Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity


And your statements are again wrong. A family trait it seems.

You continue to lie and it’s not working.


Yes named LK, RG & JK


Did you miss the testimony regarding multiple people working in Lauren’s favor who had found a suitable place for all of her horses? If I had to move my 4 personal horses it would be my responsibly and without assistance.

And without a doubt, if I or my horses were in danger, they would be moved TODAY. I’ve owned horses for going on 30 years and have lived in multiple states. In no way do I, nor those who testified, believe she couldn’t have moved her horses.


…this post was removed

Nope, that has nothing to do with MB personally. It is protocol. They have to ensure he is not a risk to himself or any others. When they find he is not, he will be introduced to the hospital’s patients. The hospital also must follow their own COVID protocols.


If it were confined to just her actual SM posts and actions, I would agree with you.

But posting 100s of times: ‘LK pushed MB over the edge by calling CPS and falsely accusing MB of sexual abuse of children’ is very different.

As it turns out, it was SS that called CPS to investigate MHG for “neglect”, which I understand is pretty much anything other than sexual abuse.

That’s just one example. There are thousands of others.

Do you have a problem with posters on COTH posting hundreds of times accusations of unhinged, vengeful behavior that are untrue or unproven?

Seeker1 is throwing out nasty, damaging statements about others, and adding “It’s just a rumor”. And lots of people who have done the same to LK for years are outraged! Outraged!

By the way I’m not an LK apologist. She’s done plenty to be ashamed of.

I think nasty, demeaning, juvenile behavior on SM is disgusting whether it comes from LK or from Eggbutt, IdahoRider, or AmbitiousKate.



and why would he be a risk to himself or others? BECAUSE HE TRIED TO KILL SOMEONE WITH A GUN!!! A DEADLY WEAPON>

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THANK YOU for proving exactly why MB would carry a firearm for self defense.


I honestly do not know what you are thinking Nighty Night. You can believe whatever you want. The facts that can and have been verified by your friends are in place NOW. Reported and verified by you.

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Thank goodness we have you here to make sense of her posts.


Edit to add - In case anyone is wondering, the post that was edited to say it was removed is the second post quoted above. The one where Seeker claims “He vowed to destroy her life long before she did that.”

I guess she had LOTS of warning to get out but wanted to prove that she paid to be the center of his world so much that she just would not go.


FWiW, We acquired a very nice schoolmaster and 5 other horses, including a stallion, from a former client who left CA to live off the grid in Montana. Husband BPD and things went south fast. Literally. She brought all horses to our CA barn, herself. Complete with photos of one of her Traks packing in an elk. (The true Trak experience)!

One of my own former trainers had to leave quick because of DV. She, horses, and 2 kids were greeted at my then barn (a large layup barn) and we housed the horses, clients housed the family. She was terrified ex-to-be would harm the horses.

A similar incident, only two horses, young woman who was also frightened for herself and her horses. Didn’t have a dime but farrier hauled for her and took them in.

And where i live, barns have to be ready to evacuate IN MINUTES because of fire.


Ah yes, of course any of MB’s former students and employees would go to you specifically to air their grievances.


He’d be a risk to himself because he was driven to insanity which was proven in the court of law.

Edit: changed he’s to he’d


Delusion isn’t a good look for anyone.


Yes, the severely broken right index finger/1st metacarpal ….the same finger/hand one that would have been broken if MB had twisted and ripped the gun from RG’s hand……and interestingly enough, LK gestured with her right hand, and later clarified and directly stated MB used the right, when she said MB shot at at her.

The Amber heard psychological analysis mentioned that when gesturing we tend to act out our reactions….so that it was interesting that Amber’s gestures were taking on the aggressor’s actions when she was saying she was the victim. Very interesting when you apply that to LK’s gestures about the gun when she was shot.


Right warmblood. He is a dangerous individual who tried to kill some people and had threatened to kill himself in the past. If he wasn’t these things… he would be at home.

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Wrong. There was no “some people” and there was no “trying to kill” as adjudicated by the court. Why do you keep intentionally misrepresenting the court’s findings?

Why are you misrepresenting the findings of the court in order to libel MB?

Because at this point, by continuing to write your imaginary narrative which is known to be wrong by the court itself, you ARE libeling MB.


Interesting (the part I bolded).
So he did not know that LK and RG were at the house (because they were kicked out the night before and no one told him they had been allowed back in - per the trial testimony), let us believe he went there with the gun, and he has a history of threatening to kill himself in the past…

My brain does not have to work very hard to come up with what MB really went to the house to do that day.