him at the time, both financial and personal.

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Sounds like her daddy, his lawyers, MB, MB’s lawyers, and a poor trainer who didn’t know what he was signing up for moved heaven and earth to make room for her and her horses in a comparable training program just down the road. And she declined.


And - provided the jury believes MB was the shooter - she will quite likely be successful with those claims. Undoubtedly her injuries have come with a lot of physical and emotional pain, plus significant financial costs.


Darn, that is horrible for her. Too bad she did not just leave when so many people offered to help her leave. It was all figured out by your very own husband, per your lawyer - all said under oath in the trial (that is ignoring all the posts on social media where people offered help too), but LK refused to go.

All this talk about him being horrible makes it seem so weird that your camp has been saying since the beginning that LK/Bob would gladly ride with MB again if the option was there (I think the requirement in those posts if that MHG has to be held responsible for existing).


Yeah, it’s “weird, creepy, and absurd” but perfectly predictable.

The trial is over, Eggbutt’s team claims the verdict of NGRI is the verdict they wanted (according to KM, even better than NG ???), LK is banned from COTH, and it’s just like before the trial — “It was self defense!” “He brought the gun because he was afraid of the dog!” “She edits and deletes stuff on SM!” “She can’t post anymore, so let’s scour other SM to post on COTH for her!”


Ignoring for a moment that is untrue, why would that be anyone’s business except the man, his wife, and his girlfriend?


Well, yes, I know, which is why I said I’d have to try it. I meant that the closest thing I could think of was on the spin bike. Mine doesn’t have a big fat seat? So that depends too. Most stationary bikes do though.

As endorsed by Kirby Kanarek.


No insult intended to your bike saddle. Since the Pandemic our morning spin classes have been held outside. It’s proven so popular that they are staying outside.


Idk what this has to do with innocence :woman_shrugging: if all adults are fine with the arrangement I don’t care if you have an ex-wife, 2 wives, and 8 girlfriends in thr same place. Weird, but whatever. Idk about the chest beating. Was this a regular thing?

Idk how someone’s mental health and suicidal thoughts have a thing to do with innocence. Clearly he was struggling and certain people were looking to kick him…errr I mean “finish the bastard” when he was down. But yes, your innocent daughter stepped into a hornets nest. Right. She completely stayed out of their personal problems and acted completely courteous and normal. Right. She’s innocent. Right.

Speaking of making our own problems, why is it that this is only applicable to some? Why do only certain people have to take responsibility for their actions? Yet others “problems” are not caused by them at all (sarcasm).


You sound jealous. Did you send up a trial balloon and get turned down?


Really though…what differences would it make if LK were still posting here?


Oh that’s a good idea. I only use the spin bike when the weather is horrid or when I can’t get to the gym (like when it closes during a pandemic)…so I’m sort of the opposite, but would go for outdoor classes. We used to have various outdoor classes pre-pandemic (then classes became verboten). Fortunately we have a lot of good biking routes around here.


snoopy laugh


Hey wait! Beats his chest? I thought he just beat horses.


And the award for non sequitur of the day goes to…


She may have stepped into a hornet’s nest, but it’s then she kicked the crap out of it and got mad she was stung that everyone here disapproves of.



Do you know for a fact that it is untrue?

Posters on this board stated that while MB and his wife were living at HH in the farmhouse, at some point he moved out of the farmhouse to live with MHG in the barn living quarters. With Vera remaining in the farmhouse got a while because she didn’t want a divorce.

Other posters said it was not true. However, MHG testified in the trial that her relationship with MB began in 2015. I don’t have personal knowledge that VKB was still living at HH in 2015, but I’m guessing that there are lots of people who do.

If he left his wife and the business partner who helped create the business for MHG, who was then threatening to leave him if he didn’t “get rid” of one of his paying clients at a time when he was struggling to meet expenses, … that seems pertinent to understanding the mental break. To me.

No difference. That’s HHs point. She was banned, and in response her bashers simply import her SM posts from elsewhere to mock and criticize.

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You are a very impressive transcriptionist if you managed to transcribe all those 100s of hours of recordings in two days. Clearly you did not sleep or eat …