Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Lauren was in way over her head. She had a horse that Michael told her to bring over from Europe shortly before this happened in addition to the one she bought from him and the 2 or 3 she already had… She did not know what to do to move all of those animals. No one on this forum wants to put their horses just anywhere. It is NOT EASY and you all know that.

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Nope, that is NOT what the court found to be true


YES it is Rhythm… they found that he tried to kill Lauren but he was not criminally charged because he was deemed insane.

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I keep thinking about this line. Who got bit when going in for the inspectors?

I wonder how the “Let Ruth Do It” recording relates to the whole time line of inspectors making someone else go into the house to post whatever had to be posted?

Thank you!
I just figure that this family has a history of removing/editing and then insisting that was never said. Might as well just quote them all.
Bonus that it makes it easy to go back and find a comment when you (me) want to reference it.

Great post @Warmblood1.
I think you need to add - And I paid to be the center of his world. Because isn’t that what we were told here by her mother?



The court found no truth to the charges for RG so that’s only 1 person


That is why he is sitting in Ann Klein institution without a pillow, book, pen, pencil… until they can determine that he will not hurt any of the other guests of the state facility while under their watch… This is maximum security.


If he didn’t do someone very very bad he would be at home.

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If he hadn’t met LK & RG he would still be at home


Your previous lies of things you “heard” render any statement you say unbelievable.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus


Please excuse my “yawn”, but you’re very tiring.


Including you.

I predict that your own bad behavior online will further diminish any chance of LK pursuing a successful civil suit, if indeed that is still in discussion. It will also help countersuits against LK by showing a pattern of behavior. And fodder for the upcoming True Crime podcast called “Who Does That??”


ok… according to the court he tried to brutally kill one person… and came very very close to succeeding. I know that another one would have had some bullet holes and possibly two deaths if our heros the police and Rob had not stepped in and held him down. He was OFF THE CHARTS.

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You were most certainly trying to distract.

There is no other reason for your continual spewage of Vera and MHG et al.

All you do is try and portray MB as an animal. You exaggerate, lie, belittle and say whatever you need to to keep that narrative.


According to the jury’s verdict, he didn’t have the capacity to or the intent to try to kill anything.


But if the tapes contain plotting, especially between three people, this would have been a conspiracy. It’s likely that if the tapes had a murder plot, playing them for the jury would have taken the insanity plea off the table. If three people are plotting a murder either all of them are insane or none of them are.


Again an exaggeration and lie. There was ONE unhappy student who posted their tale.


Ruth Cox illegally tried to enter the home where Rob and Lauren lived. The guard dog stopped her cold. You shouldnt break into someone’s home especially where there is a dog who is protective there. Ruth Cox… bless her heart… may well have been put up to doing that to by Michael as he did not want to get his hands dirty. Not only was Michael mean but he tried to get people like poor Ruth to do dastardly deeds so he could blame her. Man… what a guy that you are all funding right and left. Do you actually think Ruth Cox would have gone up to the apartment where Rob and Lauren were living without permission/encouragement from Michael? No…she would not.

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You might as well add JK to that list too.

Silly you, CH said they do not lie. I am not sure how we balance out the posts that say otherwise, but darn it, she said she does not lie so we must believe that.


Beats his chest? Puts his wife and girlfriend together? So now he’s a polyamorous gorilla.
If there was a hornet’s nest your daughter kicked it.


He had huge problems. HUGE ones. You can call it what you want.